胆固醇液晶(英语:cholesteric liquid crystal display,缩写“ChLCD”),分子的排列方式会随着温度而变化,因此会反射不同波长的光,这种颜色随温度变化之特性,常用于温度感测器电子书电子纸电纸板上。

The image shows a rotation of the director about 180° in a cholesteric phase. The corresponding distance is the half-pitch, p/2.
The image shows a rotation of the director about 180° in a cholesteric phase. The corresponding distance is the half-pitch, p/2.


  1. ^ BOOX.HK. 電子墨水屏介紹. www.boox.hk. BOOX.HK. [2018-11-15]. (原始内容存档于2018-11-04).