File:Valkyria Chronicles 3.jpg
引擎CANVAS engine
  • 日本:2011年1月27日






戰場女武神3與前系列的前兩作一樣,均爲策略角色扮演遊戲。玩家需要在一定回合內指揮我方部隊擊敗敵軍部隊。主線故事的背景爲卡通書風格,角色的肖像亦爲漫畫風格。全劇中角色的部分臺詞有配音,而其餘部分僅通過文字的方式呈現[1][2][3]。遊戲進行過程中,玩家需要先後完成一系列戰役與事件。玩家可以自由瀏覽、重玩已經完成的戰役及事件。玩家在遊戲中可以自由選擇通往事件點的方式。但玩家一旦選擇了將要走的路線,另外一條路線就會封鎖[4]。在戰役事件之間,玩家可以在遊戲內的營地中變更出擊陣容或通過強化、觸發事件等使得遊戲角色得到強化[5]。 Alongside the main story missions are character-specific sub missions relating to different squad members. After the game's completion, additional episodes are unlocked, some of them having a higher difficulty than those found in the rest of the game. There are also love simulation elements related to the game's two main heroines, although they take a very minor role.[6]

The game's battle system, the BliTZ system, is carried over directly from Valkyira Chronicles. During missions, players select each unit using a top-down perspective of the battlefield map: once a character is selected, the player moves the character around the battlefield in third-person. A character can only act once per-turn, but characters can be granted multiple turns at the expense of other characters' turns.[2][3][7] Each character has a field and distance of movement limited by their Action Gauge.[8] Up to nine characters can be assigned to a single mission.[9] During gameplay, characters will call out if something happens to them, such as their health points (HP) getting low or being knocked out by enemy attacks.[1] Each character has specific "Potentials", skills unique to each character. They are divided into "Personal Potential", which are innate skills that remain unaltered unless otherwise dictated by the story and can either help or impede a character, and "Battle Potentials", which are grown throughout the game and always grant boons to a character. To learn Battle Potentials, each character has a unique "Masters Table", a grid-based skill table that can be used to acquire and link different skills.[5] Characters also have Special Abilities that grant them temporary boosts on the battlefield: Kurt can activate "Direct Command" and move around the battlefield without depleting his Action Point gauge, the character Reila can shift into her "Valkyria Form" and become invincible, while Imca can target multiple enemy units with her heavy weapon.[2][8]

Troops are divided into five classes: Scouts, Shocktroopers, Engineers, Lancers and Armored Soldier. Troopers can switch classes by changing their assigned weapon.[5] Changing class does not greatly affect the stats gained while in a previous class.[3] With victory in battle, experience points are awarded to the squad, which are distributed into five different attributes shared by the entire squad, a feature differing from early games' method of distributing to different unit types.[5]

The game takes place during the Second Europan War. Gallian Army Squad 422, also known as "The Nameless", are a penal military unit composed of criminals, foreign deserters, and military offenders whose real names are erased from the records and thereon officially referred to by numbers. Ordered by the Gallian military to perform the most dangerous missions that the Regular Army and Militia will not do, they are nevertheless up to the task, exemplified by their motto, Altaha Abilia, meaning "Always Ready." The three main characters are No.7 Kurt Irving, an army officer falsely accused of treason who wishes to redeem himself; Ace No.1 Imca, a female Darcsen heavy weapons specialist who seeks revenge against the Valkyria who destroyed her home; and No.13 Riela Marcellis, a seemingly jinxed young woman who is unknowingly a descendant of the Valkyria. Together with their fellow squad members, these three are tasked to fight against a mysterious Imperial unit known as Calamity Raven, consisting of mostly Darcsen soldiers.

As the Nameless officially do not exist, the upper echelons of the Gallian Army exploit the concept of plausible deniability in order to send them on missions that would otherwise make Gallia lose face in the war. While at times this works to their advantage, such as a successful incursion into Imperial territory, other orders cause certain members of the 422nd great distress. One such member, Gusurg, becomes so enraged that he abandons his post and defects into the ranks of Calamity Raven, attached to the ideal of Darcsen independence proposed by their leader, Dahau. At the same time, elements within Gallian Army Command move to erase the Nameless in order to protect their own interests. Hounded by both allies and enemies, and combined with the presence of a traitor within their ranks, the 422nd desperately move to keep themselves alive while at the same time fight to help the Gallian war effort. This continues until the Nameless's commanding officer, Ramsey Crowe, who had been kept under house arrest, is escorted to the capital city of Randgriz in order to present evidence exonerating the weary soldiers and expose the real traitor, the Gallian General that had accused Kurt of Treason.

Partly due to these events, and partly due to the major losses in manpower Gallia suffers towards the end of the war with the Empire, the Nameless are offered a formal position as a squad in the Gallian Army rather than serve as an anonymous shadow force. This is short-lived, however, as following Maximilian's defeat, Dahau and Calamity Raven move to activate an ancient Valkyrian super weapon within the Empire, kept secret by their benefactor. Without the support of Maximilian or the chance to prove themselves in the war with Gallia, it is Dahau's last trump card in creating a new Darcsen nation. As an armed Gallian force invading the Empire just following the two nations' cease-fire would certainly wreck their newfound peace, Kurt decides to once again make his squad the Nameless, asking Crowe to list himself and all under his command as killed-in-action. Now owing allegiance to none other than themselves, the 422nd confronts Dahau and destroys the Valkyrian weapon. Each member then goes their separate ways in order to begin their lives anew.



Concept work for Valkyria Chronicles III began after development finished on Valkyria Chronicles II in early 2010, with full development beginning shortly after this. The director of Valkyria Chronicles II, Takeshi Ozawa, returned to that role for Valkyria Chronicles III.[7] Development work took approximately one year.[10] After the release of Valkyria Chronicles II, the staff took a look at both the popular response for the game and what they wanted to do next for the series.[7] Like its predecessor, Valkyria Chronicles III was developed for PlayStation Portable: this was due to the team wanting to refine the mechanics created for Valkyria Chronicles II, and they had not come up with the "revolutionary" idea that would warrant a new entry for the PlayStation 3.[11] Speaking in an interview, it was stated that the development team considered Valkyria Chronicles III to be the series' first true sequel: while Valkyria Chronicles II had required a large amount of trial and error during development due to the platform move, the third game gave them a chance to improve upon the best parts of Valkyria Chronicles II due to being on the same platform.[6] In addition to Sega staff from the previous games, development work was also handled by Media.Vision.[7][12] The original scenario was written Kazuki Yamanobe, while the script was written by Hiroyuki Fujii, Koichi Majima, Kishiko Miyagi, Seiki Nagakawa and Takayuki Shouji.[13] Its story was darker and more somber than that of its predecessor.[1]

The majority of material created for previous games, such as the BLiTZ system and the design of maps, was carried over. Alongside this, improvements were made to the game's graphics and some elements were expanded, such as map layouts, mission structure, and the number of playable units per mission.[7][14] A part of this upgrade involved creating unique polygon models for each character's body.[15] In order to achieve this, the cooperative elements incorporated into the second game were removed, as they took up a large portion of memory space needed for the improvements. They also adjusted the difficulty settings and ease of play so they could appeal to new players while retaining the essential components of the series' gameplay. The newer systems were decided upon early in development.[7][14] The character designs were done by Raita Honjou, who had worked on the previous Valkyria Chronicles games. When creating the Nameless Squad, Honjou was faced with the same problem he had had during the first game: the military uniforms essentially destroyed character individuality, despite him needing to create unique characters the player could identify while maintaining a sense of reality within the Valkyria Chronicles world. The main color of the Nameless was black.[16] As with the previous Valkyria games, Valkyria Chronicles III used the CANVAS graphics engine.[17] The anime opening was produced by Production I.G.[18]

The music was composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto, who had also worked on the previous Valkyria Chronicles games. When he originally heard about the project, he thought it would be a light tone similar to other Valkyria Chronicles games, but found the themes much darker than expected. An early theme he designed around his original vision of the project was rejected. He redid the main theme about seven times through the music production due to this need to reassess the game. The main theme was initially recorded using orchestra, then Sakimoto removed elements such as the guitar and bass, then adjusted the theme using a synthesizer before redoing segments such as the guitar piece on their own before incorporating them into the theme. The rejected main theme was used as a hopeful tune that played during the game's ending. The battle themes were designed around the concept of a "modern battle" divorced from a fantasy scenario by using modern musical instruments, constructed to create a sense of atonality. While Sakimoto was most used to working with synthesized music, he felt that he needed to incorporate live instruments such as orchestra and guitar. The guitar was played by Mitsuhiro Ohta, who also arranged several of the later tracks.[19] The game's opening theme song, "If You Wish for..."もしも君が願うのなら,Moshimo Kimi ga Negauno Nara), was sung by Japanese singer May'n. Its theme was the reason soldiers fought, in particular their wish to protect what was precious to them rather than a sense of responsibility or duty. Its lyrics were written by Seiko Fujibayashi, who had worked on May'n on previous singles.[20]



In September 2010, a teaser website was revealed by Sega, hinting at a new Valkyria Chronicles game.[21] In its September issue, Famitsu listed that Senjō no Valkyria 3 would be arriving on the PlayStation Portable.[22] Its first public appearance was at the 2010 Tokyo Game Show (TGS), where a demo was made available for journalists and attendees. During the publicity, story details were kept scant so as not to spoil too much for potential players, along with some of its content still being in flux at the time of its reveal.[2] To promote the game and detail the story leading into the game's events, an episodic Flash visual novel written by Fujii began release in January 2011.[23][24] The game was released January 27, 2011.[25] During an interview, the development team said that the game had the capacity for downloadable content (DLC), but that no plans were finalized.[6] Multiple DLC maps, featuring additional missions and recruitable characters, were released between February and April 2011.[26][27][28] An expanded edition of the game, Valkyria Chronicles III Extra Edition, released on November 23, 2011. Packaged and sold at a lower price than the original, Extra Edition game with seven additional episodes: three new, three chosen by staff from the game's DLC, and one made available as a pre-order bonus. People who also owned the original game could transfer their save data between versions.[29][30]

Unlike its two predecessors, Valkyria Chronicles III was not released in the west. According to Sega, this was due to poor sales of Valkyria Chronicles II and the general unpopularity of the PSP in the west.[31] An unofficial fan translation patch began development in February 2012: players with a copy of Valkyria Chronicles III could download and apply the patch, which translated the game's text into English. Compatible with the Extra Edition, the patch was released in January 2014.[32]


PlayStation Lifestyle8/10[3]

On its day of release in Japan, Valkyria Chronicles III topped both platform-exclusive and multi-platform sales charts.[35] By early February, the game sold 102,779 units, coming in second overall to The Last Story for the Wii.[36] By the end of the year, the game had sold just over 152,500 units.[37]

Famitsu enjoyed the story, and were particularly pleased with the improvements to gameplay.[33] Japanese gaming site Game Watch Impress, despite negatively noting its pacing and elements recycled from previous games, was generally positive about its story and characters, and found its gameplay entertaining despite off-putting difficulty spikes.[38] 4Gamer.net writer Naohiko Misuosame, in a "Play Test" article based on the game's PSN demo, felt that Valkyria Chronicles III provided a "profound feeling of closure" for the Valkyria Chronicles series. He praised its gameplay despite annoying limitations to aspects such as special abilities, and positively noted its shift in story to a tone similar to the first game.[39]

PlayStation Official Magazine - UK praised the story's blurring of Gallia's moral standing, art style, and most points about its gameplay, positively noting the latter for both its continued quality and the tweaks to balance and content. Its one major criticism were multiple difficulty spikes, something that had affected the previous games.[34] Heath Hindman of gaming website PlayStation Lifestyle praised the addition of non-linear elements and improvements or removal of mechanics from Valkyria Chronicles II in addition to praising the returning gameplay style of previous games. He also positively noted the story's serious tone. Points criticized in the review were recycled elements, awkward cutscenes that seemed to include all characters in a scene for no good reason, pacing issues, and occasional problems with the game's AI.[3]

In a preview of the TGS demo, Ryan Geddes of IGN was left excited as to where the game would go after completing the demo, along with enjoying the improved visuals over Valkyria Chronicles II.[1] Kotaku's Richard Eisenbeis was highly positive about the game, citing is story as a return to form after Valkyria Chronicles II and its gameplay being the best in the series. His main criticisms were its length and gameplay repetition, along with expressing regret that it would not be localized.[40]



Kurt and Riela were featured in the Nintendo 3DS crossover Project X Zone, representing the Valkyria series.[41] Media.Vision would return to the series to develop Valkyria Revolution, with Ozawa returning as director. Revolution is a role-playing video game for the PlayStation 4 that forms the beginning of a new series within the Valkyria franchise.[42]


Valkyria of the Battlefield 3: The Wound Taken for Someone's Sake
假名戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡
罗马字Senjō no Valkyria 3: Taga Tame no Jūsō
类型Action, drama, military
导演Nobuhiro Kondō[43]
制片Shinji Motoyama[43]
编剧Hiroshi Ōnogi[43]
音乐Hitoshi Sakimoto[43]
製作A-1 Pictures[43]
上映日 June 29, 2011

Valkyria Chronicles 3 was adapted into a two-episode original video animation series in the same year of its release. Titled Senjō no Valkyria 3: Taga Tame no Jūsō戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡,lit. Valkyria of the Battlefield 3: The Wound Taken for Someone's Sake, it was originally released through PlayStation Network and Qriocity between April and May 2011. The initially-planned release and availability period needed to be extended due to a stoppage to PSN during the early summer of that year. It later released for DVD on June 29 and August 31, 2011, with separate "Black" and "Blue" editions being available for purchase.[44][45] The anime is set during the latter half of Valkyria Chronicles III, detailing a mission by the Nameless against their Imperial rivals Calamity Raven.[46] The anime was first announced in November 2010.[47] It was developed by A-1 Pictures, produced by Shinji Motoyama, directed by Nobuhiro Kondō, and written by Hiroshi Ōnogi. Sakimoto's music for the game was used in the anime.[43]

The anime's title was inspired by the principle purpose of the Nameless: to suffer in battle for the goals of others. A subtitle attached to the project during development was "The Road to Kubinka", which referenced the Kubinka Tank Museum in Moscow. The game's main theme was how the characters regained their sense of self when stripped of their names and identities, along with general themes focused on war and its consequences. While making the anime, the production team were told by Sega to make it as realistic as possible, with the consequence that the team did extensive research into aspects such as what happened when vehicles like tanks were overturned or damaged. Due to it being along the same timeline as the original game and its anime television adaptation, the cast of Valkyria Chronicles could make appearances, which pleased the team.[46][48][49] The opening theme, "Akari (Light) -Tomoshibi-"灯-TOMOSHIBI-, was sung by Japanese singer Faylan. The ending theme, "Someday the Flowers of Light Will Bloom"いつか咲く光の花,Itsuka Saku Hikari no Hana), was sung by Minami Kuribayashi. Both songs' lyrics were written by their respective artists.[50]

Two manga adaptations were produced, following each of the game's main female protagonists Imca and Riela. They were Senjō no Valkyria 3: Namo naki Chikai no Hana戦場のヴァルキュリア3 名もなき誓いの花,lit. Valkyria of the Battlefield 3: The Flower of the Nameless Oath, illustrated by Naoyuki Fujisawa and eventually released in two volumes after being serialized in Dengeki Maoh between 2011 and 2012; and Senjō no Valkyria 3: -Akaki Unmei no Ikusa Otome-戦場のヴァルキュリア3 -赤き運命の戦乙女-,lit. Valkyria of the Battlefield 3 -The Valkyrie of the Crimson Fate, illustrated by Mizuki Tsuge and eventually released in a single volume by Kadokawa Shoten in 2012.[51][52]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Geddes, Ryan. TGS: Valkyria Chronicles III Preview. IGN. 2010-09-17 [2016-01-27]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-27). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Chiappini, Dan. Valkyria Chronicles III: Unrecorded Chronicles Hands-On Impressions. GameSpot. 2010-09-17 [2016-01-27]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-27). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Hindman, Heath. Valkyria Chronicles 3 Review (PSP import). PlayStation Lifestyle. 2013-03-20 [2013-08-17]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-08). 
  4. ^ ルト達ネームレスの前に立ちはだかる「カラミティ・レーヴェン」とは. 4Gamer.net. 2010-11-17. (原始内容存档于2014-10-13) 使用|archiveurl=需要含有|url= (帮助) (Japanese). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Gantayat, Anoop. Valkyria Chronicles 3: Troop Changes, Potentials, and the Master Table. Andriasang.com. 2010-12-03 [2016-01-29]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-25). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Gantayat, Anoop. Valkyria Chronicles 3 Developers Talk PS3, Love Sim Elements and Cameos. Andriasang.com. 2010-11-04 [2016-01-28]. (原始内容存档于2010-11-05). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 セガ、PSP「戦場のヴァルキュリア3」プロデューサー本山氏特別インタビュー. Game Watch Impress. 2011-02-24 [2016-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-03) (Japanese). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Gantayat, Anoop. Valkyria Chronicles 3: Special Abilities, Weapons and New Nameless. Andriasang.com. 2010-12-03 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-25). 
  9. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为4Ginfo的参考文献提供内容
  10. ^ Inomata, Tetsuya. 目標どおり,前作から約1年で完成。「戦場のヴァルキュリア3」発売記念抽選会が開催に。本山真二プロデューサーのインタビューを掲載. 4Gamer.net. 2011-01-27 [2016-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-27) (Japanese). 
  11. ^ Gantayat, Anoop. Valkyria Chronicles Set for PSP. Andriasang.com. 2010-09-15 [2016-01-28]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-25). 
  12. ^ 戦場のヴァルキュリア3. Media.Vision. [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-28) (Japanese). 
  13. ^ 戦場のヴァルキュリア3. Edge Works. [2016-01-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-29) (Japanese). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Misuosame, Naohiko. システムやビジュアルなどのクオリティが大幅に進化した「戦場のヴァルキュリア3」,プロデューサー本山真二氏へのインタビューを掲載. 4Gamer.net. 2011-01-29 [2015-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-13) (Japanese). 
  15. ^ Motoyama, Shinji. 【ヴァルログ!】 キャラクターについて. Valkyria Chronicles 3 Developer Blog. 2010-09-30 [2016-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2010-10-03) (Japanese). 
  16. ^ Sega. Valkyria Chronicles 3: Complete Artworks. Udon Entertainment. 2013-04-18: 37. ISBN 1-9267-7861-8. 
  17. ^ 先行体験会と発表会にユーザーご招待――「戦場のヴァルキュリア3」. ITMedia. 2010-10-14 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-08) (Japanese). 
  18. ^ ネームレスの前に立ちはだかるセルベリア! 『戦場のヴァルキュリア3』5報. Dengeki Online. 2011-01-06 [2016-01-31]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-02) (Japanese). 
  19. ^ Napolitano, Jayson. Valkyria Chronicles 3 Exclusive Liner Notes from Hitoshi Sakimoto. Original Sound Version. 2011-05-03 [2016-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-09). 
  20. ^ May'n. If you.... May'n Blog. 2011-02-24 [2016-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-24) (Japanese). 
  21. ^ Ashcraft, Brian. Is This Teaser Site For Valkyria Chronicles 3?. Kotaku. 2010-09-01 [2010-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-11-15). 
  22. ^ Grayson, Nathan. Famitsu: Valkyria Chronicles 3 confirmed… for PSP. VG247. 2010-09-15 [2010-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-26). 
  23. ^ 戦場のヴァルキュリア3 (Flash). Edge Works. [2016-01-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-29) (Japanese). 
  24. ^ 『戦場のヴァルキュリア3』モバイル特設サイトでFlash小説の配信が開始. Famitsu. 2011-01-19 [2016-01-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-29) (Japanese). 
  25. ^ 戦場のヴァルキュリア3 公式サイト/製品情報. Valkyria Chronicles III Website. [2015-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-21) (Japanese). 
  26. ^ Sahdev, Ishaan. Sega To Fire Off A Round Of Valkyria Chronicles 3 DLC Next Week. Siliconera. 2011-02-03 [2016-01-29]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-04). 
  27. ^ 『戦場のヴァルキュリア3』DLC第5弾配信開始、ヴァルキュリア全員を相手にした戦いが展開. Famitsu. 2011-03-31 [2016-01-29]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-14) (Japanese). 
  28. ^ Yip, Spencer. Welkin, Alicia, Isara, And Edy's Entire Squad Recruited For Valkyria Chronicles 3 DLC. Siliconera. 2011-04-22 [2016-01-29]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-21). 
  29. ^ セガ、PSP「戦場のヴァルキュリア3 EXTRA EDITION」追加要素によりパワーアップした本作の魅力に迫る!. Game Watch Impress. 2011-11-23 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-28) (Japanese). 
  30. ^ Yip, Spencer. One Of Valkyria Chronicles 3 Extra Edition's New Episodes Is An Epilogue. Siliconera. 2011-09-01 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-30). 
  31. ^ Leo, Jon. Valkyria Chronicles III not coming to US and Europe. GameSpot. 2011-10-11 [2016-01-27]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-01). 
  32. ^ Corriea, Alexa Ray. Valkyria Chronicles 3 English fan translation now available. Polygon. 2014-01-02 [2016-01-27]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-08). 
  33. ^ 33.0 33.1 Gifford, Kevin. Japan Review Check: The Last Story, Valkyria 3. 1UP.com. 2011-01-19 [2016-01-11]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-14). 
  34. ^ 34.0 34.1 Valkyria Chronicles 3 review. PlayStation Official Magazine - UK. 2011-09-14 [2016-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-04). 
  35. ^ Cowan, Danny. Saling The World: Valkyria Chronicles 3 Tops Japanese Charts. Gamasutra. 2011-01-28 [2011-02-02]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-08). 
  36. ^ 「THE LAST STORY」11万本,「戦場のヴァルキュリア3」10万本。12タイトルが一気にランクインの「ゲームソフト週間販売ランキング」. 4Gamer.net. 2011-02-02 [2016-01-11]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-05). 
  37. ^ 2011年テレビゲームソフト売り上げTOP1000(ファミ通版). Gemin.net. 2012-01-11 [2012-03-01]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-01) (Japanese). 
  38. ^ PSPゲームレビュー: 戦場のヴァルキュリア3. Game Watch Impress. 2010-01-27 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-18) (Japanese). 
  39. ^ Misuosame, Naohiko. 11月9日から配信開始の「戦場のヴァルキュリア3」体験版をひと足お先にプレイしたレポートを掲載. 4Gamer.net. 2010-11-05 [2016-01-24]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-13) (Japanese). 
  40. ^ Eisenbeis, Richard. Valkyria Chronicles 3 is The Best Game Of the Series. Kotaku. 2011-02-12 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-26). 
  41. ^ Scullion, Chris. Project X Zone – New characters bring the running total to 32. Nintendo Gamer. 2012-04-25 [2012-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-03). 
  42. ^ Romano, Sal. Valkyria: Azure Revolution, Valkyria Chronicles Remaster announced for PS4 (Update 4). Gematsu. 2015-11-17 [2015-11-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-18). 
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 43.5 戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡. A-1 Pictures. [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-04). 
  44. ^ 戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡 - Q&A. Valkyria Chronicles III OVA Website. 2011 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-06) (Japanese). 
  45. ^ 戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡 - Goods. Valkyria Chronicles III OVA Website. 2011 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-05) (Japanese). 
  46. ^ 46.0 46.1 戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡 - クリエイターズインタビュー 第1回. Valkyria Chronicles III OVA Website. 2011 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-05) (Japanese). 
  47. ^ Valkyria Chronicles 3 Game Gets Original Video Anime (Updated). Anime News Network. 2010-11-08 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-11). 
  48. ^ 戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡 - クリエイターズインタビュー 第2回. Valkyria Chronicles III OVA Website. 2011 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-17) (Japanese). 
  49. ^ 戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡 - クリエイターズインタビュー 第3回. Valkyria Chronicles III OVA Website. 2011 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-05) (Japanese). 
  50. ^ 戦場のヴァルキュリア3 誰がための銃瘡 - 主題歌アーティストメッセージ. Valkyria Chronicles III OVA Website. 2011 [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-06) (Japanese). 
  51. ^ 戦場のヴァルキュリア3名もなき誓いの花. Valkyria Portal. [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2015-06-20) (Japanese). 
  52. ^ 戦場のヴァルキュリア3‐赤き運命の戦乙女‐. Kadokawa Shoten. [2016-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-30) (Japanese). 

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