
M2D 級,628 號「 Kankesanthurai 」機車在馬塔拉火車站,將牽引開往科倫坡的特快車。


第一批機車使用於科倫坡和安貝普薩的54公里(34英里)的主線上。[1] 1953 年,斯里蘭卡鐵路開始使用內燃機車以提升服務。[2]之後添購了多種內燃機車。

歷史 編輯


1864 年,斯里蘭卡的第一輛鐵路機車是利奧波德號。這是當年羅伯特斯蒂芬森公司(製造第1-5 號車)和拜爾與皮卡客公司(製造第6 號和 7 號車)為錫蘭政府鐵路建造的七輛4-4-0機車之一。 [3]後續又增購蒸汽機車,直到1950 年代為止。所有的蒸汽機車都是英國製,只有三輛4-4-0機車是 1900 年和 1905 年在科倫坡附近的馬拉達納機廠製造 。 1938 年,機車根據軸配置和軌距重新分級,並依照重量、修改、鍋爐類型、鍋爐容量或其他特徵進一部分類。[4]

錫蘭政府鐵路歷史上共擁有 410 輛蒸汽機車。 [5]

1950 年代中期開始斯里蘭卡鐵路的動力開始柴油化。 [2] 1953年從英國進口第一批內燃機車(Brush Bagnall製)。後來又從加拿大日本西德印度法國中國進口車輛。[6] [7] [8]

1990 年代,斯里蘭卡鐵路將最後一條窄軌路線,762毫米軌距的克拉尼谷線,拓寬軌距成1676毫米;窄軌距機車全部停用。目前斯里蘭卡鐵路使用中的機車都是寬軌距的。

至 2011 年 8 月,斯里蘭卡鐵路仍未電氣化,但已經提出了鐵路電氣化的計畫。 [9]

塗裝 編輯

塗有 M6 獨特的 ICE(城際快車)塗裝的 M6 788 級

斯里蘭卡的蒸汽機車主要是黑色塗裝。內燃機車引入後出現了彩色塗裝。典型塗裝是深藍色、淺藍色、銀色和黃色等寬條紋,也常見綠色、棕色和黃色條紋的塗裝。 M6城際快車機車採用棕色和橙色塗裝。


編號 編輯

M6 級編號 795 上的車牌

蒸汽機車的編號從1號開始,1911 年達到 161號。之後用於替換舊機車的新機車,採取其所替換的機車編號,但前面加上字母R以資區別,舊機車則於編號前加上字母O,使用到退役為止。 [10]這個編號系統在1928年停用, [10]新機車的編號從 249 號開始編號, [11]到 1940 年達到 336號台,1951 年交車的最後一台蒸汽機車——WG Bagnall的4-8-0編為 362號。 [12]

窄軌機車的編號與寬軌機車相同。柴油機車和柴聯車編號從 500 起算--這是1934年交車的阿姆斯壯惠特沃斯製122匹馬力 0-4-0 柴電調車機車。[12] 在 1991 年已經到了 840號。 [13]包括一輛轉換為電力牽引的試驗機車。 [4] [14]

蒸汽機車 編輯

蒸汽機車服役到 1970 年代才退出常規運轉。 [2] [4]

相片 Class 車號 軸式 輛數 製造廠商 年分 備註
1–15, 24–25,

28–29, 39–40,

4-4-0 26 Robert Stephenson & Company (5)

Beyer, Peacock & Company (7)

Kitson & Company (14)
1864–1880 動輪直徑五英呎
20–23, 26–27 4-4-0 6 Beyer, Peacock & Company (4)

Kitson & Company (2)
1868–1872 動輪直徑六英呎;汽缸尺寸為 16×22英吋
63–71, 89–92 4-4-0 13 Dübs & Company 1892–1895 動輪直徑六英呎;汽缸尺寸為 17×24英吋
16–19, 41–42 0-6-0 6 John Fowler & Co 1868–1878
30–31 0-4-0ST 2 Robert Stephenson & Company 1868 Ex Breakwater branch; absorbed in 1874; a third loco was not taken into stock
32–38, 48 4-4-0T 8 Robert Stephenson & Company (3)

Kitson & Company (5)

1 (second)
4-4-0 3 CGR Maradana Works 1900–1905 動輪直徑五英呎;汽缸尺寸為 16×24英吋
163 0-6-0CT 1 RW Hawthorn, Leslie & Company 1913 Crane tank
A1 18–19, 41–42 4-8-0 4 Kitson & Company 1913–1921
A2 155–156 4-8-0 2 Kitson & Company 1911 renumbered 16–17
A3 275–278,



4-8-0 15 Hunslet Engine Company (6)

WG Bagnall (9)
B1 4, 30,





4-6-0 49 Beyer, Peacock & Company (25)

Armstrong Whitworth (12)

Robert Stephenson & Company (12)
1927–47 「Governor」 class – many named; no. 30 Sir Thomas Maitland, runs the Viceroy Special service.[15]
B2 1, 3, 25–29,

39–40, 43–47



4-6-0 35 Kitson & Company (3)

Robert Stephenson & Company (11)

Vulcan Foundry (21)
1925–1925 213號車為動態保存車
B3 8–11, 22,


4-6-0 16 Kitson & Company 1913–1914
B4 72–75,


4-6-0 9 Neilson & Company (4)

Kitson & Company (5)
B5 76–80 4-6-0 5 Neilson & Company (3)

Vulcan Foundry (2)
B6 49–62 4-6-0 14 Kitson & Company (10)

Vulcan Foundry (4)
B7 81–88 4-6-0 8 RW Hawthorn, Leslie & Company 1894
B8 214–219,

4-6-0 18 Hunslet Engine Company (13)

RW Hawthorn, Leslie & Company (2)

Nasmyth, Wilson & Company (3)
B9 140–141 4-6-0 2 Hunslet Engine Company 1908 renumbered 134–135
B10 109–119 4-6-0 11 Dübs & Company 1901
C1 241,

2-6-2+2-6-2 9 Beyer, Peacock & Company 1927, 1945 1945 locos later converted to oil firing
D1 270–274 2-6-4T 5 Robert Stephenson & Company 1928 「College」 class, most named;
D3 12–15, 20–21,



2-6-4T 22 Robert Stephenson & Company (20)

RW Hawthorn, Leslie & Company (2)
1907–1914 131–139 renumbered 32–37, 131–133; 150–151 renumbered 38, 40; 12 rebuilt as class D1 and numbered 298 in 1930; D3 class saturated, reclassified D2 when superheated
E1 23–24, 93–94,




0-6-0T 15 Dübs & Company (3)

North British Locomotive Company (5)

Hunslet Engine Company (7)
1898–1915 Most rebuilt as 0-6-2T; No. 93 built in 1898 is the oldest surviving steam locomotive in the country - now at National railway museum, Kadugannawa
E1 265–269 0-6-2T 5 Robert Stephenson & Company 1928
F2 2, 5–7,


4-4-0 20 Vulcan Foundry (5)

North British Locomotive Company (15)
1911–1913 144–151 delivered as 152–154, 157–161; F2 saturated, reclassified F2 when superheated. All scrapped
F3 95–100,

4-4-0 12 Dübs & Company (6)

Kitson & Company (2)

North British Locomotive Company (4)
H1 293 2-4-0+0-4-2 1 Beyer, Peacock & Company 1930 Narrow gauge Garratt
J1 220–221,


4-6-4T 6 Hunslet Engine Company 1924–1929 窄軌機車
J2 142–146,




4-6-4T 15 Hunslet Engine Company (11)

North British Locomotive Company (4)
1908–1919 窄軌機車;142–146號車重新編號為 136–140號
K1 102–108 4-4-0T 7 Hunslet Engine Company 1900–1901 窄軌機車
L1 120–123,


0-4-2T 6 Sharp, Stewart & Company (4)

Hunslet Engine Company (2)

R1 301–313 Steam railcar 13 Sentinel 1925–1927 Some were later fitted with small under-floor diesel units and were reclassified T2
R2 317–320 Steam railcar 4 Sentinel 1928 Some were later fitted with small under-floor diesel units and were reclassified T2
R3 321–327 Steam railcar 7 Sentinel 1928 Some were later fitted with small under-floor diesel units and were reclassified T2
R4 314–316 Steam railcar 3 Clayton 1928 Some were later fitted with small under-floor diesel units and were reclassified T2
V1 328–330 Steam railcar 3 Sentinel 1927 窄軌機車
V2 331–333 Steam railcar 3 Sentinel 1928 窄軌機車

柴油機車 編輯

級別 類型
M 柴電機車
W 柴液機車
G與Y 調車機車
N與P 窄軌機車
S 柴聯車
T 柴油動力客車

M 類 - 柴油電力機車[16] 編輯


Photo Class Numbers Type Quantity Manufacturer Year Model Power Notes
M1 539–563 A1A-A1A de 25 Brush Bagnall Traction 1952 1000 hp 已退出現役
M2 569–573


A1A-A1A de (12)

Bo-Bo (2)
14 通用汽車柴油機 (12)

易安迪 (2)
1954–1966 G12 1400 hp Except one (571 Saskatchewan) all others are still in active service
M3 589–590 Bo-Bo de 2 Sri Lankan Railways 1956–1958 360 hp Engines (180 hp × 2) taken from S1 class
M4 743–756 Co-Co de 14 Montreal Locomotive Works 1975 MX-620 1750 hp
M5 767–782 Bo-Bo de 16 日立製作所 1979 1150 hp M5A: Re-engined locally using MTU V12 in 1991; M5B: Re-engined locally using Paxman V12 in 1997; M5C: Re-engined locally using Caterpillar 3516 DITA.
M6 783–798 A1A-A1A de 16 Thyssen-Henschel 1979–1980 G22 1650 hp
M7 799–814 Bo-Bo de 16 Brush Traction 1981 1000 hp
M8 M8 (841-848), M8A (877,878) Co-Co de M8 (8), M8A (2) Banaras Locomotive Works M8 (1995), M8A (2001) WDM-2 M8 (2600 hp), M8A (1950 hp) Sub Class M8A: Only 2 locomotives were introduced
M9 864–873 Co-Co de 10 阿爾斯通 2000 AD32C 1800 hp Several units out of service shortly after introduction due to cost of spares and repair.
M10 M10 (914-916), M10A (940-945) Co-Co de M10 (3), M10A (6) Banaras Locomotive Works 2012 WDM3D

(With Alco 251 series 12 diesel engine)

2300 hp Sub class M10A was introduced in 2013 which is a technical variant.
M11 M11 (949-958), Co-Co M11 (10) Banaras Locomotive Works 2018 WDG4D

(With EMD 12-710 diesel engine)

3000 hp 2 out of 10 are currently in use

W級 — 柴液機車 編輯

Photo Class Numbers Type Quantity Manufacturer Year Model Power Notes
W1 630–674 B-B dh 45 亨舍爾 1968–1969 1150 hp 10輛改裝卡特彼勒引擎,改為W3型。只有兩部車可為可動狀態。
W2 703–716,

B-B dh 15 LEW 1968–Present 1500 hp 729 ex demonstrator, ran as DR V150.001; imported 1970. Several re-furbished and in operation.
W3 631…674 B-B dh 10 Sri Lankan


1997–Present 1150 hp 10輛W1型改裝卡特彼勒引擎而來,主要用於內陸線。

G級和Y級 —調車機車[17] 編輯

Photo Class Numbers Type Quantity Manufacturer Year Model Power Notes
G1 500 0–4–0 de 1 Armstrong Whitworth 1934 - 2006 122 hp 使用蘇爾壽引擎;已停用
G2 531–538 Bo-Bo de 8 North British Locomotive Company 1950- 2000 625 hp Paxman V8 引擎;停用。
Y 675–702 0-6-0 dh 28 Hunslet Engine Company 1968- 1973 530 hp 現役
Y1 721–728 D dh 8 Sri Lanka Railways 1972–1973 Paxman V12 引擎;停用。

N 類和 P 類 - 窄軌機車[14] 編輯

Photo Class Numbers Type Quantity Manufacturer Year Model Power Notes
N1 564–568 1C1 dh 5 克虜伯 1952–53 500 hp 停用
N2 730–732 B-B dh 3 川崎重工 1973 600 hp GM Detroit Diesel V16 engine. Ordered by Sri Lanka Veneers & Plywood. Not in use.
P1 527–530 0-6-0 dm 4 Hunslet Engine Company 1950 120 hp 停用

:一台N2級機車在安裝阿爾斯通集電弓後重新編為E1型,以電力運行。不要與蒸汽機車 E1 混淆,這種電力機車未用於商業用途。一輛 P1 級機車在 Viharamahadevi(維多利亞)遊樂園[14]

S 級 - 柴油動力推拉式列車[8] 編輯

S1–S8 柴液傳動柴聯車、S9–S14、S14A 柴油電動柴聯車和電動柴油柴聯車

Photo Class Numbers Type Quantity Manufacturer Year Model Power Notes
S1 501–503 4-car 3 English Electric 1938 400 hp Named Silver Foam, Silver Spray, and Silver Mist. Not in operation, and power cars scrapped.
S2 574–588 15 Schindler Carriage and Wagon 1958 500 hp Not in operation and the power cars were scrapped.
S3 596–620 25 MAN 1959 880 hp 停用
S4 621–624 5 MAN 1961 1000 hp 退役
S5 717–720 5-car 2個編組 日立製作所 1970 880 hp Hitachi Tourist excursion train. Now one is in Airport Express service, operated by Airport & Aviation Services (Sri Lanka) Limited.
S6 733–742 10 日立製作所 1974 1150 hp Very similar in appearance to S7. Operated mainly on the broad gauged Kelani Valley line. Currently used as presidential train.
S7 757–766 10 日立製作所 1977 1000 hp Very similar in appearance to S6. Operated mainly on the broad gauged Kelani Valley line. Not in regular operations.
S8 821–840 20 Hyundai 1991 1150 hp 現役
S9 849–863 20 中國南車 2000 1150 hp 現役
S10 879-893 15 中國南車 2008 現役
S11 894–913 20 Rail India Technical and Economic Service 2011–2012 1360 hp [18] Designed with multi class accommodation.
S12 917–939 22 中國南車 2012 2000 hp Imported in two variants, one for run on commuter services and other run on long distance services.
S13 959–970 6 (double sets) ICF 2018-2019 1800 hp
S14 971–988 9 sets (2 power cars per set) 中車青島四方機車車輛 2019-2020 1950 hp
S14A 989–992 4(power cars) 中車青島四方機車車輛 2019-2020 1950 hp

T 級 - 柴油客車[14] 編輯


相片 型式 編號 類型 數量 製造廠 年分 Model 出力 備註
T1 504–526 23 English Electric 1947 200 hp 兩輛編組。已停用。
T2 (1950) 由蒸氣動力客車改造而來,已停用。
Locally built rail buses RB1 to .. 鐵道巴士 SLR Rathmalana Works (1995) Based on Tata & Ashok Leyland Buses A total of 14 Rail Buses were built

between 1995 and 2002 with numbers RB1 to RB14.

其他機車 編輯

除了斯里蘭卡鐵路擁有的機車和調車機車之外,斯里蘭卡還有其他一些內燃機車(通常是調車機車)。有些是斯里蘭卡港務局和Holcim Sri Lanka limited 擁有的機車。

Photo 擁有者 機車 數量 型式 Manufacturer Year Model Power Notes
Sri Lanka Ports Authority 19 (3 in operation) Andrew Barclay
Holcim Sri Lanka Limited Deutz shunters (03), Hunslet shunter (01), Banaras Locomotive Works locomotives (02), Refurbished Beaver shunters (04), SAN locomotive (01) All are diesel hydraulic type except DLW locomotive which is diesel electric. Some are not in use. However this limited cater locomotives from SLR for some services.

訂購的車輛 編輯

▪ 另外2台WDG4D機車即將到貨

▪ 2018 年 2 月,當地報紙和新聞網站報道稱,美國通用電氣公司取得了 10 台用於內陸線的內燃機車標案。

• 2018 年 9 月,斯里蘭卡鐵路在印度提供的 3.18 億美元信貸中,從印度訂購了 160 輛客車、20 輛貨櫃運輸車和 30 輛油罐車。

參考資料 編輯

  1. ^ Ceylon Railway Enthusiasts Circle (CREC)/SLRF. Sri Lanka Railway 145th Anniversary Trip. 2010-01-02 [2011-08-08]. (原始內容存檔於2011-10-04). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 The Island. Rampala regime in the local Railway History. 2010-07-19. 
  3. ^ Hughes 1990,第93頁.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 http://www.infolanka.com/org/mrail/locos1.html Steam Locomotives
  5. ^ Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Railways Steam Locomotive and Steam Railcar Fleet. National Railway Museum - Sri Lanka. [7 January 2013]. (原始內容存檔於13 September 2012). 
  6. ^ Diesel Locomotives of Sri Lanka : Locomotive classification. www.srilankanlocos.com. [9 July 2011]. (原始內容存檔於28 December 2012). 
  7. ^ Mainline Diesel-Electrics. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 http://www.infolanka.com/org/mrail/locos3.html Suburban Diesel Push-Pull types
  9. ^ Daily News. IESL proposes railway electrification project. 2010-12-25. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-08). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Hughes 1990,第97頁.
  11. ^ Hughes 1990,第94頁.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Hughes 1996,第92頁.
  13. ^ Hughes 1996,第95頁.
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 http://www.infolanka.com/org/mrail/locos4.html Mainline Diesel Hydraulic & Narrow Gauge
  15. ^ Viceroy Vintage Train Tours 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2011-08-28.
  16. ^ http://www.infolanka.com/org/mrail/locos2.html Mainline Diesel-Electrics
  17. ^ http://www.infolanka.com/org/mrail/locos5.html Diesel Railcars & Shunters
  18. ^ ColomboPage. India hands over new power sets for Sri Lanka's Southern Railway Line. 2011-03-11 [2011-10-16]. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-08).