
诺娜·加普林达什维利格鲁吉亚语ნონა გაფრინდაშვილი,1941年5月3日),格鲁吉亚女子国际象棋棋手、前国际象棋女子世界冠军,是第一位获得特级大师称号的女棋手。

ნონა გაფრინდაშვილი
出生 (1941-05-03) 1941年5月3日83岁)


在苏联国内赛场上,她则是获得过1964年、1973年、1981年、1983年、1985年五度苏联国际象棋全国女子冠军。1963年至1992年间,她十二次代表苏联与格鲁吉亚出征国际象棋奥林匹克[1] ,共获得了25枚奖牌,包括11枚团体金牌与9枚个人金牌。



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  1. ^ OlimpBase: Women's Chess Olympiads, Nona Gaprindashvili. [2016-03-26]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03). 
  2. ^ Pal Benko wrote in Chess Life & Review (January 1979):
    ...Of course (Nona) had earned the "woman grandmaster" title awarded by the International Chess Federation (FIDE), as have some two dozen other women. But she also earned the (men's) international master title, becoming the first woman ever to have done so (Vera Menchik was probably strong enough to have earned this title, but she died in 1943 (sic), long before the modern title system was adopted), and in Buenos Aires in November 1978 FIDE bestowed upon Nona Gaprindashvili the (men's) international grandmaster title. Not only is she the only woman ever to have received this title, she is the only woman ever to have deserved it.
    It is regrettable, therefore, that she did not actually earn the title in the regular way: FIDE requires that to earn the grandmaster title a player must achieve certain minimum scores in tournaments consisting of at least twenty-four games in aggregate (the description is highly oversimplified, but you get the idea), and Nona was two or three games short. Yet the FIDE Qualifications Commission voted to give her the title. In my opinion, this historic occasion should not have been allowed to carry even this slight tarnish.

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