
「主動脈剝離」(英語:aortic dissection)是指主動脈內膜英語Tunica_intima撕裂導致血液通過內膜的破口流入主動脈壁各層之間形成夾層血腫迫使主動脈壁各層分開英語Dissection (medical)[1],大多數的患者會有突發性胸痛或背痛英語acute aortic syndrome,常會被形容為撕裂或刀割的感覺,[2][3] 嘔吐、盜汗頭暈 也偶爾會發生。 其他症狀包含其他臟器血液供應不足,例如中風腸繫膜缺血。 主動脈剝離是一種危險的急性病,即使及時進行積極的治療,仍然可能因為心肌缺血主動脈破裂英語Aortic rupture快速致死。[3] [4]

主動脈剝離的危險因子有高血壓、會影響血管強度的結締組織疾病 (例如馬凡氏症候群)、二瓣葉型主動脈瓣英語bicuspid aortic valve、之前曾經接受心臟手術[3][1]重大創傷抽煙、使用可卡因懷孕胸主動脈瘤英語thoracic aortic aneurysm動脈炎英語arteritis高血脂也會提高主動脈剝離的風險。 [2][3]診斷是基於臨床症狀與醫學影像檢查,包含電腦斷層磁振造影心臟超音波

預防包含控制血壓和Prevention is by blood pressure control and not smoking. The treatment of aortic dissection depends on the part of the aorta involved.[2] Surgery is usually required for dissections that involve the first part of the aorta, while those that do not can typically be treated with blood pressure and heart-rate lowering unless complications result.[2][3] Surgery may be done either by an opening in the chest or by endovascular aneurysm repair (carried out from inside the blood vessels).[2]

Aortic dissection is relatively rare, occurring at an estimated rate of three per 100,000 people per year.[2][1] It is more common in males than females.[2] The typical age at diagnosis is 63, with about 10% of cases occurring before 40.[2][1] Without treatment, about half of people with type A die within three days and about 10% of people with type B die within a month. The first case of aortic dissection described was in the examination of King George II of Great Britain following his death in 1760. Surgery for aortic dissection was introduced in the 1950s by Michael E. DeBakey.[1]

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  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Criado FJ. Aortic dissection: a 250-year perspective. Tex Heart Inst J. 2011, 38 (6): 694–700. PMC 3233335可免費查閱. PMID 22199439. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Nienaber, CA; Clough, RE. Management of acute aortic dissection.. Lancet. 28 February 2015, 385 (9970): 800–11. PMID 25662791. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(14)61005-9. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 White, A; Broder, J; Mando-Vandrick, J; Wendell, J; Crowe, J. Acute aortic emergencies--part 2: aortic dissections.. Advanced emergency nursing journal. 2013, 35 (1): 28–52. PMID 23364404. doi:10.1097/tme.0b013e31827145d0. 
  4. ^ Isselbacher, EM; Eagle KA; Zipes DP; et al. Diseases of the aorta. Braunwald (編). Heart disease: a textbook of cardiovascular medicine 5th. Philadelphia: WB Saunders. 1997: 1546–81. ISBN 0721656633.