
劇情 編輯




In the 索諾拉沙漠, Claude Lacombe (法蘭索瓦·杜魯福) and David Laughlin (鮑勃·巴拉班), along with other government scientific researchers discover a lost squadron英語Flight 19 of 第二次世界大戰 航空器. The aircraft are still and intact and perfectly operational, but the pilots have disappeared. In 航空交通管制 印第安納波利斯, two flights have a 近似差錯 with a 不明飛行物. In 曼西 (印第安納州), three year-old Barry Guiler (Cary Guffey英語Cary Guffey) is led out of his house when his toys start operating automatically, forcing his mother Gillian (梅林達·狄龍) to chase after him. During a large-scale 停電, 印第安納州 electrical lineman英語lineman (occupation) Roy Neary (李察·德雷福斯) experiences a 近距離接觸, and is soon caught in a motorized pursuit of four UFOs. He becomes obsessed with UFOs, much to the dismay of his wife, Veronica "Ronnie" Neary (Teri Garr英語Teri Garr).

Roy begins seeing the image and soon begins making 比例模型s of a distinctive butte英語butte, a place he has never seen and is unfamiliar with. Gillian also becomes obsessed with the mental picture of a unique-looking mountain. Soon after, Gillian witnesses a UFO landing, in which Barry is abducted by unseen beings. After Roy's increasingly eccentric behavior英語eccentricity (behavior) causes Ronnie to abandon him, taking their three children with her, he sees the feature he has been modeling on a television news show: 魔鬼塔 in 懷俄明州. Guiler also sees the same news broadcast, and both Roy and Jillian, as well as others with similar experiences, obsessively head toward the site. Elsewhere in the world, the pace of UFO activity is increasing; Lacombe and Laughlin investigate a host of occurrences along with other 聯合國 experts. Eyewitnesses report the UFOs to make distinctive sounds: a five-tone motif.

After Laughlin recognizes a signal from 外層空間 as a set of geographical coordinates pointing to Devils Tower, all parties begin to converge on Wyoming. The 美國陸軍 evacuates the area, using false reports that a train wreck has spilled highly dangerous 神經性毒劑, all the while preparing a landing zone for the first human contact with the UFOs and their occupants. While the other humans drawn to the site are unable to reach Devils Tower, Roy and Jillian persist and make it to the site as dozens of UFOs appear. The enormous 母艦 lands, returning people who had been 外星人綁架 over the years, including Barry. With an understanding of peace between the two civilizations, Roy is taken onboard the ship as an ambassador from Earth, and one of the UFO occupants comes out to greet the humans. Lacombe communicates with it by using the hand signs that are used to create the five tones in the human contact. The UFO occupant does the same and smiles before it boards back on the ship, which then lifts off.

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