艾哈邁德·本·穆罕默德·伊本·法齊赫·哈馬達尼(波斯語:احمد بن محمد ابن الفقيه الهمذانی)是10世紀波斯歷史學家與地理學家[1],以其阿拉伯語著作《Mukhtasar Kitab al-Buldan》(意為「土地簡書」,或譯「列國志」)而知名,該作品曾在1870年代丹麥學者米歇爾·揚·德·胡耶(英語:Michael Jan de Goeje)編寫的八卷本阿拉伯地理學家地理作品選集《阿拉伯輿地叢刊》(Bibliotheca geographorum Arabicorum)中出版。
^Donzel, E. J. van. Islamic Desk Reference. BRILL. 1994-01-01: 147. ISBN 90-04-09738-4. Ibn al-Faqih: Persian author of a geography written in Arabic; ixth c. In his only surviving work The Book of the Countries, he describes his native town Hamadan and the countries of Iran, Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Rum, Jazira, Central Asia, Nubia and Abyssinia. North Africa, al-Andalus and Sudan are given merely a brief résumé.