

← 1910年12月 1918年12月14日 1922 →
  多數黨 少數黨 第三大黨
领袖 安德魯·博納·勞 大衛·勞合·喬治 埃蒙·迪·華理拉
政党 保守黨 自由黨(聯合政府派)英语Coalition Coupon 新芬黨
上任时间 1911年11月13日 1916年12月7日 1917年10月25日
代表选区 中格拉斯哥 加拿分自治市鎮英语Caernarvon (UK Parliament constituency) 東克萊爾英语East Clare (UK Parliament constituency)東梅奧英语East Mayo (UK Parliament constituency)[a]
上届结果 271席,46.6% 未參加 未參加
赢得席次 382 127 73
席次差额 111 127 73
民選得票 4,003,848 1,396,590 476,458
得票率 38.4% 13.4% 4.6%
得票变动 8.2% 新政黨 新政黨

  第四大黨 第五大黨 第六大黨
领袖 威廉·亞當森英语William Adamson H·H·阿斯奎斯 喬治·尼科·伯恩斯英语George Nicoll Barnes
政党 工黨 自由黨 國民民主工黨英语National Democratic and Labour Party
上任时间 1917年10月24日 1908年4月30日 1918年
代表选区 西快富英语West Fife (UK Parliament constituency) 東快富英语East Fife (UK Parliament constituency) (落選) Glasgow Gorbals
上届结果 42席,6.4% 272席,44.2% 未參加
赢得席次 57 36 9
席次差额 15 236 9
民選得票 2,171,230 1,355,398 156,834
得票率 20.8% 13.0% 1.3%
得票变动 14.5% 31.2% 新政黨


英國國民自由黨英语Coalition Liberal


英國國民自由黨英语Coalition Liberal

1918年英國大選(英語:1918 United Kingdom general election)於1918年12月14日舉行,改選下議院全體議席。時任首相大衛·勞合·喬治在德法雙方簽訂停戰協定結束第一次世界大戰後旋即宣布舉行大選。當時執政的聯合政府向支持聯合政府的參選人發出認可信函,这些信函被称为「聯合政府認可信英语Coalition Coupon」,導致整場大選亦被稱作「認可信選舉」。選舉結果為聯合政府取得大勝,國會主要由保守黨及聯合政府派自由黨组成,而未获認可的自由黨候選人则遭受巨大敗績,[1]包括自由黨黨魁H·H·阿斯奎斯[2]

The 1918 United Kingdom general election was called immediately after the Armistice with Germany which ended the First World War, and was held on Saturday, 14 December 1918. The governing coalition, under Prime Minister David Lloyd George, sent letters of endorsement to candidates who supported the coalition government. These were nicknamed "Coalition Coupons", and led to the election being known as the "coupon election". The result was a massive landslide in favour of the coalition, comprising primarily the Conservatives and Coalition Liberals, with massive losses for Liberals who were not endorsed.[1] Nearly all the Liberal MPs without coupons were defeated, including party leader H. H. Asquith.[2]


It was the first general election to include on a single day all eligible voters of the United Kingdom, although the vote count was delayed until 28 December so that the ballots cast by soldiers serving overseas could be included in the tallies.[3]


It resulted in a landslide victory for the coalition government of David Lloyd George, who had replaced H. H. Asquith as Prime Minister in December 1916. They were both Liberals, and continued to battle for control of the party, which was rapidly losing popular support, and never regained power.[4]


It was the first general election to be held after enactment of the Representation of the People Act 1918. It was thus the first election in which women over the age of 30 (with some property qualifications), and all men over the age of 21, could vote. Previously, all women and many poor men had been excluded from voting. Women generally supported the coalition candidates.[5][6]

同年4月的基斯利補選,尼娜·博伊爾英语Nina Boyle作爲女性試圖參加,卻被選舉官因技術原因拒絕。及後上院法官的報告指《1832年改革法令》規定國會候選人必須為男性,而1918年通過的《人民代表法令》並未改變這一限制,導致出現女性擁有選舉權但卻缺乏被選舉權的情形。國會因而於解散前不久通過《1918年國會(女性資格)法令》首次允許女性作為候選人參選。該法令亦為英國迄今内容最短的成文法令。

It was the first parliamentary election in which women were able to stand as candidates, following the Parliament (Qualification of Women) Act 1918, believed to be one of the shortest Acts of Parliament ever given Royal Assent. The Act was passed shortly before Parliament was dissolved. It followed a report by Law Officers that the Great Reform Act 1832 had specified parliamentary candidates had to be male, and that the Representation of the People Act passed earlier in the year did not change that. One woman, Nina Boyle, had already presented herself for a by-election earlier in the year in Keighley, but had been turned down by the returning officer on technical grounds.[7]


Prior to this election the university constituency seats were re-allocated. Several seats were filled in multi-seat constituencies using STV.[1]

此次大選還因在愛爾蘭的戲劇性結果英语1918 United Kingdom general election in Ireland而備受關注。主張地方自治爱尔兰议会党的原有席次幾近被主張愛爾蘭共和主義,新參選的新芬黨完全取代。新芬黨在參選政綱中誓言會建立一個獨立的愛爾蘭共和國。新芬黨議員在當選後拒絕就任,轉而自行成立一分裂政府宣佈獨立英语Irish Declaration of Independence,正式打響爱尔兰独立战争。戰爭引致的分治導致此次大選為最後一次攬括愛爾蘭島全境的英國大選。

The election was also noted for the dramatic result in Ireland, which showed clear disapproval of government policy. The Irish Parliamentary Party were almost completely wiped out by the Irish republican party Sinn Féin, who vowed in their manifesto to establish an independent Irish Republic. They refused to take their seats in Westminster, instead forming a breakaway government and declaring Irish independence. The Irish War of Independence began soon after the election. Because of the resulting partition of Ireland, this was the last United Kingdom general election to include the entire island of Ireland.




Lloyd George's coalition government was supported by a minority (majority after the election) of the Liberals and Bonar Law's Conservatives. However, the election saw a split in the Liberal Party between those who were aligned with Lloyd George and the government and those who were aligned with Asquith, the party's official leader.


On 14 November it was announced that Parliament, which had been sitting since 1910 and had been extended by emergency wartime action, would dissolve on 25 November, with elections on 14 December.[9]

勞合·喬治與博納·勞在1918年夏天達成秘密協議,在今屆大選中共同支持部分參選人。聯合政府向這些參選人發出被称为「聯合政府公認證英语Coalition Coupon」的認可信函,以證明該參選人獲聯合政府所支持。一共有159名自由黨、364名保守黨、20名國民民主工黨英语National Democratic and Labour Party及2名支持聯合政府的工黨英语Coalition Labour參選人收到了認可信。这些信函導致整場大選亦被稱作「認可信選舉」。[10]

Following confidential negotiations over the summer of 1918, it was agreed that certain candidates were to be offered the support of the Prime Minister and the leader of the Conservative Party at the next general election. To these candidates a letter, known as the Coalition Coupon, was sent, indicating the government's endorsement of their candidacy. 159 Liberal, 364 Conservative, 20 National Democratic and Labour, and 2 Coalition Labour candidates received the coupon. For this reason, the election is often called the Coupon Election.[10]

80名保守黨參選人並未收到認可信,當中35名隸屬於愛爾蘭統一黨英语Irish Unionist Alliance。在其他未獲認可信的保守黨候選人中,只有23人與聯合政府參選人競選;其餘22名參選人則是在沒有認可信的選區競選,或是拒絕接受認可信。[11]威廉·亞當森英语William Adamson領導的工黨及其餘未收到認可信的自由黨員則獨立參選。

80 Conservative candidates stood without a coupon. Of these, 35 candidates were Irish Unionists. Of the other non-couponed Conservative candidates, only 23 stood against a Coalition candidate; the remaining 22 candidates stood in areas where there were no coupons, or refused the offer of a coupon.[11]The Labour Party, led by William Adamson, fought the election independently, as did those Liberals who did not receive a coupon.



The election was not chiefly fought over what peace to make with Germany, although those issues played a role. More important was the voters' evaluation of Lloyd George in terms of what he had accomplished so far and what he promised for the future. His supporters emphasised that he had won the Great War. Against his strong record in social legislation, he called for making "a country fit for heroes to live in".[12]




聯合政府以外亦有47名保守黨參選人在沒有認可信的情況下取得議席,當中包括23名愛爾蘭統一黨參選人。他們在國會内除了與愛爾蘭獨立問題相關法案以外,會支持聯合政府。The coalition won the election easily, with the Conservatives the big winners. They were the largest party in the governing majority. Lloyd George remained Prime Minister, despite the Conservatives outnumbering his pro-coalition Liberals and had a majority in their own right. The Conservatives welcomed his leadership on foreign policy as the Paris Peace talks began a few weeks after the election.[13]

An additional 47 Conservatives, 23 of whom were Irish Unionists, won without the coupon but did not act as a separate block or oppose the government except on the issue of Irish independence.

儘管聯合政府派的自由黨參選人大多成功連任,但阿斯奎斯一派英语Independent Liberal Party (UK, 1918)的自由黨(一般稱作獨立自由黨以與親聯合政府的自由黨區分)參選人則幾近全軍覆沒。甚至阿斯奎斯及其他自由黨領導層亦在大選中落選。獨立自由黨派出277名參選人,只贏得36席(選後更有9名議員改投聯合政府一方),[14]當選者中最資深的3人也僅出任過助理政務次長。[15]1919年2月3日,獨立自由黨當中23名議員在國會中組建了「自由自由黨」黨團——黨團很快被大衆借用對蘇格蘭自由教會的貶稱而稱為「極少自由者」(Wee Frees)。在缺少阿斯奎斯的情況下,黨團同意其任命唐納德·麥克林英语Donald Maclean (British politician)為黨團主席。自由自由黨黨團曾一度嘗試與聯合政府派的自由黨議員共組聯合委員會但無果,最終黨團在4月4日宣佈解除政府黨鞭。麥克林出任反對黨領袖直至阿斯奎斯於1920年2月的補選英语1920 Paisley by-election中回歸下議院。

While most of the pro-coalition Liberals were re-elected, the Independent Liberal faction was reduced to a handful of MPs, not all of whom were opponents of the coalition. Asquith and the other leaders lost their seats, and only three with junior ministerial experience were elected.[15] According to Trevor Wilson's book, The Downfall of the Liberal Party, 136 couponed Liberals were elected, whereas only 29 who did not receive the coupon were returned to Parliament, but as 8 Independent Liberals received the coupon and 10 Lloyd George Liberals did not, the actual number of the Asquith faction was 27.[14] Another historian puts the Asquith faction at 36 seats, of whom nine of these MPs subsequently joined the Coalition Liberal group. The remainder became bitter enemies of Lloyd George.[16] Asquith's biographer Stephen Koss accepts that, although accounts differ as to the exact numbers, around 29 uncouponed Liberals had been elected. On 3 February 1919, 23 non-coalition Liberals formed themselves into a "Free Liberal" group (soon known as the "Wee Frees" after a Scottish religious sect of that name); they accepted Asquith's appointment of Sir Donald Maclean as chairman in his absence. After a brief attempt to set up a joint committee with the Coalition Liberal MPs, the "Wee Frees" resigned the government whip on 4 April, although some Liberal MPs still remained of uncertain allegiance. Maclean served as Leader of the Opposition until Asquith returned at a by-election in February 1920.[15]


The Labour Party greatly increased its vote share and surpassed the total votes of either faction of the Liberal party, but they lacked an official leader. Labour could only slightly increase their number of seats, however, from 42 to 57 and some of their earlier leaders including Ramsay MacDonald and Arthur Henderson lost their seats. Labour won the most seats in Wales (which had previously been dominated by the Liberals) for the first time, a feat it has continued to the present day.[17]

The Conservative MPs included record numbers of corporate directors, bankers and businessmen, while Labour MPs were mostly from the working class. Bonar Law himself symbolised the change in the type of a Conservative MP as he was a Presbyterian Canadian-born Scottish businessman who became, in the words of his biographer Robert Blake, the leader of "the Party of Old England, the Party of the Anglican Church and the country squire, the party of broad acres and hereditary titles".[18] Bonar Law's ascent as leader of the Conservatives marked a shift in Conservative leaders from the aristocrats who generally led the party in the 19th century to a more middle class leadership who usually led the party in the 20th century.[18] Many young veterans reacted against the harsh tone of the campaign and became disillusioned with politics.[19]



Constance Markievicz was the first woman elected to the House of Commons and also to the Dáil Éireann, but as an Irish nationalist she did not take her seat at Westminster.

In Ireland, the Irish Parliamentary Party, which favoured Home Rule within the United Kingdom, lost almost all their seats, most of which were won by Sinn Féin under Éamon de Valera, which called for independence. The executions of many of the leaders of the Easter uprising of 1916, the force-feeding of those imprisoned in connection with the uprising who had gone on a hunger strike in 1917, and the Conscription Crisis of 1918 all served to alienate Irish Catholic opinion from the United Kingdom.[20] The Sinn Féin candidates had promised on the campaign trail to win an Irish republic "by any means necessary", which was a code-word for violence, though it is not entirely clear if all Irish voters understood what the phrase meant.[21] The 73 Sinn Féin elected members declined to take their seats in the British House of Commons, sitting instead in the Irish revolutionary assembly, the Dáil Éireann. On 17 May 1918 almost the entire leadership of Sinn Féin, including de Valera and Arthur Griffith, had been arrested. In total 47 of the Sinn Féin MPs were elected from jail. The Dáil first convened on 21 January 1919, which marks the beginning of the Irish War of Independence.

In the six Ulster counties that became Northern Ireland, Unionists consolidated their position by winning 23 out of the 30 seats. Cardinal Michael Logue brokered a pact in eight seats (one, East Donegal, not in the six counties), after nominations closed, where Catholic voters were instructed to vote for one particular nationalist party. Split evenly, the Irish Parliamentary Party won four of those seats and Sinn Féin three. (The pact failed in East Down). Joseph Devlin, memorably, also won Belfast (Falls) for the Irish Parliamentary Party in a straight fight with Éamon de Valera of Sinn Féin.

Constance Markievicz became the first woman elected to Parliament and also to the Dáil Éireann. She was a Sinn Féin member elected for Dublin St Patrick's, and like the other Sinn Féin MPs, did not take her seat at Westminster.

Women candidates


The seventeen women candidates were:



Seats by party

UK General Election 1918
候選人 選票
政黨 領袖 參選 勝出 進帳 落敗 增減 全部百分比 百分比 總數 百分比增減
Coalition Government[b]
  保守黨 Bonar Law 445 379 +108 53.6 38.4 4,003,848 −8.2
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Coalition Liberal; width: 3px;" |   Coalition Liberal David Lloyd George 145 127 +127 18.0 12.6 1,318,844 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Coalition National Democratic and Labour Party; width: 3px;" |   Coalition National Democratic and Labour Party 18 9 +9 1.3 1.5 156,834 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Coalition Labour; width: 3px;" |   Coalition Labour N/A 5 4 +4 0.5 0.4 40,641 N/A
  Coalition Independent N/A 1 1 +1 0.1 0.1 9,274 N/A
Coalition Government (total) David Lloyd George 614 520 +249 73.6 53.0 5,529,441 +6.4
Non-Coalition parties
  工黨 William Adamson 361 57 +15 8.1 20.8 2,171,230 +14.5
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Liberal Party (UK); width: 3px;" |   Liberal Party (UK) H. H. Asquith 277 36 −236 5.1 13.0 1,355,398 −31.2
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Sinn Féin; width: 3px;" |   Sinn Féin Éamon de Valera 102 73 +73 10.3 4.6 476,458 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Irish Parliamentary Party; width: 3px;" |   Irish Parliamentary Party John Dillon 57 7 −67 1.0 2.2 226,498 −0.3
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Labour; width: 3px;" |   Independent Labour N/A 29 2 2 +2 0.3 1.1 116,322 +1.0
  無黨籍 N/A 42 2 2 +2 0.1 1.0 105,261 +1.0
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/National Party (UK, 1917); width: 3px;" |   National Party (UK, 1917) Henry Page Croft 26 2 2 +2 0.3 0.9 94,389 N/A
  Independent NFDSS James Hogge 30 0 0 0.0 0.6 58,164 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Co-operative Party; width: 3px;" |   Co-operative Party William Henry Watkins 10 1 1 +1 0.1 0.6 57,785 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Conservative; width: 3px;" |   Independent Conservative N/A 17 1 0 0.1 0.4 44,637 +0.3
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Labour Unionist; width: 3px;" |   Labour Unionist Edward Carson 3 3 3 +3 0.4 0.3 30,304 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Liberal; width: 3px;" |   Independent Liberal N/A 8 1 1 +1 0.1 0.2 24,985 +0.2
  Agriculturalist Edward Mials Nunneley 7 0 0 0.0 0.2 19,412 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/National Democratic and Labour Party; width: 3px;" |   National Democratic and Labour Party 8 0 0 0.0 0.2 17,991 N/A
  NFDSS James Hogge 5 0 0 0.0 0.1 12,329 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Belfast Labour Party; width: 3px;" |   Belfast Labour Party N/A 4 0 0 0.0 0.1 12,164 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/National Socialist Party (UK); width: 3px;" |   National Socialist Party (UK) H. M. Hyndman 3 1 1 +1 0.1 0.1 11,013 N/A
  Highland Land League N/A 4 0 0 0.0 0.1 8,710 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Women's Party (UK); width: 3px;" |   Women's Party (UK) Christabel Pankhurst 1 0 0 0.0 0.1 8,614 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/British Socialist Party; width: 3px;" |   British Socialist Party Albert Inkpin 3 0 0 0.0 0.1 8,394 N/A
  Independent Democratic N/A 4 0 0 0.0 0.1 8,351 N/A
  NADSS James Howell 1 1 1 +1 0.1 0.1 8,287 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Nationalist; width: 3px;" |   Independent Nationalist N/A 6 0 0 0.0 0.1 8,183 +0.1
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Socialist Labour Party (UK, 1903); width: 3px;" |   Socialist Labour Party (UK, 1903) Tom Bell 3 0 0 0.0 0.1 7,567 N/A
  Scottish Prohibition Party Edwin Scrymgeour 1 0 0 0.0 0.0 5,212 N/A
style="background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Independent Progressive; width: 3px;" |   Independent Progressive N/A 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 5,077 N/A
  Ind. Labour and Agriculturalist N/A 1 0 0 0.0 0.0 1,927 N/A
  Christian Socialist N/A 1 0 0 0.0 0.0 597 N/A

Votes summary

Popular vote
Coalition Liberal
Sinn Féin
Irish Parliamentary
Popular vote (all coalition parties)
Coalition Gov't
Sinn Féin
Irish Parliamentary

Seats summary

Parliamentary seats
Coalition Liberal
Sinn Féin
Irish Parliamentary
Parliamentary seats (all coalition parties)
Coalition Gov't
Sinn Féin
Irish Parliamentary

Transfers of seats

  • All comparisons are with the December 1910 election.
    • In some cases the change is due to the MP defecting to the gaining party. Such circumstances are marked with a *.
    • In other circumstances the change is due to the seat having been won by the gaining party in a by-election in the intervening years, and then retained in 1918. Such circumstances are marked with a †.
From To No. Seats
Labour| | rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #DC241f;"| 工黨 (HOLD) Labour (HOLD) Burslem (replaced Staffordshire North West), Deptford, Plaistow (replaced West Ham South), Woolwich East (replaced Woolwich)
[[Coalition Labour|Template:Party meta/shortname/Coalition Labour]] Coalition Labour Norwich (1 of 2), Stockport (1 of 2)
[[Coalition National Democratic and Labour Party|Template:Party meta/shortname/Coalition National Democratic and Labour Party]] Coalition National Democratic Hanley
[[Liberal Party (UK)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Liberal Party (UK)]] Liberal
[[Coalition Liberal|Template:Party meta/shortname/Coalition Liberal]] National Liberal
保守黨 Conservative Bow and Bromley†, Nuneaton
Sinn Féin| | rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Nationalist Party (Northern Ireland);"| [[Nationalist Party (Northern Ireland)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Nationalist Party (Northern Ireland)]] Nationalist
Nationalist| | rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Nationalist Party (Northern Ireland);"| [[Nationalist Party (Northern Ireland)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Nationalist Party (Northern Ireland)]] Nationalist
[[Liberal-Labour (UK)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Liberal-Labour (UK)]] Lib-Lab| | rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Coalition Liberal;"| [[Coalition Liberal|Template:Party meta/shortname/Coalition Liberal]] National Liberal Battersea North (replaced Battersea)
Liberal| | rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #DC241f;"| 工黨 Labour Forest of Dean, Leek, Wellingborough (replaced Northamptonshire Mid)
[[National Democratic and Labour Party|Template:Party meta/shortname/National Democratic and Labour Party]] National Democratic Walthamstow W (replaced Walthamstow)
[[Liberal Party (UK)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Liberal Party (UK)]] (HOLD) Liberal (HOLD) Bermondsey West (replaced Bermondsey), Camborne, Cornwall North (replaced Launceston), Newcastle-under-Lyme, Norwich (1 of 2), Saffron Walden, Whitechapel and St Georges (replaced Whitechapel), Wolverhampton East
[[Coalition Liberal|Template:Party meta/shortname/Coalition Liberal]] National Liberal Banbury, Barnstaple, Bedford, Bethnal Green NE, Bristol East, Bristol North, Bristol South, Cambridgeshire (replaced Chesterton), Crewe, Dartford, Dorset East, Eye, Hackney Central, Isle of Ely (replaced Wisbech), Kennington, Lichfield, Stepney Limehouse (replaced Limehouse), Lowestoft, Luton, Norfolk South, Norfolk South West, Northampton (1 of 2), Peckham, Poplar South (replaced Poplar), Romford, St Ives, Shoreditch (replaced Hoxton), South Molton, Southampton (both seats), Southwark Central (replaced Newington West), Southwark North (replaced Southwark West), Southwark South East (replaced Walworth), Stockport (1 of 2), Stoke-upon-Trent, Stroud, Thornbury, Wellington (Salop)
Coalition Independent Norfolk North
无党籍 Independent Hackney South
保守黨 Conservative Bedfordshire Mid (replaced Biggleswade), Bethnal Green South-West†, Buckingham, Camberwell North, Cheltenham†, Coventry, Exeter†, Frome, Gillingham (replaced Rochester), Ipswich (1 of 2)†, Islington East, Islington South, Islington West, Macclesfield, Norfolk East, Northwich, Peterborough, Reading†, Rotherhithe, St Pancras North, Stafford, Swindon (replaced Cricklade), Tottenham South (replaced Tottenham), Upton (replaced West Ham North), Westbury, Yeovil (replaced Somerset Southern)†
abolished Finsbury East, Haggerston, Hyde, Ipswich (1 of 2), Newmarket, Norfolk North West, Northampton (1 of 2), Northamptonshire East, St Austell, St George, Tower Hamlets, St Pancras East, Stepney, Truro, Worcestershire North
[[Speaker of the House of Commons (United Kingdom)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Speaker of the House of Commons (United Kingdom)]] Speaker| | rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Liberal Party (UK);"| [[Liberal Party (UK)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Liberal Party (UK)]] Liberal
Liberal Unionist| | rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #0087DC;"| 保守黨 Conservative Aylesbury*, Birmingham West*, Bodmin*, Burton*, Birmingham Handsworth*, Hythe*, Ludlow*, Portsmouth North (replaced 1 of 2 Portsmouth seats)*, Stepney Mile End (replaced Mile End)*, Birmingham Sparkbrook (replaced Birmingham South)*, Stone (replaced Staffordshire West)*, Torquay*, Totnes*, Westminster St George's (replaced St George, Hanover Square)*
abolished Ashburton, Birmingham Central, Birmingham North, Birmingham Bordesley, Droitwich, Norfolk Mid, Ross, Somerset Eastern, Worcestershire East
Conservative| | rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #DC241f;"| 工黨 Labour Kettering (replaced Northamptonshire North), Kingswinford, Wednesbury, West Bromwich
[[Liberal Party (UK)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Liberal Party (UK)]] Liberal Lambeth North, Weston-super-Mare (replaced Somerset Northern)
[[Coalition Liberal|Template:Party meta/shortname/Coalition Liberal]] National Liberal Sudbury
保守黨 (HOLD) Conservative (HOLD) Abingdon, Altrincham, Ashford, Birmingham Aston (replaced Aston Manor), Basingstoke, Bath (1 of 2), Bewdley, Bilston (replaced Wolverhampton South), Birkenhead East (replaced Birkenhead), Brentford and Chiswick (replaced Brentford), Bridgwater, Brighton (both seats), Bristol West, Brixton, Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge, Chatham, Chelmsford, Chelsea, Chertsey, Chester, Chichester, Chippenham, Cirencester and Tewkesbury (replaced Tewkesbury), Clapham, Colchester, Croydon South (replaced Croydon), Daventry (replaced Northamptonshire South), Devizes, Plymouth Devonport (replaced 1 of 2 Devonport seats), Dorset North, Dorset South, Dorset West, Dover, Plymouth Drake (replaced 1 of 2 Plymouth seats), Dudley, Dulwich, Ealing, East Grinstead, Eastbourne, Eddisbury, Birmingham Edgbaston, Enfield, Epping, Epsom, Birmingham Erdington (replaced Birmingham East), Essex South East, Evesham, Fareham, Faversham, Finsbury (replaced Finsbury Central), Fulham East (replaced Fulham), Gloucester, Gravesend, Great Yarmouth, Greenwich, Guildford, Hackney North, Hammersmith South (replaced Hammersmith), Hampstead, Harrow, Harwich, Hastings, Henley, Hereford, Hitchin, Holborn, Honiton, Hornsey, Horsham and Worthing (replaced Horsham), Huntingdonshire (replaced Huntingdon), Isle of Thanet, Isle of Wight, Islington North, Kensington North, Kensington South, Kidderminster, King's Lynn, Kingston upon Thames, Knutsford, Leominster, Lewes, Lewisham West (replaced Lewisham), City of London (both seats), Maidstone, Maldon, New Forest & Christchurch (replaced New Forest), Newbury, Norwood, Oswestry, Oxford, Paddington North, Paddington South, Penryn and Falmouth, Petersfield, Portsmouth South (replaced 1 of 2 Portsmouth seats), Reigate, Rugby, Rye, St Albans, St Marylebone (replaced Marylebone West), St Pancras South East (replaced St Pancras South), St Pancras South West (replaced St Pancras West), Salisbury, Sevenoaks, Shrewsbury, Stalybridge and Hyde (replaced Stalybridge), Plymouth Sutton (replaced 1 of 2 Plymouth seats), Tamworth, Taunton, Tavistock, Tiverton, Tonbridge (replaced Tunbridge), Uxbridge, Wandsworth Central (replaced Wandsworth), Warwick and Leamington, Watford, Wells, Westminster Abbey (replaced Westminster), Wimbledon, Winchester, Windsor, Wirral, Wolverhampton West, Woodbridge, Worcester, Wycombe
[[National Party (UK, 1917)|Template:Party meta/shortname/National Party (UK, 1917)]] National Bournemouth (replaced Christchurch)†, Walsall
Silver Badge Hertford
abolished Andover, Bath (1 of 2), Cirencester, Devonport (1 of 2), Marylebone East, Medway, Newport (Shropshire), Ramsey, St Augustine's, Stowmarket, Strand, Stratford upon Avon, Wellington (Somerset), Wilton, Wokingham, Woodstock
[[Independent Conservative|Template:Party meta/shortname/Independent Conservative]] Ind. Conservative| | rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #0087DC;"| 保守黨 Conservative Canterbury
UUP| | rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: Template:Party meta/color/Ulster Unionist Party;"| [[Ulster Unionist Party|Template:Party meta/shortname/Ulster Unionist Party]] UUP
[[Irish Unionist Alliance|Template:Party meta/shortname/Irish Unionist Alliance]] Irish Unionist abolished
Seat created| | rowspan="1" style="width: 2px; background-color: #DC241f;"| 工黨 Labour Smethwick
[[Coalition Labour|Template:Party meta/shortname/Coalition Labour]] Coalition Labour Cannock
[[National Socialist Party (UK)|Template:Party meta/shortname/National Socialist Party (UK)]] National Socialist Party Silvertown
[[National Democratic and Labour Party|Template:Party meta/shortname/National Democratic and Labour Party]] National Democratic Birmingham Duddeston, East Ham South
[[Liberal Party (UK)|Template:Party meta/shortname/Liberal Party (UK)]] Liberal Portsmouth Central, Stourbridge
[[Coalition Liberal|Template:Party meta/shortname/Coalition Liberal]] National Liberal Camberwell North-West, East Ham North, Leyton East
保守黨 Conservative Acton, Aldershot, Balham and Tooting, Battersea South, Birkenhead West, Bristol Central, Bromley, Chislehurst, Croydon North, Birmingham Deritend, Edmonton, Farnham, Finchley, Fulham West, Hammersmith North, Hemel Hempstead, Hendon, Ilford, Birmingham King's Norton, Birmingham Ladywood, Lewisham East, Leyton West, Mitcham, Birmingham Moseley, Putney, Richmond (Surrey), Southend, Spelthorne, Stoke Newington, Stratford, Streatham, Surrey East, Tottenham North, Twickenham, Wallasey, Walthamstow East, Willesden East, Willesden West, Wood Green, Woolwich West, Birmingham Yardley
[[Ulster Unionist Party|Template:Party meta/shortname/Ulster Unionist Party]] UUP

See also

  1. ^ 迪·華理拉同時於此兩個選區當選。
  2. ^ The Conservative total includes 47 Conservative candidates elected without the Coalition Coupon, of whom 23 were Irish Unionists. Historians do not agree about the exact split between Asquith and Lloyd George Liberals - see above.
  3. ^ All parties shown.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 J. M. McEwen, "The coupon election of 1918 and Unionist Members of Parliament." Journal of Modern History 34.3 (1962): 294–306.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Stuart R. Ball, "Asquith's Decline and the General Election of 1918." Scottish Historical Review 61.171 (1982): 44–61.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Barry McGill, "Lloyd George's Timing of the 1918 Election." Journal of British Studies 14.1 (1974): 109–124.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Paul Adelman, The decline of the Liberal Party 1910–1931 (2014).
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Hilson, Mary. Women voters and the rhetoric of patriotism in the British general election of 1918. Women's History Review. 2001, 10 (2): 325–347. doi:10.1080/09612020100200284 . 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 David Thackeray, "Home and politics: women and Conservative activism in early twentieth-century Britain." Journal of British Studies 49.4 (2010): 826-848, esp. p. 836.
  7. ^ Hallam, David J. A, Taking on the Men, the first women parliamentary candidates 1918, Studley, 2018, p 11-12
  8. ^ Ratcliffe, Mike. The history of university representation. Wonkhe. 2015-01-28 [2024-06-24] (英语). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Mowat 1955,第3頁.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Trevor Wilson, "The Coupon and the British General Election of 1918." Journal of Modern History 36.1 (1964): 28–42.
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 McEwen 1962,第295頁.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Taylor 1976,第127–128頁.
  13. ^ Inbal Rose, Conservatism and foreign policy during the Lloyd George coalition 1918–1922 (2014).
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Wilson, Trevor. The Downfall of the Liberal Party . Cornell University Press. 1966: 393. 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 Koss,第241–242頁.
  16. ^ Edward David, "The Liberal Party Divided 1916–1918." Historical Journal 13.3 (1970): 509–532.
  17. ^ Chris Wrigley, Lloyd George and the challenge of Labour: The post-war coalition, 1918–1922 (Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990).
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Blake, Robert The Unknown Prime Minister: The Life and Times of Andrew Bonar Law, 1858–1923, London: Faber and Faber, 2011 p.86.
  19. ^ Mowat 1955,第9頁.
  20. ^ Cottrell, Peter The Anglo-Irish War: The Troubles of 1913–1922, London: Osprey, 2006 page 39.
  21. ^ Cottrell, Peter The Anglo-Irish War: The Troubles of 1913–1922, London: Osprey, 2006 page 29.
  22. ^ Hallam, David J. A., ibid, pp 73–90
  23. ^ Archived copy (PDF). [23 May 2014]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于8 July 2014).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)

Further reading




Template:British electionsTemplate:David Lloyd GeorgeTemplate:Bonar Law



