



  • 迈克尔·德巴特(Michael DeBatt),38岁,甘比诺犯罪家族的美国黑帮,被谋杀。[6]
  • 路易丝·麦卡伦·赫林(Louise McCarren Herring),78岁,美国人,创立了全国信用合作社协会。[7]
  • Friedrich-Karl “Nasen” Müller,75岁,纳粹德国空军夜间战斗机王牌。[8]
  • Wilhelm Schöning,79岁,纳粹德国陆军司令。[9]
  • 埃尔默·塔博克斯,71岁,美国商人和政治家,德克萨斯州众议院议员,帕金森病。[10]
  • Zohar Argov,32岁,以色列歌手,被定罪的强奸犯,上吊自杀。[24]
  • 罗斯·巴内特(Ross Barnett),89岁,美国政治家,密西西比州州长[25]
  • Opie Cates,78岁,美国单簧管演奏家、乐队领队和广播演员。[26]
  • 迈克尔·科梅,79岁,以色列外交官,以色列驻加拿大和英国大使[27]
  • 阿尔文·杜威(Alvin Dewey),75岁,堪萨斯州调查局(Kansas Bureau of Investigation)美国特工,中风。[28]
  • 乔治·劳伦斯,82岁,加拿大核物理学家。[29]
  • Jean Rivier,91岁,法国古典音乐作曲家。
  • Eemeli,67岁,芬兰演员、喜剧演员和艺人。
  • 阿赫塔尔·海珊(Akhtar Hussain),61岁,印度和巴基斯坦曲棍球运动员,奥运会金牌得主。[36]
  • 约翰·沙尔克(Johann Schalk),84岁,出生于奥地利的纳粹德国王牌飞行员。[37]
  • Thengai Srinivasan,50岁,印度演员(Thillu Mullu),脑出血。
  • 卢·布雷斯洛,87岁,美国编剧和电影导演。[38]
  • 法鲁克·凯撒,69岁,印度诗人。
  • Seyni Kountché,56岁,尼日尔军官,尼日尔总统,脑瘤。[39]
  • Pop Momand,100岁,美国漫画家(Keeping Up with the Joneses)。[40]
  • Raymond Rohauer,62-63岁,美国电影收藏家和发行商,爱滋病(当时报告心脏病发作)。[41]
  • 杰基·弗农,63岁,美国单口喜剧演员和演员(雪人FROSTY),心脏病发作。[42]
  • Charles H. Baker Jr.,91岁,美国作家,以烹饪和鸡尾酒作品而闻名。
  • 恩肖·库克(Earnshaw Cook),87岁,美国赛伯计量学的支援者,心脏病发作。
  • John 'Dusty' King,78岁,美国歌手和电影演员(Range Busters)。
  • 钱宁·菲力浦斯(Channing E. Phillips),59岁,美国部长,民权领袖和社会活动家,癌症。[43]
  • Jayatirtha Dasa,39岁,英国 Hare Krishna,被谋杀。
  • A. L. Abdul Majeed,54岁,斯里兰卡政治家,国会议员,被暗杀。
  • Paul Neergaard,80岁,丹麦农学家、真菌学家和农学家(种子病理学)。[47]
  • 约瑟夫·菲力浦斯,76岁,印度曲棍球运动员和奥运金牌得主。[48]
  • 佛兰克林·理查兹(Franklin D. Richards),86岁,美国联邦住房管理局(U.S. Federal Housing Administration)的美国专员,耶稣基督后期圣徒教会的权威。[49]
  • 哈罗德·维克(Harold Vick),51岁,美国爵士萨克斯管演奏家和长笛演奏家,心脏病发作。[50]
  • Ernő Goldfinger,85岁,匈牙利裔英国建筑师和家具设计师。[56]
  • Shyamal Mitra,58岁,印度播放歌手和音乐总监。
  • 布里吉德·莱昂斯·桑顿(Brigid Lyons Thornton),91岁,Cumann na mBan 的爱尔兰成员,爱尔兰自由邦军官,心脏病发作。[57]
  • Ganesh Baba,97岁,印度瑜伽士。[62]
  • 贝蒂·科黛(Betty Corday),75岁,美国百老汇女演员和电视制片人(我们的日子),呼吸衰竭。[63]
  • 保罗·德林格,81岁,美国职业棒球大联盟球员(辛辛那提红人)。[64]
  • 川口浩,51岁,日本电影演员。
  • 格里·洛克兰(Gerry Lockran),45岁,英国蓝调歌手、词曲作者、诗人和吉他手,心脏病发作。
  • Arthur C. Pierce,64岁,美国编剧、导演。
  • Ireene Wicker,81岁,美国歌手和演员(Deadline Dramas)。[65]
  • Jehane Benoît,83岁,加拿大烹饪作家、演说家、评论员、记者和广播员。[95]
  • 斯坦·汉森,71岁,英国足球运动员(博尔顿足球俱乐部)。
  • 贡纳尔·赫克舍尔(Gunnar Heckscher),78岁,瑞典政治学家,保守党领袖。
  • Ove Joensen,38岁,法罗群岛水手和冒险家,第一个从法罗群岛划船到丹麦的人,溺水身亡。
  • 约翰·派克,81岁,英国政治家,国会议员。[96]
  • Anton Pieck,92岁,荷兰画家,艺术家和平面艺术家。[97]
  • 吉姆·拉塞尔,69岁,美国职业棒球大联盟球员(匹兹堡海盗)。[98]
  • Charline Arthur,58岁,美国布吉伍吉、蓝调和摇滚乐歌手。[109]
  • Girdhari Lal Dogra,72岁,印度政治家,查谟和喀什米尔立法议会议员。
  • 贝比·赫尔曼,84岁,美国职业棒球大联盟(洛杉矶道奇),肺炎和中风。[110]
  • Sian Kingi,12岁,纽西兰-澳大利亚谋杀案受害者。[111]
  • John Muafangejo,44岁,纳米比亚艺术家,心脏病发作。
  • 莉莲·博斯特维克·菲普斯(Lillian Bostwick Phipps),81岁,美国社交名媛,纯种障碍赛马的拥有者。[112]
  • 朱利叶斯·雷伯恩(Julius Rehborn),87岁,德国跳水运动员和奥运选手。[113]
  • 欧内斯特·塞文(Ernest Severn),54岁,美国儿童银幕演员。[114]
  • 甘达·辛格(Ganda Singh),87岁,印度旁遮普和锡克教历史学家。
  • Ella P. Stewart,94岁,美国药剂师。[115]
  • Giuseppe Gabrielli,84岁,义大利航空工程师。[121]
  • 蒙克·吉本,90-91岁,爱尔兰诗人和作家。[122]
  • 爱琳·汉德尔,85岁,英国作家和女演员,癌症。[123]
  • 亚伯拉罕·卡赞,68岁,美国政治家,美国众议院议员。[124]
  • Gwendolyn MacEwen,46岁,加拿大诗人和小说家,与酗酒有关的疾病。[125]
  • 约翰·霍华德·派尔,81岁,美国广播员和政治家,亚利桑那州州长。[126]
  • Aage Samuelsen,72岁,挪威传教士,歌手和作曲家,心脏病发作。
  • 亚历克斯·凯里(Alex Carey),64岁,澳大利亚社会心理学家,自杀。
  • Simon Carmiggelt,74岁,荷兰作家,记者和诗人,心脏病发作。
  • 亚瑟·迪恩(Arthur Dean),89岁,美国公司律师和外交官。[127]
  • 吉米·乔治,32岁,印度排球运动员,印度国家排球队队长,车祸。[128]
  • 赫尔穆特·霍滕(Helmut Horten),78岁,德国企业家,Horten AG百货连锁店老板。[129]
  • Scrappy Lambert,86岁,美国舞乐队主唱。
  • 罗杰·曼维尔(Roger Manvell),78岁,英国电影和电视艺术学院(British Film Academy)英国导演,中风。[130]
  • Hanni Rehborn,80岁,德国跳水运动员和奥运选手。[131]
  • 唐·塞巴斯蒂安(Don Sebastian),76岁,墨西哥裔美国摔跤手,摔跤推广人和电影演员。




  1. ^ Cobbold, Cameron Fromanteel, first Baron Cobbold. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  2. ^ Leo Goldberg, Astronomer, Dies . The New York Times. 3 November 1987: D 29 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-13). 
  3. ^ Rene Levesque, Ex-Premier of Quebec, Dies at 65. New York Times. Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  4. ^ Thomas Robert Parker. saintsplayers.co.uk. Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  5. ^ Mary Shane; 1st Woman in Baseball Broadcasts. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  6. ^ Reputed Mob Figure is Found Slain in Brooklyn. New York Times. Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  7. ^ Louise (McCarren) Herring - obituary. Newspapers.com (The Cincinnati Enquirer). Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  8. ^ Müller, Friedrich-Karl "Nasen" (JG 300). Traces of War. Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  9. ^ Schöning, Wilhelm. Traces of War. Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  10. ^ Tarbox, Elmer Lois (1916–1987). Texas State Historical Association. Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  11. ^ Liang Shih-Chiu, a Shakespeare Translator, Dies . The New York Times. 6 November 1987: B 4 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-08). 
  12. ^ Óscar Bonfiglio. Olympedia. Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  13. ^ Guide to the Wilton M. Krogman Center for Research in Child Growth and Development records, 1947-1989. Smithsonian Online Virtual Archives. Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  14. ^ Pollen, Francis Anthony Baring. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  15. ^ Seghers, Pierre 1906-1987. Encyclopedia.com. Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  16. ^ Douglas C. McGill. Raphael Soyer, Social Realist Artist, is Dead at 87 . The New York Times. 5 November 1987: B 10 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  17. ^ Notes and Comments. JSTOR (The Journal of Cinema and Media). Retrieved 19 Sep 2024.
  18. ^ Eamonn Andrews, 64; British TV Personality . The New York Times. 7 November 1987: 1 35 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-17). 
  19. ^ Rev. Orlando Costas, 45; Protestant Theologian. New York Times. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  20. ^ Nizamabad Jail Remembers Dasarathi, The Revolutionary Poet. Deccan Chronicle. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  21. ^ Andrew L. Yarrow. Georges Franju, a Film Director . The New York Times. 7 November 1987: 1 35 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  22. ^ Schmidt, Arthur (Generalleutnant). Traces of War. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  23. ^ Gravestone: Juliet Rice Wichman 5.11.87. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  24. ^ Israeli Pop Singer Hangs Himself in Jail. L.A. Times. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  25. ^ Ross Barnett, Segregationist, Dies; Governor of Mississippi in 1960's. New York Times. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  26. ^ Opie Cates (1909–1987). Encyclopedia of Arkansas. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  27. ^ Ronald Sullivan. Michael S. Comay Is Dead at 79; An Influential Diplomat in Israel . The New York Times. 14 November 1987: 1 36 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2017-05-15). 
  28. ^ Alvin Dewey Dies; Investigated Killings Depicted by Capote . The New York Times. 8 November 1987: 1 52 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  29. ^ George Craig Laurence. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  30. ^ Arne Borg. Olympedia. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  31. ^ Herbert H. Chen, Physics: Irvine. University of California (Obit). Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  32. ^ Aileen Eaton, Dynamic Boxing Promoter, Dies at 78 After Long Illness. L.A. Times. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  33. ^ Obituaries : Noble (Kid) Chissell; Actor, Boxer Once Ran for Mayor of L.A.. L.A. Times. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  34. ^ Fitzgerald, Paul Newman’s Teammate, Killed in Trans-Am Series Race Crash. L.A. Times. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  35. ^ Mr Ian Fraser. UK Parliament. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  36. ^ Akhtar Hussain. Olympedia. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  37. ^ Schalk, Johann. Traces of War. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  38. ^ Film Writer Breslow Dies; Wrote Reagan's 'Bonzo'. L.A. Times. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  39. ^ Niger Leader Dies of Brain Tumor; Cousin Takes Over. L.A. Times. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  40. ^ Arthur R. Momand, Comic Strip Artist, Dies. New York Times. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  41. ^ Raymond Rohauer, Archivist of Classics From Silent Film Era. New York Times. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  42. ^ Andrew L. Yarrow. Jackie Vernon, 62; Comic in Television, Film and Nightclubs . The New York Times. 11 November 1987: B 8 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-07). 
  43. ^ John T. McQuiston. Minister and Civil Rights Leader . The New York Times. 12 November 1987: D 31 [27 April 2024]. 
  44. ^ Chatterton, George James Stewart. Traces of War. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  45. ^ Roger Lewis, Amtrak's First Chief And an Executive in Many Fields. New York Times. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  46. ^ Cornelis Vreeswijk (1937-1987). Aarhus University. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  47. ^ Pierre Paul Ferdinand Mourier de Neergaard, 1907-1987. apsnet.org (obit). Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  48. ^ Joe Phillips. Olympedia. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  49. ^ Gravestone: Franklin Dewey Richards 13.11.87. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
  50. ^ Harold E. Vick, 51, A Tenor Saxophonist . The New York Times. 17 November 1987: D 29 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  51. ^ title. L.A. Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  52. ^ Mr Roger Fleetwood-Hesketh. UK Parliament. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  53. ^ Petras P. Griskevicius; Lithuanian Chief, 63. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  54. ^ Horace Lisenbee #24. MLB.com. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  55. ^ Pieter N. Menten, War Criminal And Art Collector, Is Dead at 88. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  56. ^ Ernö Goldfinger RA (1902–1987). Royal Academy of Arts. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  57. ^ Thornton, Brigid Lyons. Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  58. ^ Jim Brewer, Ex-Dodger Reliever . The New York Times. 17 November 1987: D 29 [27 April 2024]. 
  59. ^ Terrence Des Pres, 47, A Writer and Professor . The New York Times. 18 November 1987: A 28 [27 April 2024]. 
  60. ^ Zubir Said. National Library Board Singapore. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  61. ^ Mr Trevor Stamp. UK Parliament. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  62. ^ The Crazy Wisdom of Ganesh Baba (book advert). National Library Board Singapore (year of death only). Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  63. ^ Elizabeth Corday Producer, 75. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  64. ^ Paul Derringer; Former Reds Pitcher, 81 . The New York Times. 18 November 1987: A 28 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  65. ^ Ireene Wicker Hammer Dies, 86; Storyteller to Millions of Children. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  66. ^ Jacques Anquetil. procyclingstats.com. [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-20). 
  67. ^ Edward Thomas (Ted) Both (1908–1987). Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  68. ^ Lynn Freeman Olson, Composer, Dies at 49 . The New York Times. 25 November 1987: D 22 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  69. ^ George Ryga. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  70. ^ Umpire Is Killed In Auto Mishap. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  71. ^ Plaque unveiled for firefighter Colin Townsley. BBC. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  72. ^ Susan Heller Anderson. Brand Blanshard Is Dead at 95; Teacher and Writer of Philosophy . The New York Times. 21 November 1987: 1 34 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  73. ^ Lee Byung Chull, 77, Industrialist of Korea. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  74. ^ Sir John Colville, 72, Secretary to Churchill. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  75. ^ Gravestone: Norman Philip Hastings Jones 19.11.87. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  76. ^ Christopher Wilmarth, 44, Dies; Sculptor Is an Apparent Suicide. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  77. ^ Blunt, Christopher Evelyn. Oxford dictionary of national biography. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  78. ^ Heroic pilot killed in helicopter crash. United Press International. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  79. ^ Helen Scott's Death Grieves Film World. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  80. ^ Alex Walter Diggelmann. Olympedia. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  81. ^ James E. Folsom, Colorful Politician and Twice Governor of Alabama, Is Dead at 79. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  82. ^ Helmut Aris, 79, the head of East…. Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
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  84. ^ Haydon Burns; Former Florida Governor, Jacksonville Mayor. L.A. Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  85. ^ Placido Domingo Ferrer, Baritone, 80. New York Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  86. ^ Raymond D. Mindlin, Engineering Professor . The New York Times. 24 November 1987: B 11 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2023-01-01). 
  87. ^ Newton Perry, Co-Founder of Weeki Wachee Springs. Orlando Sentinel. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
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  90. ^ Sam Gilbert Is Dead at Age 74 : Controversial UCLA Booster Succumbs After Long Illness. L.A. Times. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  91. ^ Gravestone: Marcia Anne Henderson Prestlien 23.11.87. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  92. ^ "Obituaries: Sarah Long", The Stage (London), Thursday 21 January 1988.
  93. ^ Antonio Sastre (Player). National Football Teams. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  94. ^ Major General William John Victor Windeyer. Australian War Memorial. Retrieved 21 Sep 2024.
  95. ^ Jehane Benoît. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
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  97. ^ Anton Pieck, Painter, 92 . The New York Times. 28 November 1987: 1 41 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  98. ^ Jim Russell #32. MLB.com. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
  99. ^ Susan Heller Anderson. Dr. Edgar Berman Is Dead at 68; Writer and Humphrey Confidant . The New York Times. 26 November 1987: D 18 [27 April 2024]. 
  100. ^ Gravestone: Benjamin Charles Henley 25.11.87. Retrieved 20 Sep 2024.
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  102. ^ McDyer, James Daniel. Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
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  104. ^ Joy Paul Guilford. Britannica. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
  105. ^ Peter Hujar Dies at 53; Made Photo Portraits . The New York Times. 28 November 1987: 1 41 [27 April 2024]. 
  106. ^ Thomas G. Lanphier Jr., 71, Dies; U.S. Ace Shot Down Yamamoto. New York Times. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
  107. ^ Lord Duncan-Sandys, 79, Dead; Smoothed Way to End of Empire. New York Times. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
  108. ^ Gravestone: Raymond Pierre Paul 'De Turk' Westerling 26.11.87. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
  109. ^ Gravestone: Charline Highsmith Arthur 27.11.87. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
  110. ^ Babe Herman, 84, Former Outfielder With the Dodgers . The New York Times. 30 November 1987: B 13 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  111. ^ Four words that led to the murder of a 12yo Queensland girl. news.com.au. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
  112. ^ Lillian B. Phipps, 81, Active in Horse Racing . The New York Times. 28 November 1987: 1 41 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2021-11-19). 
  113. ^ Julius Rehborn. Olympedia. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
  114. ^ Gravestone: Ernest Hubbard Smuts Severn 27.11.87. (year of death only). Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
  115. ^ Ella Stewart 1893–1987. Encyclopedia.com. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
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  117. ^ Guy Marks. Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
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