传记专题 (获评初级低重要度
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香港专题 (获评初级中重要度
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有关对梁爱诗的指控 编辑

尽管我个人亦对梁爱诗不满,但为公平起见,请匿名贴文者提供有关律师楼与梁爱诗之关系的证据,此其一。其二,有关指控有没有具体文件作证?第三,为甚么你们不去亲自申诉,而要在网站贴文? 香港可不是大陆,不会有人只手遮天吧?--石添小草 16:46 2005年11月11日 (UTC)

Evidence of Elsie Leung's former association with P. H. Sin & Co. and Iu, Lai & Li Solicitors can be found in Hong Kong Lawyer issued in May 1994. (http://sunzi1.lib.hku.hk/hkjo/view/15/1500180.pdf,不能連結,Internal Server Error)

All the relevant legislation and cases can be found on the following websites:

Many of our members had followed the cases from start to finish. We have first-hand information.

We have submitted a formal complaint to Donald Tsang, Wong Yan Lung and the ICAC.

We hope you can retain the contents we have added to Elsie Leung's profile so as to draw the attention of the public.

We also strongly advise those who are victims of malicious prosecutions to report their cases to the ICAC.

Elsie Leung is not of good character as you think. There are a lot of things that you never know.

Ben Gibert

President of Helen Chung's Supporters' Club International

我正想... 编辑

把他移离香港小作品...这个保护还会持续多久?! -- Stewart|恶龙 (讲讲讲!) 20:51 2006年1月21日 (UTC)

关于这一句 编辑


非常怀疑当年她在港大是不是读法律,港大法学院是1969年开的哦! http://www.hku.hk/law/faculty/index.html
