反行政派(英語:Anti-Administration party)(1789-1792)是一個由詹姆斯·麥迪遜托馬斯·傑斐遜領導的非正式派系,該集團反對任職聯邦財政部長的亞歷山大·漢密爾頓喬治·華盛頓第一任總統任期內的各項政策。並未有一個成組織的政黨,而是一個非正式的集團,其大部分成員在1788年都是「反聯邦主義者」,即他們反對1787聯邦憲法的批准。然而,情勢易變,成員也時進時出。

成立1789年 (1789)
解散1794年 (1794)
總部 美國賓夕法尼亞州費城
黨報National Gazette英語National Gazette
官方色彩  茶綠色
政黨 · 選舉



歷史 編輯


那時,忠誠的反對黨還是一個新穎的概念。[3] 然而,麥迪遜和亨利·塔澤維爾等人在1790年1月聯合起來,反對漢密爾頓關於公共信貸的第一份報告。這個聯盟的建立標誌着反行政派的出現,當時(該派人士)幾乎只在南方。麥迪遜認為償還債務會獎勵投機者。[4]他的一份提案提出只償還原始債券持有人債務,(被國會)以36票(反對)對13票(贊成)否決。[4]漢密爾頓的報告還涉及聯邦政府對各州債務的接管方面內容。馬薩諸塞州康涅狄格州南卡羅來納州欠下了將近一半的債務,所以其他州對這種債務接管方案表示不滿。眾議院通過了(漢密爾頓提議的)該法案(但排除了債務接管內容),但參議院通過了這一條款。


1791年夏天,傑斐遜和麥迪遜把記者菲利普·弗朗諾(一位紐約市反聯邦主義報紙的狂熱編輯)帶到費城,創辦了一份反行政派報紙——《國家公報》(the National Gazette)。傑斐遜只有一份國務院資助的工作,他把這份工作交給了弗朗諾。[7]



參考資料 編輯

  1. ^ Ornstein, Allan. Class Counts: Education, Inequality, and the Shrinking Middle Class. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 9 March 2007: 56–58 [2020-11-12]. ISBN 9780742573727. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-01). 
  2. ^ Larson, Edward J. A Magnificent Catastrophe: The Tumultuous Election of 1800, America's First Presidential Campaign. 2007: 21 [2020-11-12]. ISBN 9780743293174. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-10). The divisions between Adams and Jefferson were exasperated by the more extreme views expressed by some of their partisans, particularly the High Federalists led by Hamilton on what was becoming known as the political right, and the democratic wing of the Republican Party on the left, associated with New York Governor George Clinton and Pennsylvania legislator Albert Gallatin, among others. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Wood, Gordon S. Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815. New York: Oxford University Press. 2009: 140. ISBN 978-0-19-503914-6. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Wood. p. 141.
  5. ^ Wood. p. 141–142.
  6. ^ Chernow, Ron. Washington: A Life. New York: Penguin Press. 2010: 631. ISBN 978-1-59420-266-7. LCCN 2010019154. 
  7. ^ Risjord, Norman K. Jefferson's America, 1760-1815. Rowman & Littlefield. 2010: 267–68 [2019-02-15]. ISBN 9780742561243. (原始內容存檔於2014-07-08). 
  8. ^ Wood. p. 145.
  9. ^ Chambers, William Nisbet, ed. (1972). The First Party System.

拓展閱讀 編輯

  • Banning, Lance. The Jeffersonian Persuasion: Evolution of a Party Ideology (1978).
  • Bordewich, Fergus M. The First Congress: How James Madison, George Washington, and a Group of Extraordinary Men Invented the Government (2016).
  • Bowling, Kenneth R. and Donald R. Kennon, eds. Perspectives on the History of Congress, 1789–1801 (2000).
  • Charles, Joseph. The Origins of the American Party System (1956); reprints articles in William and Mary Quarterly.
  • Cunningham, Noble E., Jr. Jeffersonian Republicans: The Formation of Party Organization: 1789–1801 (1957); highly detailed party history.
  • Elkins, Stanley and Eric McKitrick. The Age of Federalism; (1995) online version頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), the standard highly detailed political history of 1790s.
  • Hoadley, John F. "The Emergence of Political Parties in Congress, 1789–1803". American Political Science Review (1980). 74(3): 757–779. in JSTOR. Looks at the agreement among members of Congress in their roll-call voting records. Multidimensional scaling shows the increased clustering of congressmen into two party blocs from 1789 to 1803, especially after the Jay Treaty debate; shows politics was moving away from sectionalism to organized parties.
  • Libby, O. G. "Political Factions in Washington's Administration". NDQ: North Dakota Quarterly (1913). vol. 3#3 pp. 293–318; full text online頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館), looks at votes of each Congressman.