

大麥蟲(學名:Zophobas morio) ,又名超級麥皮蟲超級麵包蟲,是大麥蟲屬下的一種甲蟲,其幼蟲是一種常見的爬行動物鳥類魚類飼料。大麥蟲幼蟲體長在50—60公釐(2.0—2.4英寸)之間,有六對足和一對退化的腹足,成年後變成有黑色外殼的甲蟲,可進行短距離飛行。但飼養箱中集中飼養的、有足夠食物的大麥蟲不會化,想要其化蛹則必須要將其與同類隔離七至十日[1]

科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 節肢動物門 Arthropoda
綱: 昆蟲綱 Insecta
目: 鞘翅目 Coleoptera
科: 擬步行蟲科 Tenebrionidae
屬: 大麥蟲屬 Zophobas
大麥蟲 Z. morio
Zophobas morio
(Fabricius, 1776)

飼養 編輯



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參考文獻 編輯

  1. ^ How to Breed Superworms頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館),clubfauna.com
  2. ^ 吳世豪,特養新寵——大麥蟲,《農家科技》2008年04期
  3. ^ 蒙健宗、潘紅平、韋珂,大麥蟲沙栽培秀珍菇試驗研究,《中國食用菌》2011年03期

延伸閱讀 編輯

  • Freye, Henry B.; Esch, Robert E.; Litwin, Catherine M.; Sorkin, Louis. Anaphylaxis to the Ingestion and Inhalation of Tenebrio molitor (Mealworm) and Zophobas morio (Superworm). Allergy and Asthma Proceedings. 1 July 1996, 17 (4): 215–9. PMID 8871741. doi:10.2500/108854196778996903. 
  • Leung, Dong; Yang, Depo; Li, Zhuoxue; Zhao, Zhimin; Chen, Jianping; Zhu, Longping. Biodiesel from Zophobas morio Larva Oil: Process Optimization and FAME Characterization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 5 January 2012, 51 (2): 1036–1040. doi:10.1021/ie201403r. 
  • Prado, R. A.; Santos, C. R.; Kato, D. I.; Murakami, M. T.; Viviani, V. R. The dark and bright sides of an enzyme: a three dimensional structure of the N-terminal domain of Zophobas morio luciferase-like enzyme, inferences on the biological function and origin of oxygenase/luciferase activity. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. 2016, 15 (5): 654–665. PMID 27101527. doi:10.1039/C6PP00017G. 
  • Latney, La'Toya V.; Toddes, Barbara D.; Wyre, Nicole R.; Brown, Dorothy C.; Michel, Kathryn E.; Briscoe, Johanna A. Effects of various diets on the calcium and phosphorus composition of mealworms (Tenebrio molitor larvae) and superworms (Zophobas morio larvae). American Journal of Veterinary Research. February 2017, 78 (2): 178–185. PMID 28140633. doi:10.2460/ajvr.78.2.178. 

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