
原文名Odilo Globocnik
本名奧迪洛·洛塔爾·路德維希·格洛博奇尼克(Odilo Lothar Ludwig Globocnik)[1]
姓氏另作 Globocnik 或 Globotschnig(g)(德國化[2]
效命 納粹德國
軍種 黨衛隊

奧迪洛·洛塔爾·路德維希·格洛博奇尼克(德語:Odilo Lothar Ludwig Globocnik;1904年4月21日—1945年5月31日),奧地利納粹黨員,納粹大屠殺執行者。作為黨衛隊高級軍官,格洛博奇尼克是萊茵哈德行動的關鍵人物,組織在馬伊達內克特雷布林卡索比堡貝烏熱茨滅絕營殺害約150萬名猶太人。[a][5][6][7]史學家米高·艾倫(Michael Allen)稱格洛博奇尼克是「史上最邪惡組織中最邪惡的人」。[5]格洛博奇尼克在戰後被英軍抓獲,羈押不久後便自殺身亡。

出身與早年生活 編輯


1914年,弗朗茨因一戰爆發重獲徵召入伍,舉家搬遷至切克萊斯Cseklész[8];奧迪洛於同年提前終止軍校學業,加入陸軍。奧迪洛與家人移居至卡林西亞克拉根福,在當地加入親奧地利的斯洛文尼亞人志願民兵,後來在卡林西亞戰爭期間[d]加入南斯拉夫陸軍。[9]1920年卡林西亞公投期間,奧迪洛·格洛博奇尼克為奧地利做地下宣傳員。[10]他後來就讀一所機械工程高等職業學校(Höhere Staatsgewerbeschule),以優異成績通過高中畢業考試(Matura)。 [11]格洛博奇尼克畢業後做了多種工作,一度到火車站當搬運工,來負擔家庭開銷。

1922年,格洛博奇尼克首度登上政治舞台:他成了卡林西亞親納粹半軍事組織的頭臉人物,還有人看到他佩戴卍字徽。當時他是建築工,和Grete Michner訂婚時為人僱用。岳父Emil Michner和KÄEWAG水電站主管打招呼,讓格洛博奇尼克當上了技工兼施工監理。 [12]

After he entered politics, Globocnik faced ridicule from the German and international media for his Slavic surname,[13] in light of the Nazis' (including Globocnik's) extreme racism against Slavs. Globocnik would assiduously maintain that he was of Germanic ancestry. This was important, since Slavs were considered sub-human (Untermenschen) and eventually subjugated to genocide by the Third Reich. He said that his paternal grandfather was an "Aryan" who was culturally Slavicized, but maintained his Germanic blood. Historians have often dismissed this as a ruse. But historian Joseph Popzeczny argued in his 2004 biography of Globocnik that the story was true, citing Austro-Hungarian census data from 1910 indicating that the Globocniks were ethnic Germans.[14]

「格洛博奇尼克」是個斯洛文尼亞姓氏,但奧迪洛卻不僅在納粹身居要職,更是猶太大屠殺的施行者,還清洗了數以百萬計的波蘭人和其他斯拉夫民族。 史學家因此對奧迪洛·格洛博奇尼克的斯拉夫血統頗為好奇。史學家Joseph Kranjc 2004年出版的格洛博奇尼克傳記花了整個第一章的篇幅探討格洛博奇尼克的出身。約瑟夫說其他納粹分子取笑格洛博奇尼克的姓氏——納粹將斯拉夫人視為「次等人類」(Untermenschen)。[15]海因里希·希姆萊等納粹高層為之背書,稱格洛博奇尼克本是雅利安人出身,只是姓氏被斯拉夫化了。[15]

納粹生涯 編輯


1931年,格洛博奇尼克在卡林西亞加入Nazi Party。1933年8月,格洛博奇尼克首次被捕,原因是公開支持納粹,且企圖聯絡關押在克拉根福的納粹黨員。同年他加入奧地利黨衛隊。1933年至1935年間,格洛博奇尼克被捕四次,但入獄總共不到一年。[16]格洛博奇尼克和當局反覆交涉兩年,後得希姆萊代為介入。

格洛博奇尼克首次記錄在案的納粹黨活動是在1931年,為黨散發宣傳材料。此時他幾乎徹底放棄了建築工的活計,密切依附納粹黨。他受命為納粹黨組建信使和情報系統,用於從德國向奧地利輸送資金。格氏先前對納粹的付出很快收到回報,在祖國奧地利的黨組織扶搖直上,於1933年1月升任大區副長官,先是在維也納短暫任職,隨後調往卡林西亞繼續任職到1933年5月。1933年6月,有人向維也納一家珠寶店扔炸彈,猶太人店主Norbert Futterweit遇害。該案是納粹在奧地利最早的命案之一;許多歷史學家認為格洛博奇尼克參與了襲擊。[17]



In his early tenure as Gauleiter, Globocnik espoused Nazi anti-Jewish philosophy: "I will not recoil from radical interventions for the solution of Jewish questions." Later that same year he opened Vienna's first anti-Semitic political exhibition, which was attended by 10,000 visitors on the first day. Prominent at the exhibition and received enthusiastically by the public was the film, "The Eternal Jew".[22]

Early gestures of accommodation to the new government by Cardinal Innitzer did not assuage the Austrian Nazi radicals, foremost among them the young Gauleiter Globocnik.[23] He launched a crusade against the Church, and the Nazis confiscated property, closed Catholic organisations and sent many priests to Dachau.[23] Anger at the treatment of the Church in Austria grew quickly, and in October 1938 the first act of overt mass resistance to the new regime took place. A rally of thousands left Mass in Vienna chanting "Christ is our Führer", before being dispersed by police.[24] A Nazi mob ransacked Cardinal Innitzer's residence, after he denounced Nazi persecution of the Church.[25]

Globocnik was relieved of his posts and stripped of his party honours on 30 January 1939, when it was discovered that he was involved in illegal foreign currency speculation. As punishment, Himmler transferred Globocnik to the Waffen-SS, in the rank of corporal, where he served with SS Standarte "Germania" during the Polish campaign.[26] Himmler liked Globocnik and recognised the value of the ruthless Austrian. In late 1939, Globocnik was pardoned, promoted to SS-Brigadeführer, and assigned to Lublin province.[27]

Crimes in occupied Poland 編輯

On 9 November 1939, Himmler appointed Globocnik as SS and Police Leader in the Lublin district of the General Government territory. After the initially disappointing party career, Globocnik now had a second chance in the ranks of the SS and the police.[28] On 16 February 1940, Globocnik declared: "The evacuated Jews should feed themselves and be supported by their countrymen, as these Jews have enough [food]. If this does not succeed, one should let them starve."[29][30]

In the following years, Globocnik was responsible for:

  1. 'Liquidating' the Warsaw Ghetto, which contained about 500,000 Jews, the largest Jewish community in Europe and the second-largest in the world after New York.
  2. Liquidating the Białystok Ghetto, which had strongly resisted German occupation.
  3. Resettling a large number of Poles under the premise of 'ethnic cleansing'.
  4. Implementation and supervision of the Lublin reservation, to which 95,000 Jews were deported, with its adjacent network of forced labour camps in the Lublin district. He was also in charge of over 45,000 Jewish labourers.

Extermination camps 編輯

Action T4 bus for the transport to Hartheim Euthanasia Centre

There are indications that Globocnik, along with a chief accomplice Christian Wirth, may have originated the concept of the extermination camp and industrialised murder, and been the person to suggest it to Himmler. At a two-hour meeting with Himmler on 13 October 1941, Globocnik received verbal approval to start construction work on the Belzec extermination camp, the first such camp in the General Government.[31][32][33] Shortly beforehand, in September 1941, Globocnik had been visited by Philipp Bouhler and Viktor Brack, the top officials in the Fuhrer Chancellery responsible for the Aktion T4 "euthanasia" program, which had been using gas chambers disguised as shower rooms to execute many of its victims.[34][35] On or about 1 October 1941, Globocnik had written a memorandum to Himmler containing proposals for actions against the Jews "of a security policy nature," and the 13 October meeting was held to discuss this memorandum and related subjects.[36][37]

A colleague's contemporaneous letter reflects Globocnik's state of mind at the time of the 13 October meeting: Globocnik said it was necessary to undertake a "cleansing of the entire [General Government] of Jews and Poles" and was "full of good and far-reaching plans" to accomplish this.[33][38] There are indications that Globocnik may have begun a crude experimental gassing facility in the woods near Belzec shortly before his mid-October meeting with Himmler.[39] At the 13 October 1941 meeting with Himmler, Globocnik proposed exterminating the Jews in assembly-line fashion in a concentration camp, using gas chambers.[37][40] On 14 October 1941 – the day after he had met with Globocnik – Himmler held a five-hour meeting with Reinhard Heydrich to discuss "executions", following which other extermination camp gassing sites were built.[41] Days later, Himmler forbade all further Jewish emigration from Reich territory "in view of the forthcoming 'Final Solution' to the Jewish question."[42]

The gassing facilities that Globocnik established at Belzec soon after his 13 October meeting with Himmler were designed by T4 programme personnel assigned to him. They used carbon monoxide, as the T4 programme had done.[43][44] Before it became an extermination camp, Belzec had been part of Himmler's and Globocnik's Burggraben project. The construction of three more death camps, Sobibor and Majdanek in the Lublin district and Treblinka at Małkinia Górna, followed in 1942. Globocnik was complicit in the extermination of more than 1.5 million Polish, Czech, Dutch, French, Russian, Slovak, German, Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish and Austrian Jews, as well as a smaller number of non-Jews, in the death camps which he organised and supervised.

He exploited Jews and non-Jews as slave labourers in his own forced labour camps. He was responsible for seizing the properties and valuables of murdered inmates while in charge of Operation Reinhard. Although other arms of the Nazi state were also involved in the overall management of the greater concentration camp system, Globocnik had control over the Aktion Reinhard camps, and any orders that he received came directly from Himmler.[45] From 1942 to 1943 he also oversaw the beginning of the Generalplan Ost, the plan to expel Poles from their lands and resettle those territories with German settlers (see Zamość Uprising). On 9 November 1942, Globocnik was promoted to SS-Gruppenführer and Generalleutnant der Polizei.[11]

Activities in Italy 編輯

After the Armistice of Cassibile, Globocnik was appointed as Higher SS and Police Leader of the Operational Zone of the Adriatic Littoral of Italy on 13 September 1943.[46]

After the completion of Operation Reinhard in Poland, he was sent to Trieste, his hometown.CITEREFICNLRSS2009

With him he brought to Trieste a large number of experienced killers who had distinguished records from various extermination operations in Germany, the Soviet Union and the death camps in occupied Poland at Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. They included the 92 specialists of Einsatzkommando Reinhard, many of whom were Ukrainian SS troops, male and female... Einsatzkommando Reinhard was divided into three geographical areas, the headquarters for each of which was officially denoted with a variation of the letter R - R1 for Trieste, R2 for Udine and R3 for Fiume.[47]

Having looted assets stolen from Holocaust victims at death camps in occupied Poland, Globocnik went to Italy with a number of his men who had taken part in Aktion Tiergarten 4 including Franz Stangl from Treblinka and Franz Reichleitner from Sobibor. A few days after 8 September 1943, Christian Wirth arrived in Trieste. Together, they converted an old rice mill on the outskirts of the city into a detention centre complete with a crematorium, known as Risiera di San Sabba (in Slovene: Rižarna). At San Sabba, thousands of Italian Jews, partisans and other political dissidents were interrogated, tortured and murdered under the direction of these men after the 1943 downfall of Benito Mussolini and the German takeover of the country.[46]

In Slovene Littoral, Slovene Partisans were fought both by Germans and by the Littoral Home Guard, which was also under Globocnik's direct command. It provided Germans with lists of locations of Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation hideouts and suspicious individuals (described as propagandists).[48]

With the advance of Allied troops, Globocnik retreated into Austrian Carinthia and finally went into hiding high in the mountains near Weissensee, still in company of his closest staff members.

Death 編輯

Globocnik was tracked down and captured by a British armoured cavalry unit on 31 May 1945 in Carinthia, Austria. A unit from the 4th Queen's Own Hussars, found him on the Möslacher Alm, a 1,250米(4,100英尺) mountain in the Eastern Alps, with seven other wanted Nazis including Georg Michalsen, Friedrich Rainer, Ernst Lerch, Hermann Höfle, Karl Hellesberger, Hugo Herzog and Friedrich Plöb.[49] Globocnik was taken to Paternion in Villach-Land District to be interrogated. However, before he was questioned, Globocnik committed suicide by biting on a cyanide capsule.

His body was taken to be buried in a local churchyard, but the priest reportedly refused to have 'the body of such a man' resting in consecrated ground. A grave was dug outside the churchyard, next to an outer wall, and the body was buried without ceremony.[50]

Despite contemporary photographs of Globocnik's corpse and reliable reports, such as the Regimental Diary and Field Reports of the 4th Queen's Own Hussars, detailing the circumstances of his capture and suicide, urban legends suggested he survived the war, or that circumstances of his death differed.[來源請求] Prior to the 1980s, there was debate over the circumstances of Globocnik's survival; some had speculated that his death in either early May or June 1945 was at the hands of either partisans or a Jewish revenge squad. A false version of Globocnik's fate has circulated that says he was turned over to U.S. intelligence by the British. This is based on an "official US document signed by US CIC S/A Operations Officer Andrew L. Venters, dated 27 October 1948, more than three years after his supposed death". But, this document was exposed as a forgery in the 1980s by the investigative writer and historian, Gitta Sereny; she gives all details in a long article in the Observer newspaper.[51]

Notes 編輯

  1. ^ 多為波蘭猶太人。
  2. ^ 今屬意大利。
  3. ^ 塞爾維亞弗爾沙茨。
  4. ^ 1918至1919年
  1. ^ Wedekind 2003,第446頁.
  2. ^ Friedrich 2011.
  3. ^ Himmler 1999,第306頁.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Miller 2006,第401頁.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Kranjc 2013,第124頁.
  6. ^ Zuccotti 2002,第287頁.
  7. ^ Mazower 2008b,第382, 384–387頁.
  8. ^ Poprzeczny 2004,第9-14頁.
  9. ^ Pucher 1997,第18頁.
  10. ^ Pucher 1997,第19頁.
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Miller & Schulz 2012,第245頁.
  12. ^ Poprzeczny 2004,第24-25頁.
  13. ^ Poprzeczny 2004,第12頁.
  14. ^ Poprzeczny 2004,第16頁.
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Poprzeczny 2004[頁碼請求]
  16. ^ Poprzeczny 2004,第28-29頁.
  17. ^ Poprzeczny 2004,第32-34頁.
  18. ^ Miller & Schulz 2012,第246-247頁.
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Poprzeczny 2004,第45-59頁.
  20. ^ Shirer 1960,第325-329頁.
  21. ^ Miller & Schulz 2012,第248-249頁.
  22. ^ O'Neil 2002. 由Poprzeczny 2004,第64頁引用
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Mazower 2008a,第51-52頁.
  24. ^ Mazower 2008a,第52頁.
  25. ^ Shirer 1960,第349-350頁.
  26. ^ Poprzeczny 2004,第76-80頁.
  27. ^ Poprzeczny 2004,第80, 83頁.
  28. ^ Poprzeczny 2004,第90頁.
  29. ^ Friedländer 1997,第35頁.
  30. ^ Pohl 1993,第52頁.
  31. ^ Friedländer 1997,第283頁.
  32. ^ Himmler 1999,第233-234頁.
  33. ^ 33.0 33.1 Browning 2004,第359-360頁.
  34. ^ Friedlander 1995,第86-98, 110頁.
  35. ^ Arad 1999,第9頁.
  36. ^ Longerich 2012,第294頁.
  37. ^ 37.0 37.1 Longerich 2012,第547頁.
  38. ^ Longerich 2012,第294-295頁.
  39. ^ Browning 2004,第364-365頁.
  40. ^ Browning 2004,第360頁.
  41. ^ Browning 2004,第365-366頁.
  42. ^ Browning 2004,第368-369頁.
  43. ^ Longerich 2012,第280頁.
  44. ^ Friedlander 1995,第96, 99頁.
  45. ^ Friedländer 1997,第346頁.
  46. ^ 46.0 46.1 Klee 2003,第187頁.
  47. ^ ICNLRSS 2009.
  48. ^ Kranjc 2013,第172頁.
  49. ^ Fold3_ 2016.
  50. ^ Poprzeczny 2004,第366-382頁.
  51. ^ Sereny 1996.

References 編輯

Further reading 編輯

  • Rieger, Berndt. Creator of Nazi Death Camps. The Life of Odilo Globocnik. London/Portland OR: Vallentine Mitchell. 2007. ISBN 978-0-85303-523-7. 
  • Hamilton, Charles. Leaders and Personalities of the Third Reich Vol.2. San Jose: Bender. 1996. 
  • Snyder, Louis L. Encyclopedia of the Third Reich . New York: Paragon House. 1989. 
  • Moehrle, René. Judenverfolgung in Triest während Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus, 1922-1945. Berlin: Metropol. 2014. ISBN 978-3-86331-195-7. OCLC 894198182 (德語). , p. 305-460.
  • Wulf, Josef. Das Dritte Reich und seine Vollstrecker. München New York: K.G. Saur. 1978. ISBN 3-598-04603-0. OCLC 5186365 (德語). 

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