模板:South Korean Route Number

文件圖示 模板文件

You can input South Korean route mark defined by road marking rule.


{{South Korean Route Number| ''type of route'' | ''number of route'' |sort=  ''sort'' |ratio=  ''ratio'' }}
  • type of route: You can input ex, nr, lr, ce or cr.
  • number of route: If you'll input lr, ce or cr, you can input 4 digit or down. If you'll input ex, you can input 3 digit or down. If you'll input nr, you can input 2 digit or down.
  • sort (optional): You can input left(or l), right(or r) or no(or x). You don't have to input sort=.
  • ratio (optional): You can adjustment by multiple of Standard size. You don't have to input ratio=
  • text: If you want to use this template with texts, input t or text like example below.
{{South Korean Route Number| ''type of route'' | ''number of route'' | t }}


{{South Korean Route Number|ex|1}}
ex 1
{{South Korean Route Number|nr|7}}
National highway
nr 7
{{South Korean Route Number|lr|23}}
State-funded local highway
lr 23
{{South Korean Route Number|lr|1008}}
Local highway
lr 1008
{{South Korean Route Number|ce|10}}
Urban expressway
cr 10
{{South Korean Route Number|cr|21}}
Urban route
cr 21