

塞繆爾·柯勒律治-泰勒(英語:Samuel Coleridge-Taylor,1875年8月15日—1912年9月1日)是一名英國作曲家和指揮家,成名作是改編自美國亨利·華茲華斯·朗費羅的史詩《海華沙之歌》的同名清唱劇。

出生Samuel Coleridge Taylor




他出生於倫敦霍本的西奧博爾德路 (Theobalds Road)15號[2],母親是英格蘭人愛麗絲·黑爾·馬丁(Alice Hare Martin,1856–1953)[3],父親是塞拉利昂克里奧爾人丹尼爾·彼得·休斯·泰勒(Daniel Peter Hughes Taylor),一名醫生和政治家。他的父母沒有結婚,丹尼爾在不知道愛麗絲懷孕的情況下回到了非洲[4],愛麗絲以詩人塞繆爾·泰勒·柯勒律治的名字命名了她的兒子[5]。他名字中的連接符可能是源自出版商的印刷錯誤[6]

愛麗絲生下這個男孩後,與她的父親本傑明·霍爾曼斯(Benjamin Holmans)及其家族住在一起。她自己的父母也是未婚先孕,父親是個熟練的蹄鐵匠,後娶了一個不是她母親的女人,並育有四女和至少一個兒子。這家人住在薩里郡克羅伊登。1887年,愛麗絲·馬丁與鐵路工人喬治·埃文斯(George Evans)結婚。[7]

泰勒在克羅伊登長大。他母親認識不少懂音樂的人,他的外祖父就能拉小提琴。他小時候跟隨外祖父學習,後來又出錢讓他上小提琴課。15歲開始,他在皇家音樂學院學習,並轉學作曲,師從查爾斯·維利爾斯·斯坦福。獲得學位後,泰勒成為一名職業音樂家,不久被任命為水晶宮學校(Crystal Palace School)教授;並在克羅伊登音樂學院(Croydon Conservatoire)指揮管弦樂隊。



1899年,柯勒律治-泰勒與傑西·沃爾米斯利(Jessie Walmisley,1869-1962)結婚,後者是他在皇家音樂學院的同學,比他大六歲。她的父母因為泰勒是混血兒而反對這樁婚事,但後來還是接受了他並參加了兩人的婚禮。他們育有一子海華沙(Hiawatha,1900-1980)和一女格溫多林· 艾薇爾(Gwendolyn Avril,1903-1998),後來都從事音樂相關事業。海華沙改編過他父親的作品[8]。格溫多林則是一名作曲家、指揮家。



1896年左右,愛德華·埃爾加三合唱團音樂節推薦了他,他的《A小調敘事曲》(Ballade in A minor)在那裡首演。1898年,他的海華沙三部曲第一部《海華沙的婚宴》(Hiawatha's Wedding Feast)由老師查爾斯·維利爾斯·斯坦福指揮、首演,大獲成功,柯勒律治-泰勒因此在美國進行了三次巡迴演出[9]。在美國,他對父親的種族傳統越來越感興趣,曾作為最年輕的代表參加1900年在倫敦舉行的第一次泛非會議(First Pan-African Conference),由此與保羅·勞倫斯·鄧巴W·E·B·杜波依斯結識[9]


不過,雖然他的音樂十分流行,但由於版權低價賣給了出版商,柯勒律治-泰勒只得到15基尼報酬[11][12][13]。他37歲就死於肺炎,這可能要歸咎於他的財務壓力[14]。他被安葬在薩里郡瓦靈頓的班頓山公墓(Bandon Hill Cemetery)[15]。他的妻子傑西和他的兒女活得都比他久。




  • Piano Quintet in G minor, Op. 1 – 1893
  • Nonet in F minor for oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, violin, viola, cello, contrabass and piano, Op. 2 – 1894
  • Suite for Violin and Organ (or piano), Op. 3 (Suite de Piêces)- 1893
  • Ballade in D minor, Op. 4 – 1895
  • Five Fantasiestücke, Op. 5 – 1896
  • Little Songs for Little Folks, Op. 6 – 1898
  • Zara's Earrings, Op. 7 – 1895
  • Symphony in A minor, Op. 8 – 1896
  • Two Romantic Pieces, Op. 9 – 1896
  • Quintet in F sharp minor for clarinet and strings, Op. 10 – 1895
  • Southern Love Songs, Op. 12 – 1896
  • String Quartet in D minor, Op. 13 – 1896 (lost)
  • Legend (Concertstück), Op. 14
  • Land of the Sun, Op. 15 – 1897
  • Three Hiawatha Sketches for violin and piano, Op. 16 – 1897
  • African Romances (P. L. Dunbar) Op. 17 – 1897
  • Morning and Evening Service in F, Op. 18 – 1899
  • Two Moorish Tone-Pictures, Op. 19 – 1897
  • Gypsy Suite, Op. 20 – 1898
  • Part Songs, Op. 21 – 1898
  • Four Characteristic Waltzes, Op. 22 – 1899
  • Valse-Caprice, Op. 23 – 1898
  • In Memoriam, three rhapsodies for low voice and piano, Op. 24 – 1898
  • Dream Lovers, Operatic Romance, Op. 25 – 1898
  • The Gitanos, cantata-operetta, Op. 26 – 1898
  • Violin Sonata in D minor, Op. 28 – ?1898 (pub. 1917)
  • Three Songs, Op. 29 – 1898
  • The Song of Hiawatha, Op. 30 ("Overture to The Song of Hiawatha", 1899; "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast", 1898; "The Death of Minnehaha", 1899; "Hiawatha's Departure", 1900)
  • Three Humoresques, Op. 31 – 1898
  • Ballade in A minor, Op. 33 – 1898
  • African Suite, Op. 35 – 1899
  • Six Songs, Op. 37
  • Three Silhouettes, Op. 38 – 1904
  • Romance in G, Op. 39 – 1900
  • Solemn Prelude, Op. 40 – 1899
  • Scenes From An Everyday Romance, Op. 41 – 1900
  • The Soul's Expression, four sonnets, Op. 42 – 1900
  • The Blind Girl of Castél-Cuillé, Op. 43
  • Idyll, Op. 44 – 1901
  • Six American Lyrics, Op. 45 – 1903
  • Concert Overture, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Op. 46 – 1901
  • Hemo Dance, scherzo, Op. 47(1) – 1902
  • Herod, incidental music, Op. 47(2) – 1901
  • Meg Blane, Rhapsody of the Sea, Op. 48 – 1902
  • Ullyses, incidental music, Op. 49 – 1902
  • Three Song Poems, Op. 50 – 1904
  • Four Novelletten, Op. 51(1?) – 1903
  • Ethiopia Saluting the Colours, march, Op. 51(2?) – 1902
  • The Atonement, sacred cantata, Op. 53 – 1903
  • Five Choral Ballads, Op. 54 – 1904
  • Moorish Dance, Op. 55 – 1904
  • Three Cameos for Piano, Op. 56 – 1904
  • Six Sorrow Songs, Op. 57 – 1904
  • Four African Dances, Op. 58 – 1904
  • Twenty-Four Negro Melodies, Op. 59(1) – 1905
  • Romance, Op. 59(2) – 1904
  • Kubla Khan, rhapsody, Op. 61 – 1905
  • Nero, incidental music, Op. 62 – 1906
  • Symphonic Variations on an African Air, Op. 63 – 1906
  • Scenes de Ballet, Op. 64 – 1906
  • Endymion's Dream, one-act opera, Op. 65 – 1910
  • Forest Scenes, Op. 66 – 1907
  • Part Songs, Op. 67 – 1905
  • Bon-Bon Suite, Op. 68 – 1908
  • Sea Drift, Op. 69 – 1908
  • Faust, incidental music, Op. 70 – 1908
  • Valse Suite: "Three fours", Op. 71- 1909
  • Thelma, opera in three acts, Op. 72 – 1907-09
  • Ballade in C minor, Op. 73 – 1909
  • Forest of Wild Thyme, incidental music, Op. 74 (five numbers) – 1911–25
  • Rhapsodic Dance, The Bamboula, Op. 75 – 1911
  • A Tale of Old Japan, Op. 76 – 1911
  • Petite Suite de Concert, Op. 77 – 1911
  • Three Impromptus, Op. 78 – 1911
  • Othello, incidental music, Op. 79 – 1911
  • Violin Concerto in G minor, Op. 80 – 1912
  • Two Songs for Baritone Voice, Op. 81 – 1913
  • Hiawatha Ballet in five scenes, Op. 82 – 1920[16]


  • Trio in E minor (1893)
  • The Lee Shore
  • Eulalie
  • Variations for Cello and Piano


  1. ^ Stewart, Earl; Duran, Jane. Coleridge-Taylor: Concatenationism and Essentialism in an Anglo-African Composer (PDF). Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience (American Philosophical Association). 1999, 99 (1): 6–8 [24 February 2011]. 
  2. ^ Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. Online Gallery Black Europeans. The British Library. [17 February 2022]. (原始內容存檔於2022-02-13). 
  3. ^ Phillips, Mike. Black Europeans: Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912) (PDF). British Library. [2022-03-29]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2017-12-08). 
  4. ^ Greenwell, Bill. Coleridge Taylor. Lost Lives. (原始內容存檔於25 September 2014). 
  5. ^ Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912), Britain's Foremost Black Classical Composer: The Centenary Legacy. hilaryburrage.com. 1 September 2012 [2022-03-29]. (原始內容存檔於2016-10-19). 
  6. ^ Clements, Robert. African Romances - Samuel Coleridge Taylor. thompsonian.info. 18 September 1997 [2022-03-29]. (原始內容存檔於2020-01-07). 
  7. ^ Samuel Coleridge-Taylor: Composer. jeffreygreen.co.uk. 14 October 2009 [2022-03-29]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-31). 
  8. ^ Kay, Charles. The Marriage of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and Jessie Walmisley. Black Music Research Journal. 2001, 21 (2): 159–178. JSTOR 3181601. doi:10.2307/3181601. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Green, Jeffrey. Do we really know Samuel Coleridge-Taylor? (PDF). Black & Asian Studies Association. 19 June 2009 [2022-03-29]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2022-01-21). 
  10. ^ Roberts, Brian. A London Legacy of Ira Aldridge: Henry Francis Downing and the Paratheatrical Poetics of Plot and Cast(e). Modern Drama. 2012, 55 (3): 396–397 [2022-03-29]. doi:10.3138/md.55.3.386. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-29). 
  11. ^ Elford, Charles. The Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Story. Black Mahler. [2022-03-29]. (原始內容存檔於2021-06-22). 
  12. ^ Samuel Coleridge-Taylor's Hiawatha's Wedding Feast. Cambridge Community Chorus. [2022-03-29]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-20). 
  13. ^ Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. Classical Archives. [2022-03-29]. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-13). 
  14. ^ Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. BBC Music. [2022-03-29]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-20). 
  15. ^ Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. Find A Grave. [2022-03-29]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-22). 
  16. ^ Coleridge-Taylor, Avril, The Heritage of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, London: Dobson, 1979, pp. 145–154.
  • Coleridge-Taylor, Avril. The Heritage of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. London: Dennis Dobson. 1979. ISBN 0-234-77089-9. 
  • Coleridge-Taylor, J. F. A Memory Sketch, or Personal Reminiscences of My Husband: Genius and Musician: S. Coleridge Taylor 1875-1912. London: John Crowther. 1943.  Bobby & Co., London (n.d)
  • Coleridge-Taylor, J. F. Genius and Musician: S. Coleridge Taylor 1875-1912; A Memory Sketch or Personal Reminiscences of My Husband. London: John Crowther. 1943. , personal printing
  • Elford, Charles. Black Mahler: The Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Story. London: Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd. 2008. ISBN 978-1-906210-78-6. 
  • Green, Jeffrey. Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, a Musical Life. London: Pickering & Chatto. 2011. ISBN 978-1848931619. 
  • Reid, Charles. Malcolm Sargent: a biography. London: Hamish Hamilton Ltd. 1968. ISBN 0-241-91316-0. 
  • Sayers, W C Berwick. Samuel Coleridge-Taylor – Musician. His Life and Letters. London: Augener. 1927. 
  • Self, Geoffrey. The Hiawatha Man: the Life & Work of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. Aldershot, England: Scolar Press. 1995. ISBN 0-85967-983-7. 

