喀斯特鱥學名Phoxinus karsticus)為條鰭魚綱鯉形目雅羅魚科鱥屬魚類,分布於歐洲波士尼亞Popovo Polje流域[1],為特有種[2] ,體長可達7.3公分,生活習性不明。


未予評估IUCN 3.1
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 脊索動物門 Chordata
綱: 條鰭魚綱 Actinopteri
目: 鯉形目 Cypriniformes
亞目: 鯉亞目 Cyprinoidei
科: 雅羅魚科 Leuciscidae
屬: 鱥屬 Phoxinus
喀斯特鱥 P. karsticus
Phoxinus karsticus


  1. ^ Bianco, Pier Giorgio; Salvatore, De Bonis. A taxonomic study on the genus Phoxinus (Acthinopterigy, Cyprinidae) from Italy and western Balkans with description of four new species: P. ketmaieri, P. karsticus, P. apollonicus and P. likai Res.Wildl.Conserv. Vol 4. USA: IGF. 2015: 1–22. ISBN 978-1-326-47086-9. 
  2. ^ Palandačić, Anja; Naseka, Alexander; Ramler, David; Ahnelt, Harald. Contrasting morphology with molecular data: An approach to revision of species complexes based on the example of European Phoxinus (Cyprinidae). BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2017, 17 (1): 184. PMC 5549366 . PMID 28793855. S2CID 21935393. doi:10.1186/s12862-017-1032-x .