
孟塞爾顏色系統(Munsell Color System)是色度(或比色法)裡透過明度(value)、色相(hue)及彩度(chroma)三個維度來描述顏色的方法。這個顏色描述系統是由美國藝術家阿爾伯特·孟塞爾英語Albert Henry Munsell(Albert H. Munsell,1858-1918)在1898年創製的,在1930年代為USDA採納為泥土研究的官方顏色描述系統。至今仍是比較色法的標準。



解說 編輯



色相 編輯

  • 經度=色相(hue)。把一周均分成五5種主色互相調和成五種中間色,相鄰的兩個位置之間再均分10份,共100份。


201 130 134
201 130 127
201 131 118
200 133 109
197 135 100
193 137 94
187 140 86
181 143 79
173 146 75
167 149 72
160 151 73
151 154 78
141 156 85
127 159 98
115 160 110
101 162 124
92 163 134
87 163 141
82 163 148
78 163 154
73 163 162
73 163 162
70 162 170
70 161 177
73 160 184
82 158 189
93 156 193
104 154 195
117 151 197
128 149 198
141 145 198
152 142 196
160 140 193
168 138 189
177 135 182
183 134 176
188 132 169
193 131 160
196 130 153
198 130 146
200 130 140
201 130 134

明度 編輯

  • 南北上下軸=明度(value)的深淺,從全黑(N0)至全灰(N5)到全白(N10)。

彩度 編輯


具體顏色的標識形式為:色相 明度/彩度。例如5B 5/10是中等明度(5),高彩度(10)的正藍色(5B)。

12108642 0 24681012
255 255 255
228 228 250
232 232 232
243 227 207
250 227 178
190 201 239
200 200 222
203 203 203
215 200 181
221 200 154
227 200 126
233 199 97
237 199 63
142 176 241
154 175 225
164 175 210
173 174 195
179 179 179
188 173 155
194 173 128
200 173 101
205 172 72
210 172 29
79 150 244
101 150 227
116 149 213
128 149 198
138 148 182
146 148 168
150 150 150
161 147 129
167 147 103
173 146 75
178 146 42
46 124 214
72 123 199
89 123 185
101 123 171
111 122 156
120 122 142
124 124 124
134 121 103
141 121 77
146 120 48
150 119 9
38 97 172
59 97 158
74 97 144
85 96 130
93 96 116
97 97 97
108 96 77
114 95 52
119 94 25
26 72 133
45 72 120
58 72 106
67 72 92
70 70 70
81 71 55
87 70 33
20 49 93
35 49 79
44 49 66
48 48 48
57 48 34
63 47 6
1 5PB
13 28 56
23 28 45
28 28 28
37 27 9
0 0 0

Note that the Munsell Book of Color contains more color samples than this chart for both 5PB and 5Y (particularly bright yellows, up to 5Y 8.5/14), however they are not reproducible in the sRGB color space, which has a limited color gamut designed to match that of televisions and computer displays. Note also that there are no samples for values 0 (pure black) and 10 (pure white), which are theoretical limits not reachable in pigment, and no printed samples of value 1.

指定顏色 編輯

5P 5/10(#9966B6)

5P 5/10

註釋 編輯

  1. ^ Kuehni (2002), p 21
  2. ^ Landa (2005), pp 437–438

參考書目 編輯

  • Cleland, Thomas M. A practical description of the Munsell color system, with suggestions for its use. Boston: Munsell Color Company. 1921.  One of the first books about the Munsell color system, explaining the intuition behind its three dimensions, and suggesting possible uses of the system in picking color combinations. An edited version can be found at http://www.applepainter.com/頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
  • Kuehni, Rolf G. The early development of the Munsell system. Color Research and Application. February 2002, 27 (1): 20–27. doi:10.1002/col.10002.  A description of color systems leading up to Munsell’s, and a biographical explanation of Munsell’s changing ideas about color and development of his color solid, leading up to the publication of A Color Notation in 1905.
  • Landa, Edward R.; Mark D. Fairchild. Charting Color from the Eye of the Beholder (PDF). American Scientist. September–October 2005, 93 (5): 436–443 [2013-03-18]. doi:10.1511/2005.5.436. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2012-09-16).  An introductory explanation of the development and influence of the Munsell system.
  • MacEvoy, Bruce. Modern Color Models – Munsell Color System. Color Vision. 2005-08-01 [2007-04-16]. (原始內容存檔於2007-04-27).  A concise introduction to the Munsell color system, on a web page which also discusses several other color systems, putting the Munsell system in its historical context.
  • Munsell, Albert H. A Color Notation. Boston: G. H. Ellis Co. 1905.  Munsell’s original description of his system. A Color Notation was published before he had established the irregular shape of a perceptual color solid, so it describes colors positioned in a sphere.
  • Munsell, Albert H. A Pigment Color System and Notation. The American Journal of Psychology (University of Illinois Press). January 1912, 23 (2): 236–244. JSTOR 1412843. doi:10.2307/1412843.  Munsell’s description of his color system, from a lecture to the American Psychological Association.
  • Nickerson, Dorothy. History of the Munsell color system, company, and foundation. Color Research and Application. 1976, 1 (1): 7–10. [永久失效連結]

外部連結 編輯