用戶:Simon Wade/沙盒 2
編輯- The four main sculptural groups on each of the Arc's pillars are:
- 「出征」(Le Départ de 1792)或「馬賽曲」(La Marseillaise),由弗朗索瓦·呂德創作。雕塑紀念八月十日事件後的成立的法蘭西第一共和國。自由女神在雕塑的上部,持劍號召雕塑下部的起義軍前進。法國政府在第一次世界大戰爆發初期將這座雕塑用作徵兵的宣傳,1915年至1916年期間也通過雕塑號召法國人民購買戰爭債券。[1]
- 「勝利」(Le Triomphe de 1810),由讓·皮埃爾·科爾托創作。雕塑慶祝了法國和奧地利簽訂申布倫條約。雕塑中勝利女神為拿破崙加冕。
- 「抵抗」(La Résistance de 1814),由安托萬·埃特克斯創作,以紀念法國對第六次反法同盟戰爭的抵抗。
- 「和平」(La Paix de 1815),由安托萬·埃特克斯創作,以紀念1815年法國和第七次反法同盟簽訂的巴黎條約。
Le Départ de 1792 (La Marseillaise)
Le Triomphe de 1810
La Résistance de 1814
La Paix de 1815
- 浮雕
- 南立面右側:馬爾梭將軍的葬禮(Les funérailles du général Marceau)by P. H. Lamaire
- 南立面左側:阿布基爾戰役(La bataille d'Aboukir)by Bernard Seurre
- 東立面:熱馬普戰役(La bataille de Jemappes)by Carlo Marochetti
- 北立面右側:阿科萊戰役(Le passage du pont d'Arcole)by J. J. Feuchère
- 北立面左側:佔領亞歷山大港(La prise d'Alexandrie)by J. E. Chaponnière
- 西立面:奧斯特利茨戰役(La bataille d'Austerlitz)by J. F. T. Gechter
Les funérailles du général Marceau,
20 September 1796 -
La bataille d'Aboukir,
25 July 1799 -
La bataille de Jemmappes,
6 November 1792 -
Le passage du pont d'Arcole,
15 November 1796 -
La prise d'Alexandrie,
3 July 1798 -
La bataille d'Austerlitz,
2 December 1805
- The names of great battles of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars are engraved on the attic, including:
- A list of French victories is engraved under the great arches on the inner façades of the monument:
- The names of military leaders of the French Revolution and Empire are engraved on the inner façades of the small arches. The names of those who died on the battlefield are underlined:
Northern pillar
Eastern pillar
Southern pillar
Western pillar
- The great arcades are decorated with allegorical figures representing characters in Roman mythology (by J. Pradier):
- The ceiling with 21 sculpted roses:
- 凱旋門內部:
First World War monument
Permanent exhibition about the design of the Arch
- There are several plaques at the foot of the monument:
De Gaulle speech plaque
Proclamation of the Republic plaque
- ^ Forrest. The Legacy of the French Revolutionary Wars. Cambridge University Press. 2009-05-28: 38. ISBN 978-1139489249.