崗亭是一種帶有一個小門(有時可能沒有)的獨立小建築,當出現惡劣天氣時,哨兵以及值班人員可以在崗亭中躲避風雨。有些崗亭外墻上會刷上國旗的顏色圖案。 [1]



  1. ^ Compare: Sturgis, Russell (編). Sturgis' Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture and Building: An Unabridged Reprint of the 1901-2 Edition. Dover Architecture 1 Unabridged reprint. Courier Corporation. 1901: 343–3442013 [2015-12-30]. ISBN 9780486148403. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-11). BOX. [...] A small shelter for one or more persons engaged in specific duties; as, in military usage, a small movable wooden hut to afford shelter for a sentry, often somewhat elaborately decorated with the national colours: a sentry box [...].