
平台Microsoft Windows
开发商Mythic EntertainmentWindows,PC)
发行商Electronic Arts
设计师Mark Jacobs
Paul Barnett

战锤Online》(Warhammer Online)(官方简称其为WAR [1])是一款由Mythic Entertainment游戏公司所制作的大型多人角色扮演游戏,此游戏是基于Games Workshop最出名的名为Warhammer Fantasy Battle的战棋游戏设定(当然也包含了《战锤奇幻角色扮演游戏》的桌上角色扮演游戏相关设定)。《战锤Online:决战世纪》(Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning)于2008年9月18日同时在北美南美欧洲亚洲澳大利亚新西兰等部分地区公开发售。其游戏紧紧围绕着著名的战锤奇幻设定中正在进行并带有黑色幽默的包含整个世界的冲突斗争。





早期的第一个在线游戏版本是由Climax Online公司进行开发的。当Games Workshop确定,该游戏推出成本将过高时,该项目在2004年6月被正式取消。 [2] 然而,Climax Online实际上从未停止该游戏的开发工作,他们继续利用自己的资金继续游戏开发,直至该项目由于很难确保得到Games Workshop的出版授权书而于2004年的末期被迫放弃开放。



随着出版授权书可能再次发放,Games Workshop与有意收购授权书并准备从零开始的Mythic Entertainment开始接触。Games Workshop部分管理层人员和Mythic Entertainment的CEO Mark Jacobs之间长期存在的关系确保了协议很快达成。终于,Mythic Entertainment在2005年5与18日购得了战锤OL的授权许可。Mythic Entertainment在获得授权许可后很快将其原定的后续项目“罗马统治者”(Imperator Online, MMORPG)取消。

虽然是由Mythic Entertainment负责开发战锤OL, 但Games Workshop 也同样参与了正在开发的项目。Games Workshop的作用不仅是为了确保该项目仍然具有战锤奇幻的风味,而且允许Mythic在MMO里对战锤世界设定进行必要的发展和扩充。Mythic曾经开发了众多的网络游戏,其中就包括大名鼎鼎的科南时代:希伯来人的冒险[3]

《战锤Online》并不是纯粹来自于战锤幻想战役(Warhammer Fantasy Battle)战锤幻想角色扮演游戏(Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay)或者任何其他单独的来源,而是来源于作为一个整体的战锤幻想设定的体系。



《战锤Online》是一个有秩序和毁灭两个派别的阵营对抗阵营(RvR)游戏。每个派别包含三个独立的种族,每个种族可以进一步细分为三个或四个职业。[1] [4]部分职业对性别有具体要求,即只作为男性或女性的特有职业。

种族 说明 派系
矮人王国 当人类仍处于原始和愚昧时,矮人曾经有一个伟大的帝国,但他们的鼎盛时期早已过去了。其中矮人没落及帝国崩坏的主要原因在于阴险鼠人种族,以及人口众多的兽人和哥布林。矮人是个顽固和勤劳的种族,他们被认为是旧世界中最伟大的工匠,矮人创造了大量的战争机器和无比复杂的人工制品,与此同时也掌握了权力,树立了威严。在矮人比人类(平均数百年)更长的寿命中的大多数时候,都生活在他们声称所拥有庞大的山区中的岩石要塞里,这些要塞目前有很多已被兽人和地精在绵延数个世纪的战争中夺走。矮子十分坚持传统,尤其是他们尊重宿怨,认为结下梁子自然要报复。矮人连同人类帝国已经接受和使用黑火药作为武器,如加农火炮和炸药。目前矮人的至高王是Thorgrim Grudgebearer,矮人帝国首都在矮人语中被称为喀拉扎卡克(Karaz-a-Karak),但却以无量峰(Everpeak)之名昭世。在战锤OL中,矮人的夙敌是被统称为绿皮部落的兽人和哥布林。 矮人军队被称为守誓者(Oathbearers),因为他们宣誓至死不渝地效忠至高王。守誓者的职责是为了让矮人工匠们能打造出足以和古代大师的作品相媲美的强力武器而在世界上最危险的地方寻找必要的材料,这样的任务总是需要特殊的矮人来执行。[5]
帝国 帝国是在旧世界里最大的人类文明。帝国历经风雨2000余年,曾经建国的始皇帝西格玛Sigmar)如今成为了帝国的保护神(尽管其他神祗也被信仰)。帝国曾经分分合合,最近的重新统一是由Magnus the Pious皇帝完成的。目前的圣居国都Altdorf的新皇是Karl Franz。帝国没有矮人那般熟练工艺或如精灵一样擅长魔法,帝国领土内也不与矮人或精灵的传统领地重合,并且尚未完全屈服于内困外忧。帝国的文明一定程度上仿照了欧洲中世纪晚期当时处于宗教和保守影响的德国。在战争起始时,帝国面临必须解除混沌族(Kislev)从北部蚕食帝国的危机。 狮鹫令是使帝国军队卷入战争,由Karl Franz皇帝连同西格马尔教会,魔法学院和瑞克斯护卫团(Reiksguard)形成的战争号令。该命令最初制定了由战士,西格马尔的牧师和卫队负责保卫帝国边境,而且只需向皇帝本人负责。



作为擅长魔法艺术和最古老的文明文化的古老垂死的精灵种族已经拿起武器反对混沌势力并对帝国进行援助。高精灵生活在一个称为Ulthuan次大陆上创作美术,音乐,和其他种族无法比及的兵器,当然矮人是例外。他们是勉强与矮人并肩战斗,把两族的仇隙暂搁一旁,将他们的长恨用了抗击更大的威胁。很多个千年前,高精灵的第一个凤凰国王Aenarion之子Malekith被剥夺了王位。这导致了摧毁Ulthuan的陆地并被精灵称为大分裂(the Sundering)的灾难性内战。在大分裂后,Malekith和他的支持者从Ulthuan自我放逐,成为了黯精灵(Dark Elves)。目前凤凰国王是驾临在高精灵首都LothernFinubar the Seafarer。在战争中,高精灵与他们的黑暗的亲属——黯精灵进行对抗。

在大战中, 高精灵的部队中光明卫军在传奇战士Tyrion王子的指挥下为人闻名遐迩。而当凤凰国王和他的军队与人类帝国并肩战斗时,则由光明卫军负责保卫Ulthuan。[7] [8]
种族 说明 派系
绿皮部落 (兽人哥布林 绿皮部落是由兽人和哥布林两个物种构成的在在战锤中独一无二的集合。兽人是大群类人的好战物种,生而为了战斗厮杀和时不时的吵骂。他们生活在一个以最强壮的兽人担任部落首领的部落构架中。哥布林与兽人相比是小得多了,但他们经常靠远超兽人表亲的庞大数量来恐吓对手。这导致了哥布林趋向于鬼祟、阴险甚至更鬼灵。偶尔也有一个极具权利哥布林首领会联合众多部落聚集成为“WAAAGH!!!”:a nearly unstoppable band of marauding greenskins. With the outset of WAR a new "WAAAGH!!!" is forming and once again the Orks seek to eradicate their ancestral enemies, the Dwarfs. All Orcs are spawned from spores that are spread in a similar way to fungal spores. Therefore Greenskins are asexual, they have what (to human eyes) would be considered a male appearance with large bulk and high levels of aggression. There is no truly effective way to wipe them out due to this unusual method of reproduction as even after being total eradicated from an area the land will remain contaminated with spores which will eventually spawn into Snotlings, then Goblins, and then finally more Orks. The Greenskins are part of the Bloody Sun Boyz, led by the Black Ork Grumlok and his Goblin Shaman Gazbag. Their war with their old enemies, the Dwarfs, was manipulated by the Witch King Malekith. His intention was to start a war between the Greenskins and Dwarfs so that the Dwarfs could not come to the aid of the Empire, who would be forced to call upon the armies of the Phoenix King for aid - thus leaving Ulthuan ripe for the taking.[9]
Chaos The forces of Chaos are bent on corrupting and destroying everything in their path. In the Warhammer Universe, the followers of Chaos may worship one of the four major gods: Tzeentch (change, manipulation and hope), Khorne (conflict and fury), Nurgle (decay, disease and despair), and Slaanesh (excess, pleasure and general hedonism). These gods are often at odds with one another and rarely work together, although some follow Chaos as a whole and are commonly referred to as Chaos Undivided. The Human followers of Chaos generally live in the Chaos Wastes in the far northern part of the world where the energies of raw magic and chaos are strong and cause both its inhabitants and terrain to warp and mutate. These humans live in a warlike semi-tribal society, and when the time comes for war they may be followed by hideous daemons from the realm of chaos. In WAR, the forces of Chaos are pitted against the Empire. All Chaos players will be affiliated to Tzeentch, as that is the patron deity of the Chaos force in WAR - the Raven Host. These are Tzeentch's most devoted servants, and its leader Tchar'zanek is one of the Lord of Magic's Chosen. Mainly these humans come from Norsca.[10]
Dark Elves Once High Elves, the spiteful Dark Elves have a bitter feud with their ancient counterparts. Their king, the "Witch King" Malekith, has his sights set on the throne of the Phoenix King, which he believes is rightly his. Instead of worshipping all the Elven Gods, the Dark Elves worship only Khaine, the Elven God of war, even going so far as human (and other) sacrifice while their fleets travel the world enslaving "lesser" races. The Dark Elves dwell in Naggaroth, a cold and desolate land to the north west of Ulthuan which they were exiled to after the Sundering, though WAR players will not be able to visit this area. While the armies of the High Elves are away to fight the forces of Chaos, the Dark Elves have taken this opportunity to attack Ulthuan, the home of the High Elves. Malekith also has empowered the leaders of the Greenskins, the Goblin Shaman Gahzbag and the Black Orc Warboss Grumlok, bestowing them with magical amulets of great dark power that helped the Greenskins to raise a WAAAGH! and conquer the original Dwarf capital of Karak Eight-Peaks. In WAR, the Dark Elves are racially paired against the High Elves. All Dark Elf players in WAR are members of House Uthorin, one of the noble families of Naggaroth. Their leader, Lord Uthorin, is a master of intrigue and has his sights set on Malekith's throne. But the Witch King has plans of his own.[11]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Mythic Entertainment (2007). Game Overview. Mythic Entertainment. Retrieved on 2007-02-01.
  2. ^ GameSpot (2004). Warhammer Online Killed in Action. GameSpot. Retrieved on 2007-02-01.
  3. ^ Mythic Entertainment (2007). Mythic Entertainment Video Podcasts. Mythic Entertainment.
  4. ^ MMORPG.com (2008). Interview with Mark Jacobs. Retrieved on 2008-07-11.
  5. ^ 战锤OL中文官方网:矮人军团——守誓者
  6. ^ Mythic Entertainment (2007). The Empire. Mythic Entertainment. Retrieved on 2007-02-01.
  7. ^ Mythic Entertainment (2007). High Elves. Mythic Entertainment. Retrieved on 2008-04-02
  8. ^ http://www.warhammer-online.com.cn/AoW-HE.htm 战锤中文官网:游戏背景-高精灵
  9. ^ Mythic Entertainment (2007). The Greenskins. Mythic Entertainment. Retrieved on 2007-02-01.
  10. ^ Mythic Entertainment (2007). Chaos. Mythic Entertainment. Retrieved on 2007-02-01.
  11. ^ Mythic Entertainment (2007). Dark Elves. Mythic Entertainment. Retrieved on 2008-04-02.