
  • Hades II
開發商Supergiant Games
發行商Supergiant Games
總監格雷格·卡薩文英語Greg Kasavin
音樂達倫·科布英語Darren Korb

黑帝斯II(英語:Hades II是由Supergiant Games開發並發行的Roguelike動作角色扮演遊戲,為《黑帝斯》(2020)的續作,於2024年5月6日釋出搶先體驗版,並暫時在Windows上獨佔發行,此後正式發行時則將擴展至其他平台上。有別於以扎格柔斯為主角的前作,《黑帝斯II》改為講述其妹妹——冥府公主墨利諾厄英語Melinoë欲籍奧林匹斯十二主神的幫助,打敗時間之神柯羅諾斯的故事。



如同前作一樣,《黑帝斯II》亦是一款迷宮探索動作角色扮演遊戲[1][2]。故事時間設在阿特柔斯引發的一連串事件後[3][4],他的妹妹兼冥府公主墨利諾厄英語Melinoë[5]與其導師黑卡蒂一起[6]密謀刺殺時間之神柯羅諾斯[3]。遊戲新增了一個只要墨利諾厄使用魔法便會消耗,但會在戰鬥開始時回滿的「魔法條」(Magick Bar)[7],而原有的每次玩家死亡後都能更強能力「上帝模式」(God Mode)也宣告回歸[8]



2018年首先以搶先體驗方式發佈,並在兩年後由Supergiant Games正式發行的《黑帝斯》儘管被廣泛評為2020年最佳電子遊戲之一[9],但該作的首席編劇格雷格·卡薩文英語Greg Kasavin在2021年接受《新音樂快遞》訪問時稱團隊仍未做好推出續作的準備[10][11]。Supergiant普遍在完成一部作品之後會選定一個最為令他們振奮的項目,隨後開始開發工作,但團隊大部分人都認為希臘神話中尚有許多值得探索的故事和人物,使得續作計劃變得可行[9]。這是Supergiant第一次打造續作,製作團隊希望以有意義的方式延伸《黑帝斯》的故事,同時又不失原作的核心價值。工作室創辦人兼總監阿米爾·拉奧(Amir Rao)表示《傳送門2》與《暗黑破壞神II》兩部成功續作是他們試圖倣法的對象[9]。《黑帝斯II》的開發工作最終在2021年初開展[12]

卡薩文表示團隊在開發初期就決定不再讓阿特柔斯擔當主角,而他們亦加緊研究希臘神話,並偶然發現了奧菲斯教為數不多仍然留存的詩作《奧菲斯禱歌英語Orphic Hymns》,該詩講述黑帝斯波瑟芬妮膝下除了有兒子阿特柔斯之外,還有一名叫墨利諾厄英語Melinoë的女兒,但除此之外便沒再多加敘述。《黑帝斯》中完全沒有提及她,因而給了Supergiant撰寫全新故事的契機。墨利諾厄的故事設定稱她與希臘神諭的魔法方有聯繫,魔法這一遊戲機制憑此得以實現,以及加入暗月女神黑卡蒂為其魔法導師的設定[9]

珍·齊繼前作之後回任藝術總監[13]達倫·科布英語Darren Korb亦再次操刀配樂[5]。已公佈的配音陣容包括聲演伊卡洛斯阿薩·巴特菲爾德、艾米莉亞·泰勒(Amelia Tyler)為黑卡蒂獻聲[14],而洛根·坎寧安英語Logan Cunningham (actor)則除了為柯羅諾斯配音之外,還再度聲演黑帝斯等神話人物[15]。《黑帝斯II》的第一條預告片在2022年12月8日的遊戲大獎頒獎典禮上首映[16]。並在兩年後的4月進行技術試驗,以為同年5月5日的搶先體驗作準備[17][18][19]。該作的原聲帶在搶先體驗的同一天於Supergiant的YouTube頻道上公開[20]





當《黑帝斯II》的技術試驗版釋出後,《Paste英語Paste (magazine》的伊利亞·岡薩雷斯(Elijah Gonzalez) 如此評論道:「《黑帝斯》將出色的表演、風趣幽默的對話與令人信服的角色塑造熔於一爐,而這些元素在它的後繼之作中都能找到。我很喜歡《黑帝斯II》改進過後的遊戲玩法,但最讓我興奮的是其角色與世界觀建構」[21]。岡薩雷斯又認為雖然墨利諾厄英語Melinoë的最初目的較扎格柔斯的更為明確,但也被自我懷疑和被視為救世主的壓力拖垮,使得她成為一複雜且引人入勝的主人公[21]Kotaku的艾莉莎·梅爾坎特(Alyssa Mercante)讚揚該作的角色設計十分性感,並稱性感特質已與他們的神性融為一體[22]Polygon的安娜·迪亞斯(Ana Diaz)則特別提到希臘神話中對性別的傳統表達方式,以及《黑帝斯II》如何在延伸這一古希臘觀念的同時,為玩家創造出一系列既聰明強大,又懂得施展巫術的神祇。儘管墨利諾厄不算是一位巫師,但由善施巫術的神撫養長大的經歷仍使她具高強的法力,其背景中的戰士身份也為遊戲帶來全新的體驗[23]。《衛報》的派翠西亞·赫南德茲(Patricia Hernandez)就指出該作與其前作一樣皆以在希臘神話中微不出道的人物為主角,顯得兩部作品跟艾米莉·威爾遜英語Emily Wilson (classicist)對《伊利亞德》和《奧德賽》的現代詮釋具異曲同工之妙——「威爾遜的翻譯本使得現今世人能以重新概念化的角度理解希臘神話,而《黑帝斯》系列則勇於在原有的記載上再開章節」。赫南德茲形容《黑帝斯II》中的「人際(或神際)關係戲劇」將該作從一款「扣人心弦的遊戲」升格成一款「難以抗拒的遊戲」[24]

On the early access, Hernandez wrote, "even in its current unfinished state, it's evident I will be spending dozens of hours in Hades II" and that "many players will be drawn primarily to the frenetic combat: Supergiant Games fills the dungeons with mobs of creatures so imposing that Melinoë has to slow down time to survive them. [...] Others, meanwhile, will be smitten with the sequel's expanded cast of alluring characters".[24] Mitchell Saltzman of IGN rated the early access game a 9/10 despite it being "a work in progress" with missing or placeholder assets.[25] Saltzman wrote that "Hades 2 feels impossibly huge and unbelievably polished by any standard, much less an early access game. Mel is awesome, the new tweaks to the combat and progression are excellent, and it's just unbelievably feature packed with twice the content of the first. [...] But even with all that it's currently missing, what's here right out of the gate is astounding, and the thought of more coming on the way is a tantalizing treat".[25] Tyler Colp, for PC Gamer, also recommended the early access game and viewed the "current state as like playing part 1 of the full game; all the characters are fully voiced, the combat is already well-balanced, and several features are up and running. A few of the character portraits and environmental art look a little work-in-progress, but otherwise Hades 2 plays like a polished demo".[26] In contrast, in a separate review for Polygon, Diaz commented that players "super invested in the story and characters might want to wait" as many characters and story interactions haven't been added yet – "when Hades was in early access, the story changed a lot throughout the development timeline. If you want a fully realized story, and don't want to be around for the process of the team figuring it out, then early access might not be for you".[27]


年份 獎項 類別 結果 來源
2023 金搖桿獎 最受期待遊戲 提名 [28]


  1. ^ Miller, Matt. Supergiant Games Announces Hades 2. Game Informer (GameStop). 2022-12-08 [2022-12-09]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-09) (英語). 
  2. ^ Carpenter, Nicole. Hades is getting a sequel starring the underworld's princess. Polygon. Vox Media. 2022-12-08 [2022-12-09]. (原始內容存檔於December 9, 2022) (美國英語). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Zheng, Jenny. Hades 2 Announced By Supergiant Games At The Game Awards. GameSpot. Fandom. 2022-12-08 [2022-12-09]. (原始內容存檔於December 9, 2022) (美國英語). 
  4. ^ Wald, Heather. Hades 2: Everything we know so far about Supergiant Games' sequel. GamesRadar+. Future plc. 2022-12-12 [2022-12-12]. (原始內容存檔於December 13, 2022) (英語). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Peters, Jay. Hades is getting a sequel. The Verge. Vox Media. 2022-12-09 [2022-12-09]. (原始內容存檔於December 9, 2022) (美國英語). 
  6. ^ Conditt, Jessica. 'Hades II' promises witchy vibes and a new immortal protagonist. Engadget. Yahoo!. 2022-12-08 [2022-12-09]. (原始內容存檔於December 9, 2022) (美國英語). 
  7. ^ Hughes, William. Game Theory: Hades II is already incredible, and it's barely getting started. The A.V. Club. 2024-04-19 [2024-04-21]. (原始內容存檔於April 21, 2024) (英語). 
  8. ^ Winslow, Levi. Oh Shit, They're Making A Hades Sequel. Kotaku. G/O Media. 2022-12-09 [2022-12-09]. (原始內容存檔於December 9, 2022) (英語). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Stewart, Marcus. One More Run: The Making and Mythology of Hades II. Game Informer. Vol. 34 5 no. 366. May 2024: 38–49. 
  10. ^ Peppiatt, Dom. Even Supergiant doesn’t know if it’s going to make ‘Hades 2’ yet. NME. NME Networks. 2021-08-05 [2024-07-06]. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-20) (英語). 
  11. ^ Stedman, Alex. Hades II Announced at The Game Awards. IGN. Ziff Davis. 2022-12-09 [2022-12-09]. (原始內容存檔於December 9, 2022) (英語). 
  12. ^ Hades II FAQ. Supergiant Games. [2023-06-28]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-18). 
  13. ^ Colbert, Isaiah. Everyone's Hot As Hell In Hades II, As They Should Be. Kotaku. December 9, 2022 [May 7, 2024]. 
  14. ^ Nelson, Will. Hades 2 has a surprise Hollywood star appear as a new character. PCGamesN. 2024-05-06 [2024-05-07]. (原始內容存檔於May 6, 2024) (美國英語). 
  15. ^ Rose, Danielle. Hades 2 cast and voice actors. PCGamesN. May 7, 2024 [May 7, 2024]. 
  16. ^ Kennedy, Victoria. Hades is getting a sequel, the Princess of the Underworld is heading our way. Eurogamer (Gamer Network). 2022-12-09 [2022-12-09]. (原始內容存檔於2022-12-09) (英國英語). 
  17. ^ Yang, George. Hades 2 Technical Test Is Coming Soon, Here's How To Sign Up. GameSpot. April 16, 2024 [2024-04-16]. (原始內容存檔於April 16, 2024) (美國英語). 
  18. ^ Parrish, Ash. The Hades 2 technical test is a trial in self-control. The Verge. 2024-04-19 [2024-04-22]. (原始內容存檔於April 22, 2024) (英語). 
  19. ^ Parrish, Ash. Hades II early access begins today. The Verge. 2024-05-06 [2024-05-07]. (原始內容存檔於May 6, 2024) (英語). 
  20. ^ Handley, Zoey. The Hades 2 soundtrack is available to stick into your ears on YouTube. Destructoid. May 6, 2024 [May 7, 2024]. 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Gonzalez, Elijah. Through its Excellent First Few Hours, Hades II Entirely Justifies the Sequel Treatment. Paste. April 19, 2024 [April 19, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於May 8, 2024). 
  22. ^ Mercante, Alyssa. Hades II Is The Kind Of Hot We Need Right Now. Kotaku. 2024-04-19 [2024-04-21]. (原始內容存檔於April 21, 2024) (英語). 
  23. ^ Diaz, Ana. Hades 2 is all about witches and feminine power. Polygon. May 7, 2024 [May 8, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於May 7, 2024) (美國英語). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Hernandez, Patricia. Hades II's audacious, invigorating spin on Greek myth makes it worth playing right now. The Guardian. 2024-05-13 [2024-05-13]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英國英語). 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 Saltzman, Mitchell. Hades 2 Early Access Review. IGN. May 6, 2024 [May 6, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於May 6, 2024) (英語). 
  26. ^ Colp, Tyler. Hades 2 is absolutely worth playing in early access right now. PC Gamer. May 6, 2024 [May 6, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於May 6, 2024) (英語). 
  27. ^ Diaz, Ana. Hades 2 early access is out now — but should you play it?. Polygon. May 6, 2024 [May 6, 2024]. (原始內容存檔於May 6, 2024) (美國英語). 
  28. ^ Bankhurst, Adam. The Game Awards 2023 Winners: The Full List. IGN. 2023-12-08 [2023-12-09]. (原始內容存檔於January 5, 2024) (英語). 

