Template:Certification Table Entry/sandbox

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請前往每個模板以查看特定的模板文件。此模板也使用{{cite certification}}來引用來源,請前往頁面查看其模板文件。




  • |format=:表格的大小和格式。|format=3col,默认值,會建立三欄列表:認證的地區、獎項和銷量。|format=2col|format=2colthin則會建立兩欄列表:地區和獎項。若使用第二種兩欄列表,地區欄將採用較短的形式。




{{Certification Table Top|caption=《絕代好歌》歌曲認證}}
{{Certification Table Entry|region=Finland|title=Best Song Ever|artist=My Band|type=single|award=Gold|salesamount=32,682}}
{{Certification Table Entry|region=France|title=Best Song Ever|artist=My Band|type=single|award=Platinum|certyear=1999|relyear=1998}}
{{Certification Table Entry|region=Germany|title=Best Song Ever|artist=My Band|type=single|award=Platinum|number=2|relyear=1998}}
{{Certification Table Entry|region=United States|title=Best Song Ever|artist=My Band|type=single|award=白金|number=2|relyear=1998|certyear=2015}}
{{Certification Table Separator|title=串流媒體}}
{{Certification Table Entry|region=Sweden|title=Best Song Ever|artist=My Band|type=single|award=Platinum|certyear=2019|certweek=5|relyear=1998}}
{{Certification Table Summary}}
{{Certification Table Entry|region=Europe|title=Best Song Ever|artist=My Band|award=Platinum|number=4|certyear=1999}}
{{Certification Table Bottom|streaming=true|streamsonly=true}}


地區 认证 认证单位/销量
芬兰(國際唱片業協會芬蘭分會[1] 32,682[1]
法国(法國唱片出版業公會[2] 白金 500,000*
德国(聯邦音樂產業協會[3] 2× 白金 1,000,000^
美国(美國唱片業協會[4] 2× 白金 2,000,000
瑞典(瑞典唱片業協會[5] 白金 8,000,000
欧洲(國際唱片業協會[6] 4× 白金 4,000,000*





  • artist – 表演藝人或團體
  • title – 作品標題
  • award – 英文(區分大小寫)Silver/Gold/Platinum/Diamond/Million/Billion或中文(簡繁均可)//白金/鑽石/百萬/十億。注意並不是所有地區均支持所有類型。請只填寫你看到的由頒獎官方使用的類型
  • typealbum/single/video/jazz。注意並不是所有地區均支持所有類型,請參閱下文瞭解詳細資訊


  • access-date – The date in which the source verifying the certification was retrieved, for web sources
  • date – The date of certification
  • nosales – set to any value if no sales figure is to be displayed
  • nocert – set to any value if no certification is to be displayed. This can be used to specify sales figured from other sources
  • certref – for specifying a different source for the certification. Enclose with <ref>……</ref>.
  • number – number of awards given. For example, for Double Platinum enter 2.
  • relyear – release year, used to calculate sales
  • relmonth – release month (number), used to calculate sales in some cases
  • relday – release day (number), used to calculate sales in some rare cases
  • certyear – year in which certification was awarded, used for linking and to calculate sales in some cases
  • certmonth – month (number) in which certification was awarded, used to calculate sales in some rare cases
  • certweek – week (number) in which certification was awarded, used for linking and sales calculation in some cases
  • position – chart position of work when certification was awarded, used for easing navigation in some cases
  • certday – month (number) in which certification was awarded, used to calculate sales in some even rarer cases
  • salesamount – override sales amount with a sales figure from a reliable source. It can also be used to override the sales amount if you believe the template is not calculating it correctly. Please let us know!
  • salesref – source for overridden sales amount if it is not the certification itself
  • id – external ID required for citation. Explained where relevant.
  • discount – true for discount albums, influences certification levels in some regions
  • domestic – true for domestic titles, influences certification levels and citation in some regions
  • multidisc – the number of discs in a multi-disc package
  • recent – true for recent certification, see below
  • source – determines the source of the certification, documented where relevant
  • Spanish – true for Spanish-speaking albums, see United States below
  • digital – true for digital downloads certification, check for support below
  • streamsonly – true for streaming only certificatoin, check for support below
  • note – Additional notes, e.g. specific edition certified
  • best – see Germany below
  • refname – enables you to specify a name for the reference generated by the template
  • footnote – Overrides the footnote symbol. Allowed values are sales/shipments/streaming/streamsonly


地區 註解 門檻來源 銷量/出貨量
Argentina type can only be album/video
Sales require relyear
Certifications currently unavailable
[1] Shipments
Australia Use |certyear= to cite the yearly archives from 1990 to 2021
To cite ARIA Top 50 charts (from July 2019), set |id= to YYYY-MM-DD, e.g. |id=2019-07-22. To cite the Australian artist Top 20, set |domestic=true
To cite ARIA Top 50 yearly charts (from 1988) set |source=yearchart
Can also set |source=book to use Ryan, Gavin. Australia's Music Charts 1988–2010 PDF. Mt Martha, Victoria, Australia: Moonlight Publishing. 2011.  and |id= is the page number.
Correct sales requires |certyear=. Correct footnotes may require |certmonth=.
[2] Shipments→Sales+Streaming
Austria Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth. [3] Sales→Sales+Streaming
Belgium requires certyear
supports |domestic=true
Sales require certyear and relyear and sometimes relmonth and certmonth. Unknown thresholds for albums between 2006 and March 2007.
[4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] Sales→Sales+Streaming
Brazil Sales require certyear
Set |domestic=true for domestic certification. Set |digital=true for album digital certification.
Pro-Música Brasil#Sales certification Sales→Sales+Streaming
Canada Sales for albums require relyear and sometimes relmonth.
Sales for singles require certyear and sometimes certmonth and certday
Set |digital=true only for digital single certification (which were discontinued in 2016)
Correct footnote for albums may require certyear and sometimes certmonth and certday
Music Canada#Certification awards Sales/Shipments→Sales+Streaming
Denmark Specifying |recent=false uses charts, certyear is the chart year and id is the chart week. Otherwise will use the certification database. Specifying id will direct to the "node" (available from the URL after search). Otherwise will direct to the general database, and certyear can be specified for better directions.
Sales require certyear and may require certmonth, certday, relyear, relmonth and relday.
Supports |streamsonly=true for streaming certifications between January 7, 2011 and November 17, 2014
[11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] Shipments/Streaming-only→Sales+Streaming
Europe requires certyear
Albums only
Use only in the summary section
[17] Sales
Finland Requires |artist=
Requires |salesamount= from reported source
Supports |domestic=true for local artists
Not used
France requires certyear
type also can be compilation
Sales require certyear and may require certmonth and certday for some release dates
set |recent=false for certification dates before 1994
[18] [19] [20] [21] Sales→Sales+Streaming
GCC requires certyear. Supports |domestic=true, but without automatic citation. [22] Sales
Germany type also can be jazz
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth and relday. May also use certyear and certmonth for correct footnotes.
In cases where the best certification does not show up (known bug), set |best=no to show the entire certification history
[23] Shipments→Sales+Streaming
Greece Referenced from wayback machine archive here require id, the full 14 digit timestamp, e.g. 20070114174502
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth. Supports domestic certifications.
[24] [25] [26] [27] [28] Shipments
Hong Kong [29] Sales
Hungary requires certyear
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth and relday
Set |domestic=true for domestic releases.
Unknown sales thresholds for international albums before 23 April 2002 or between 23 February 2005 and 12 September 2006.
[30] [31] Shipments→Sales+Streaming
Certifications currently unavailable
Certifications from 2005 to 2013 available on irishcharts.ie
? Shipments
Italy Sales require relyear and for singles may require certyear and certweek. May also use certmonth and relmonth for correct footnotes.
[32] [33] [34] [35] Sales→Sales+Streaming
certyearcertmonth 必填
  • |digital=true 用於單曲下載(ダウンロード)認證
  • |streamsonly=true 用於流媒体(ストリーミング)認證
  • 非上述兩者為出貨量認證(須額外使用 |salesamount= 標記數量)


[36] [37] [38] [39] 銷量 / 出貨量 / 流媒体
Mexico Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth. May also use certyear and certmonth for correct footnotes.
Supports |award=Platinum+Gold,|award=Diamond+Gold,|award=Platinum+Diamond and even |award=Platinum+Diamond+Gold with |number= being the number of Platinum awards. Does not support multiple Diamond and Platinum awards together.
[40] Sales/Shipments→Sales+Streaming
Netherlands Manual search required
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth. May also use certyear and certmonth for correct footnotes.
[41] [42] [43] [44] Shipments→Sales+Streaming
New Zealand type also can be compilation
Specifying |recent=false uses Radioscope certifications which go April 2007 to July 2011.
Specifying |recent=book uses Scapolo, Dean. The Complete New Zealand Music Charts: 1966 – 2006. Wellington: Maurienne House. 2007. ISBN 978-1877443-00-8.  and id is the page number.
Otherwise, uses nztop40.co.nz which has charts from 1975. id required, the chart number and |domestic=true is supported.
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth and relday. May also use certyear, certmonth and certday for correct footnote.
[45] [46] Sales/Shipments→Sales+Streaming
Norway Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
Unknown sales thresholds for singles before July 2002.
[47] [48] [49] [50] [51][52] [53] Sales→Sales+Streaming
Philippines Sales require certyear and sometimes certmonth
Supports |domestic=true
Philippine Association of the Record Industry#Certification levels Sales
Poland Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth. May also use certyear and certmonth for correct footnotes.
Requires certyear
Supports |domestic=true
[54] [55] Sales→Sales+Streaming
Portugal Supports three citation modes:
  • For new certification (certyear>=2018) Requires |id=FILENAME, where FILENAME is according to the stored URL http://www.audiogest.pt/uploads/files/FILENAME.
  • For older annual lists, 2007<=certyear<=2010, set |recent=true.
  • From older archived weekly charts, for 2003<=certyear<=2010, requires |id=XXXXYY where XXXX is the year and YY is the week in which the title charted and requires |archiveurl= and |archivedate=

Sales require relyear and may require relmonth and relday. May also use certyear for correct footnotes.

[56] [57] [58] [59] Shipments→Sales+Streaming
Russia requires certyear
Sales require relyear and sometimes relmonth
supports para
Automatic citation for albums only
[60] Sales
Singapore Sales for albums require certyear
Automatic citation for albums certified in 2019 only
Recording Industry Association Singapore#Sales certificates Sales
South Korea Set |streamsonly=true for streaming singles certifications. [61] Sales/Shipments/Streaming-only
Spain To use El portal de Música add |id=, the end of the url for that title. For example, for citing "Viva La Vida", the url is https://www.elportaldemusica.es/single/coldplay-viva-la-vida-2 and one needs to set |id=coldplay-viva-la-vida-2. To use weekly tables, |certyear= is the year for the certification and |certweek= is the week number on which the PDF is available from the dropdown available under the week tab.
Sales require |relyear= and sometimes |relmonth= and |relday=
For Original Tones and Digital Downloads certification set |digital=true
Also supports |streamsonly=true for streaming certifications between 2013 week 46 and the end of 2014
Productores de Música de España#Certifications Shipments/Streaming-only→Sales+Streaming
Sweden Use |certyear= and |certweek= To cite from a chart, where |position= can be used to ease navigation (use |source=chart to force this option). Use |source=artist to cite by |artist=. Otherwise, can use |certyear= for an archived citation but only until 2011.
Sales may require relyear and sometimes relmonth.
[62] [63], [64] Shipments→Sales+Streaming/Streaming-only
Switzerland Sales require relyear. May also use certyear for correct footnotes.
Set |domestic=true for repertoire in French and Italian
[65] Shipments→Sales+Streaming
United Kingdom Manual search required if id not specified
Sales for singles require relyear
Set discount=true for correct discount album sales figure.
For albums, sales correct only from 1979
[66] [67] Shipments/Sales→Sales+Streaming
United States Supports multidisc for multi-disc packages
set |Spanish=true for Spanish certification. Correct Spanish album sales require certyear and sometimes certmonth and certday
Sales for singles require certyear
Set |digital=true for digital single certification
[68] [69] [70] [71] Shipments/Sales→Sales+Streaming
Uruguay requires certyear [72] [73] [74] [75] Shipments

IFPI 認證彙總:2005年[1],2006年[2],2007年1月[3],2007年9月[4],2007年10月[5],2008年[6],2009年[7],2009年12月[8],2010年9月[9],2011年9月[10],2012年3月[11],2012年8月[12],2013年3月[13],2013年6月[14]


  1. ^ RIAJ Yearbook 2005 (PDF). RIAJ. [2019-11-27]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2019-11-27) (英语). 
  2. ^ Certification Award Levels 2006 (PDF). IFPI. [2006-12-19]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2006-12-19) (英语). 
  3. ^ Certification Award Levels 2007 (PDF). IFPI. [2007-06-15]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-06-15) (英语). 
  4. ^ Certification Award Levels September 2007 (PDF). IFPI. [2007-09-24]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-09-24) (英语). 
  5. ^ IFPI Certification levels 2007 (PDF). IFPI. 2007-10 [2008-02-27]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2008-02-27) (英语). 
  6. ^ International Certification Award levels (PDF). IFPI. 2008 [2008-06-25]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2008-06-25) (英语). 
  7. ^ Certification Award Levels 2009 (PDF). IFPI. 2009 [2009-09-27]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2009-09-27) (英语). 
  8. ^ International Certification Award levels Updated December 2009 (PDF). IFPI. 2009-12 [2010-02-15]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-02-15) (英语). 
  9. ^ International Certification Award levels Updated Sept 2010 (PDF). IFPI. 2010-09 [2010-11-26]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-11-26) (英语). 
  10. ^ International Certification Award levels Updated Sept 2011 (PDF). IFPI. 2011-09 [2011-11-01]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-11-01) (英语). 
  11. ^ International Certification Award levels Updated March 2012 (PDF). IFPI. 2012-03 [2012-05-04]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012-05-04) (英语). 
  12. ^ International Certification Award levels Updated August 2012 (PDF). IFPI. 2012-08 [2012-09-22]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012-09-22) (英语). 
  13. ^ International Certification Award levels Updated March 2013 (PDF). IFPI. 2013-03 [2013-08-13]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2013-08-13) (英语). 
  14. ^ International Certification Award levels Updated June 2013 (PDF). IFPI. 2013-06 [2014-03-28]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2014-03-28) (英语). 

January 2009, [









