
沃兹沃思·多尼索普(英语:Wordsworth Donisthorpe,1847年4月24日—1914年1月30日),出生于英国里兹,逝世于黑斯尔米尔[1]是一位英国个人无政府主义者[2]发明家电影艺术先驱以及国际象棋爱好者[3]。他的父亲乔治·E·多尼索普(George E. Donisthorpe)也是一位发明家,[4]他的兄弟贺拉斯·多尼索普是一位蚁学家


1885年,沃兹沃思·多尼索普成为不列颠象棋协会和不列颠象棋俱乐部联合发起人之一。[1][4]1876年,他为自己发明的电影摄影机注册了专利,并把它叫做“kinesigraph”。[4] 这项发明的目的是:


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  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Gaige, Jeremy. Chess Personalia, A Biobibliography. McFarland. 1987: 96. ISBN 0-7864-2353-6. 
  2. ^ Edward Bristow quotes Donisthorpe in the Westminster Gazette: "The Late Lord Bramwell, Tolstoi, Herbert Spencer, Benjamin Tucker, Vaillart, Auberon Herbert, J.H Levy, Kropotkin, the late Charles Bradlaugh, Yves Guyot, Caserio, and thousands of smaller fry, including myself, are anarchists". Bristow, Edward. The defence of liberty and property in Britain, 1880-1914. Yale University. 1970. 
  3. ^ 沃兹沃思·多尼索普-在ChessGames.com的棋手档案
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Herbert, Stephen; Brian Coe. Who's Who of Victorian Cinema. 2000 [2009-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2009-02-05). 
  5. ^ Burns, R. W. Television: An International History of the Formative Years. London: Institution of Engineering and Technology. 1998. ISBN 0-85296-914-7. 
  6. ^ Burns, Paul T. The History of The Discovery of Cinematography - 1885 - 1889. [2009-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-29).  and Ten Remaining Frames Of Donisthorpe's 1890 'Trafalgar Square' Footage Come To Life (GIF). [2009-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2010-06-11). 
  7. ^ Herbert, S. Industry, Liberty, and a Vision: Wordsworth Donisthorpe's Kinesigraph. London: The Projection Box. 1998. ISBN 0-9523941-3-8. 

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