


出生 C.951

受人尊敬 在 羅馬天主教
節日 6 月 19 日

</br>2 月 7 日(1595–1969)

羅穆亞(Romualdus);傳統上約為西元951 年,6 月19 日至西元1025,共27 年)。[1]是Camaldolese騎士團的創始人,也是十一世紀「隱士禁慾主義」的重要人物。[2]羅穆亞用了大約30 年的時間遊歷意大利,並建立和改造修道院及隱居所。

根據 Peter Damian在羅穆亞去世約十五年後[3]冩的《 vita》, [4], 羅穆亞出生在意大利東北部的拉文納( Ravenna),屬於貴族奧涅斯蒂(Onesti)家族。他的父親是Sergius degli Onesti,母親是Traversara Traversari。根據早期的記載,年輕時的羅穆亞沉迷於第十世紀貴族普遍性的俗世快樂和罪惡。二十歲時,他擔任父親的副手,然而父親在財產決鬥中殺死了一位親戚,羅穆亞在深受打擊之下,前往Classe的Sant『Pollinare大教堂進行了40天的懺悔。[5] 經過猶豫之後,羅慕亞在那裏成為修道士。雖然Sant'Apollinare剛被 Cluny Abbey修道院的 St. Mayeul進行了改革,但羅穆亞仍然因為不夠嚴格而感到不滿足。 [[Category:肉身不朽聖人]] [[Category:10世纪基督教圣人]] [[Category:本篤會修道院院長]] [[Category:意大利圣人]] [[Category:1027年逝世]] [[Category:950年代出生]]

  1. ^ The traditional year of his death, given as 1027, rests entirely on testimony by Guido Grandi (died 1742), a hagiographical forger, who stated that he had seen the date in documents: see Tabacco 1942, preface:liv.
  2. ^ The traditional year of his death, given as 1027, rests entirely on testimony by Guido Grandi (died 1742), a hagiographical forger, who stated that he had seen the date in documents: see Tabacco 1942, preface:liv.
  3. ^ John Howe, "The Awesome Hermit: The Symbolic Significance of the Hermit as a Possible Research Perspective", Numen 30.1 (July 1983:106-119) p 106, noting Ernst Werner, Pauperi Christi: Studien zu socialreligiosen Bewegungen in Zeitalter des ersten Kreuzzuges (Leipzig) 1956; Howe also notes the contemporary examples of Peter the Hermit, leader of a crusade; Norbert of Xanten, founder of the Praemostratensians, and Henry of Lausanne, declared a heretic.
  4. ^ Peter's Vita Beati Romualdi was edited by Giovanni Tabacco in the series Fonti per la storia d'Italia (Rome) 1957.
  5. ^ Foley O.F.M., Leonard. "St. Romuald", Saint of the Day, Lives, Lessons and Feast, (revised by Pat McCloskey O.F.M.), Franciscan Media