名誉司令荣誉司令(英语:Colonel-in-Chief)在英联邦国家军队是指一个军团的守护人英语Patronage,传统上是由皇室成员来担任。[1] 荣誉司令不需要像正式的司令一样负责团内的职务,但是他有必要了解团内正在进行的重要活动,并不定时到团内巡视,维持军队与皇室之间的联系。目前的英国陆军,有两位外国君主在英国的团内担任这个职位:

1936 年 4 月 22 日在纳粹德国柏林- 冯·塞克特上将与帝国陆军部长冯·布隆伯格陆军元帅一起走在第 67 团荣誉连的前面。

这个职位虽然传统上是由皇室成员来担任,最终的选择却是由军团本身来决定,例如帕特里夏公主加拿大轻步兵团英语Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry的名誉上校应是由威灵顿公爵担任,军团却曾经邀请加拿大总督伍冰枝成为军团的荣誉司令。[4]




  1. ^ Colonel-in-Chief. The Royal Anglian Museum. [2015-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-18). On joining, all members of the British Army swear an oath of allegiance to the ruling Sovereign, as by tradition the loyalty of the Army is to the Monarch and not the State. It is also traditional to have a member of the Royal Family as the honorary head, or Colonel-in-Chief, of the Regiment. 
  2. ^ Richard Eden. Kate Middleton provokes battle between Army regiments. The Telegraph. 2011-05-29 [2015-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-28). 
  3. ^ THE PRINCESS OF WALES'S ROYAL REGIMENT (QUEEN'S AND ROYAL HAMPSHIRES). The Queen's Royal Surrey Regimental Association. [2015-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24). 
  4. ^ Edmonton Journal. Clarkson to be given military honour. Canada.com. 2007-02-04 [2014-10-12]. (原始内容存档于2008-04-18).