
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 節肢動物門 Arthropoda
綱: 昆蟲綱 Insecta
目: 蜚蠊目 Blattodea
下目: 等翅下目 Isoptera
科: 齒白蟻科 Serritermitidae
齒白蟻科 Serritermitidae


形態 編輯


These termites are much like family Rhinotermitidae, as they are related to. They may feel that the soldiers' jaws are sharply toothed on the inner side. At all stages the mandible strikingly sharp. The flying stages have forewings with only one lengdeåre, slightly ahead of the center of the wing. From this it affects numerous oblique veins to the wing trailing edge.

習性 編輯

Tuen located in or on the ground. The mode of life resembles the much of the family Rhinotermitidae. Serritermes serrifer lives in the walls of the tufts of termites in the genus Cornitermes (Termitidae).

Prevalence 編輯

Serritermes serresi known from the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, Brazil. The two Glossotermes species are known only from the Amazon region of Brazil.

Systematic division 編輯

Real insects (Ectognatha), Dicondylia, Wings insects (Pterygota), Neoptera ("nyvinger"), Over Order Dictyoptera, Okay roaches (Blattodea), Under Order of termites (Isoptera), Family Serritermitidae, The genus Glossotermes Emerson, 1950 - Two species, Brazil, Glossotermes oculatus Emerson, 1950, Glossotermes sulcatus Cancello & De,

參考文獻 編輯

  1. ^ Emerson, A.E. & K. Krishna. 1975
  2. ^ 最新白蚁防治技术手册. : 110. ISBN 9787532835966.