



  • 威利·哈克(Wiley Harker),92歲,美國演員(《直截了當的故事》(The Straight Story)、《城市熱火》(City Heat)、《死後在丹佛要做的事情》(Things to Do in Denver)。[1]
  • Temira Pachmuss,79歲,俄裔美國語言學家。[2]
  • Winifred Pennington,91歲,英國湖沼學家。[3]
  • 瑪蒂爾德·奧克塔維·塔夫納(Mathilde Octavie Tafna),112歲,瓜德羅普島最年長的法國人。[4]
  • 費爾明·特魯巴(Fermín Trueba),92歲,西班牙公路自行車手。[5]
  • 約翰·拉蒂默(John Lattimer),92歲,美國泌尿科醫生,他開發了治療腎結核的方法。[73]
  • 奧利弗·米勒爵士(Sir Oliver Millar),84歲,英國女王圖片測量師(1972-1988)和皇家收藏總監(1987-1988)。[74]
  • 羅伯特·厄爾曼(Robert Oelman),97歲,NCR公司美國首席執行官(1962-1973),萊特州立大學(Wright State University)聯合創始人。[75]
  • 查克·萊利(Chuck Riley),66歲,美國配音演員。[76]
  • 毛拉·達杜拉(Mullah Dadullah),41歲,阿富汗武裝分子,塔利班軍事指揮官,被槍殺。[83]
  • Teddy Infuhr,70歲,美國兒童演員。[84]
  • Kai Johansen,66歲,丹麥足球運動員(Greenock Morton F.C.和流浪者隊),癌症。[85]
  • Henri Klein,87歲,法國奧運運動員。[86]
  • 伊迪·巴斯克斯(Edy Vásquez),23歲,洪都拉斯足球運動員,車禍。[87]
  • 奧蘭多·波波(Orlando Bobo),33歲,美國出生的加拿大足球運動員(溫尼伯藍色轟炸機隊),心臟和肝臟衰竭。[94]
  • Ülo Jõgi,86歲,愛沙尼亞反共分子。[95]
  • 愛德華·鐘斯爵士,70歲,英國陸軍上將,黑杖(1996-2001),心臟病發作。[96]
  • 南希·麥克唐納(Nancy McDonald),72歲,美國政治家,德克薩斯州眾議院議員(1984-1995),卵巢癌。[97]
  • 亞倫·麥克米蘭(Aaron McMillan),30歲,澳大利亞古典鋼琴家,骨癌。[98]
  • Jean Saubert,65歲,美國激流迴旋雙料獎牌得主(1964年冬奧會),乳腺癌。[99]
  • 科林·聖約翰·威爾遜爵士,85歲,英國建築師,大英圖書館設計師。[100]
  • Alphonse 「Bois Sec」 Ardoin,91歲,美國克里奧爾語手風琴家。[109]
  • 瑪麗·道格拉斯夫人(Dame Mary Douglas),86歲,英國社會人類學家。[110]
  • Gohar Gasparyan,83歲,亞美尼亞女高音歌劇歌手。[111]
  • 艾倫·希爾德(Allan Hird),88歲,澳大利亞足球運動員和學者,埃森登足球會主席(1969-1975),維多利亞州教育局局長。[112]
  • 彼得·馬納(Peter Marner),71歲,英國板球運動員,代表蘭開夏郡板球俱樂部的最年輕球員。[113]
  • C·蒂莫西·奧米拉(Timothy O'Meara),64歲,美國電影剪輯師(《玫瑰》《流浪漢》《野蠻人柯南》)。[114]
  • 特裏·里安(Terry Ryan),60歲,美國作家(俄亥俄州《反抗》獎得主),癌症。[115]
  • 勞埃德·亞歷山大(Lloyd Alexander),83歲,美國作家(《普里丹編年史》),癌症。[116]
  • Petro Balabuyev,76歲,烏克蘭飛機設計師,包括世界上最大的飛機An-225。[117]
  • Don Burton,87歲,澳大利亞政治家,新南威爾斯州立法委員會成員(1976-1984)。[118]
  • 埃格蒙特·福雷格(Egmont Foregger),84歲,奧地利法學家,官員和政治家,身患重病。[119]
  • 約翰·岡薩加(John Gonzaga),74歲,三藩市49人隊,達拉斯牛仔隊,底特律雄獅隊和丹佛野馬隊的美式欖球運動員。[120]
  • 卡維卡·卡帕胡勒瓦(Kawika Kapahulehua),76歲,Hokulea號首次從夏威夷航行到大溪地島的美國船長。[121]
  • 約翰·尼科爾斯爵士,80歲,英國空軍元帥。[122]
  • Eugen Weber,82歲,羅馬尼亞出生的美國歷史學家,胰腺癌。[123]
  • 比爾·懷特(Bill Wight),85歲,美國職業棒球大聯盟(MLB)投手和球探。[124]
  • Wiktor Zin,82歲,波蘭建築師和平面藝術家。[125]
  • 羅伊·德·福雷斯特(Roy De Forest),77歲,美國藝術家,加州大學大衛斯分校教授。[126]
  • Pierre-Gilles de Gennes,74歲,法國物理學家,1991年獲得諾貝爾物理學獎。[127]
  • 科尼利厄斯·哈格(Cornelius R. Hager),93歲,美國教育家,阿斯伯里大學校長。[128]
  • 沙特·梅蒙(Saud Memon),44歲,巴基斯坦商人,涉嫌謀殺丹尼爾·珀爾(Daniel Pearl),肺結核和腦膜炎。[129]
  • Les Schwab,89歲,美國輪胎大亨。[130]
  • 米卡·什皮利亞克,90歲,克羅地亞政治家,南斯拉夫集體主席團主席(1983-1984)。[131][132]
  • Yoyoy Villame,69歲,菲律賓音樂家和喜劇演員,心臟病發作。[133]
  • 鮑比·阿什(Bobby Ash),82歲,英國出生的加拿大電視節目主持人(鮑比叔叔秀),心臟病發作。[145]
  • 讓·赫比森夫人(Dame Jean Herbison),84歲,新西蘭學者,新西蘭第一位女校長(坎特伯雷大學,1979-1984年)。[146]
  • 巴魯克·基默林(Baruch Kimmerling),67歲,以色列社會學家和歷史學家。[147]
  • 瓦倫蒂娜·列昂季耶娃(Valentina Leontyeva),84歲,俄羅斯電視節目主持人,蘇聯最早的電視節目主持人之一。
  • 喬治·麥克法蘭爵士,91歲,英國科學家和工程師。[148]
  • Tod H. Mikuriya,73歲,美國精神病學家和醫用大麻宣導者,癌症。[149]
  • 史丹利·米勒(Stanley Miller),77歲,美國化學家和生物學家,以米勒-尤里(Miller-Urey)對生命起源的實驗而聞名,心力衰竭。[150]
  • 威廉·彼得斯(William Peters),85歲,美國記者和種族問題紀錄片導演,阿爾茨海默病。[151]
  • 古拉姆·沙拉澤(Guram Sharadze),66歲,格魯吉亞語言學家和政治家,被槍殺。[152]
  • 諾曼·馮·奈達(Norman Von Nida),93歲,澳大利亞高爾夫球手。[153]
  • 85歲的美國音樂家和詞曲作者本·韋斯曼(Ben Weisman)為歌手艾維斯·普雷斯利(Elvis Presley)寫了近60首歌曲。[154]
  • Fannie Lee Chaney,84歲,美國民權活動家。[162]
  • 弗蘭克·E·馬斯特羅內(Frank E. Maestrone),84歲,美國外交官,駐科威特大使(1976-1979),感染。[163]
  • Jef Planckaert,73歲,比利時自行車手。[164][165]
  • Pemba Doma Sherpa,36歲,尼泊爾登山家,兩次登頂珠穆朗瑪峰,從洛子峰墜落。[166]
  • 阿特·史蒂文斯(Art Stevens),92歲,美國動畫師,電影導演和編劇(《狐狸與獵犬》,《救援隊》,《黑鍋》),心臟病發作。[167]
  • 勞里·巴特拉姆(Laurie Bartram),49歲,美國女演員(13日星期五)和芭蕾舞演員,胰腺癌。[182]
  • 維克多·菲拉(Victor Firea),84歲,羅馬尼亞奧運運動員。[183]
  • 查理斯·納爾遜·賴利(Charles Nelson Reilly),76歲,美國演員(《如何在沒有真正嘗試的情況下取得成功》、《幽靈與繆爾夫人》、《所有的狗都上天堂》),托尼獎得主(1962年),肺炎併發症。[184]
  • Kaspar Schiesser,91歲,瑞士奧運選手。[185]* 孫元良,103歲,中國出生的國民黨將軍,流亡臺灣。[186]
  • 巴塞洛繆·烏盧法阿盧,56歲,所羅門群島政治家,所羅門群島總理(1997—2000年),長期患病。[187]
  • 羅恩·阿切爾(Ron Archer),73歲,澳大利亞板球運動員,肺癌。[195]
  • 愛德華·貝爾(Edward Behr),81歲,英國記者和作家。[196]
  • 現年65歲的美國律師山姆·加里森(Sam Garrison)在1974年的彈劾聽證會上為理查·尼克鬆總統(Richard Nixon)辯護,死於白血病。[197]
  • 馬奎斯·希爾,24歲,美式欖球運動員(新英格蘭愛國者隊),溺水身亡。[198]
  • 傑克·克爾(Jack Kerr),96歲,新西蘭板球運動員,新西蘭板球協會主席兼總裁。[199]
  • 威利·梅恩,90歲,美國政治家,美國艾奧瓦州眾議員(1966-1974),心肺事件。[200]
  • 霍華德·波特,58歲,美國籃球運動員(公牛隊、尼克斯隊、活塞隊),因毆打而受傷。[201]
  • 坂井泉水,40歲,日本歌手(Zard),腦挫傷。[202]
  • 珀西·索恩(Percy Sonn),57歲,南非板球運動員,國際板球理事會主席,手術後併發症。[203]
  • 格雷琴·惠勒(Gretchen Wyler),75歲,美國女演員(《大兵本傑明》《達拉斯》《魔鬼旅》)和動物權利活動家,乳腺癌併發症。[204]
  • 埃德·約斯特(Ed Yost),87歲,美國現代熱氣球的發明者。[205]
  • 芭芭拉·考克斯·安東尼(Barbara Cox Anthony),84歲,美國女繼承人,長期患病。[206]
  • Harold C. Helgeson,75歲,美國地球化學家,肺癌。[207]
  • 約爾格·伊門多夫(Jörg Immendorff),61歲,德國畫家,肌萎縮側索硬化症。[208]
  • 菲利斯·科恩(Phyllis Koehn),84歲,美國棒球運動員(全美女子職業棒球聯盟)。[209]
  • 大衛·萊恩(David Lane),68歲,美國白人至上主義領袖和作家。[210]
  • 約翰·麥誇里(John Macquarrie),87歲,英國神學家,牛津大學瑪格麗特夫人神學教授(1970-1986)。[211]
  • 松岡利勝,62歲,日本政治家,農業大臣,上吊自殺。[212]
  • 帕倫·米切爾(Parren Mitchell),85歲,美國政治家,美國馬里蘭州眾議員(1971-1987),國會黑人核心小組(Congressional Black Caucus)聯合創始人,肺炎。[213]
  • 埃塞爾·穆塔里卡(Ethel Mutharika),63歲,津巴布韋出生的馬拉維第一夫人,癌症。[214]
  • 戴夫·巴隆(Dave Balon),68歲,加拿大冰球運動員,多發性硬化症。[215]
  • Tony Bastable,62歲,英國電視節目主持人(喜鵲),DJ和獨立製片人,肺炎。[216]
  • 露易絲·布朗-埃文斯夫人,79歲,百慕達政治家。[217]
  • 唐納德·約翰諾斯(Donald Johanos),79歲,美國指揮家。[218]
  • Norman Kaye,80歲,澳大利亞演員和音樂家,阿爾茨海默病。[219]
  • Posteal Laskey Jr.,69歲,美國被定罪的殺人犯,通常被認為是被稱為「辛辛那提扼殺者」的連環殺手。[220]
  • 塔希爾·米爾扎(Tahir Mirza),70歲,巴基斯坦記者,《黎明報》前編輯,肺癌。[221]
  • Folole Muliaga,44歲,薩摩亞裔新西蘭教師,使用家用氧氣機,電力供應因未付款而被切斷連接,心肺疾病。[222]
  • 邁克爾·西頓,84歲,英國天文學家和物理學家。[223]
  • 華萊士·西威爾(Wallace Seawell),90歲,美國攝影師和電影製片人,與年齡有關的原因。[224]
  • 小約翰·斯坦寧(John Stanning junior),87歲,英國板球運動員。[225]


  1. ^ Obituaries: Wiley Harker. The Register-Guard. 5 May 2007 [12 August 2018] –透過thefreelibrary.com. 
  2. ^ Temira Pachmuss. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [2 April 2024] (法語). 
  3. ^ Bailey, John. Mrs Winifred Tutin. University of Leicester. 23 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  4. ^ Validated Living Supercentenarians. Gerontology Research Group. 29 November 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於November 26, 2007). 
  5. ^ Fermín Trueba. procyclingstats.com. [2 April 2024]. 
  6. ^ Maurice Jacob. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [2 April 2024] (法語). 
  7. ^ Ex-Afghan prime minister killed. BBC News. 3 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  8. ^ New Zealand mourns death of film-maker Brad McGann. Screendaily. 2 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  9. ^ Olympedia – Juan Valdivieso. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [2 April 2024]. 
  10. ^ Hall of Famer Alex Agase Dies at Age 85. Purdue University. 4 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  11. ^ Pareles, Jon. J. Robert Bradley, 87, Charismatic Gospel Singer, Dies. The New York Times. 4 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  12. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Leonard Eron, 87, Is Dead; Researcher on TV's Tie to Violent Conduct. The New York Times. 12 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  13. ^ Pat O'Shea: Novelist inspired by a dream. The Independent. 8 June 2007 [8 June 2007]. (原始內容存檔於1 October 2007). 
  14. ^ Astronaut Wally Schirra, fifth American in space, dies at 84. CNN. 4 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  15. ^ de Bruxelles, Simon. Rose the goat 'wife' chokes to death on a plastic bag. The Times. 4 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於23 May 2011). 
  16. ^ Ex-Osaka governor 'Knock' Yokoyama dies at 75. The Japan Times. 4 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於26 September 2007). 
  17. ^ Asec legend Mamadou Zare dies
  18. ^ Martin, Douglas. Russell W. Kruse, Auctioneer of Classic Autos, Dies at 85. The New York Times. 8 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  19. ^ Morreu Jeremias Nguenha, um dos músicos mais críticos do poder. Notícias Lusófonas. 4 May 2007 [12 August 2018] (葡萄牙語). 
  20. ^ Murió José Antonio Roca, el 'antichiva' número uno de México. La Jornada. 5 May 2007 [12 August 2018] (西班牙語). 
  21. ^ Olympedia – Gábor Takács. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [2 April 2024]. 
  22. ^ Prince Abdul-Majid, Governor of Mecca, Dies at 65. The New York Times. 7 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  23. ^ Muere Alcalde de Carolina. Primera Hora. 5 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於8 May 2007) (西班牙語). 
  24. ^ Former NFL wide receiver Hutchinson dies. Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. 8 May 2007 [1 June 2007]. (原始內容存檔於24 November 2007). 
  25. ^ Theodore Maiman: Physicist who built the first laser. The Independent. 9 May 2007 [1 June 2007]. (原始內容存檔於24 May 2007). 
  26. ^ To the core, he was of the Corps. Gloucester County Times. 10 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於May 12, 2007). 
  27. ^ Gusti Wolf 95-jährig gestorben. ORF. 5 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於July 6, 2011) (德語). 
  28. ^ Zamet, Saville John. Find a Will. [2 August 2018]. 
  29. ^ Alvin Batiste, Clarinetist of New Orleans, Dies at 74. The New York Times. 7 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  30. ^ Chicago Blues Harmonica Legend Carey Bell, 1936-2007. Modern Guitars. 7 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於8 June 2007). 
  31. ^ Lesley Blanch: Writer and traveller. The Independent. 8 May 2007 [1 June 2007]. (原始內容存檔於15 May 2007). 
  32. ^ Obituaries in the News: Eneas Carneiro. Fox News. 7 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  33. ^ Tamás Gábor. Sports Reference. [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於17 April 2020). 
  34. ^ Martin, Douglas. Curtis Harrington, Director of Horror Films, Dies at 80. The New York Times. 10 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  35. ^ Veteran actor Kazuo Kitamura dies at 80
  36. ^ French actor, croquet champ Marsac dies
  37. ^ Klier, Marcus. Dorde Novkovic passed away. ESCToday.com. 6 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  38. ^ Umro Đorđe Novković. Index.hr. [12 August 2018] (克羅地亞語). 
  39. ^ Ex-Speaker Lord Weatherill dies. BBC News. 7 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  40. ^ Isabella Blow. The Times. 8 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於23 May 2011). 
  41. ^ Savill, Richard. Isabella Blow 'feared her fading public status'. The Daily Telegraph. 6 December 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  42. ^ de Bruxelles, Simon. Isabella Blow died from drinking weedkiller. The Times. 10 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於11 May 2007). 
  43. ^ Quentin Brooks. Sports Reference. [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  44. ^ Iole, Kevin. Corrales dead in motorcycle accident. Yahoo! Sports. 7 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於4 June 2011). 
  45. ^ Simonson, Robert. Shirl Conway, Broadway and Television Actress, Dies at 90. Playbill. 4 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  46. ^ DUP assembly member Dawson dies. BBC News. 7 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  47. ^ George Dawson. georgedawson.org. [11 June 2012]. (原始內容存檔於25 December 2007). 
  48. ^ Pearce, Jeremy. Donald M. Ginsberg, 73, Expert in the Working of Superconductors, Is Dead. The New York Times. 19 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  49. ^ King of Wallis dies aged 88. RNZ International. 7 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  50. ^ Gilerman, Dana. Artist Rafi Lavi, 70, Dies of Cancer. Haaretz. 8 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  51. ^ Riddle, Larry. Biographies of Women Mathematicians: Emma Trotskaia Lehmer. Agnes Scott College. 25 February 2016 [12 August 2018]. 
  52. ^ Oliver, Greg. Sonny Myers dead at 83. SLAM! Wrestling. 9 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 原始內容存檔於January 15, 2013. 
  53. ^ Romanian thinker Octavian Paler dies of heart attack. Hotnews.ro. 7 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於9 May 2007). 
  54. ^ Nicholas Worth, 69; actor often played villains in B movies. Los Angeles Times. 11 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  55. ^ Driscoll, Amy; Merzer, Martin. Sect leader Yahweh Ben Yahweh dies at 71. Miami Herald. 8 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於10 May 2007). 
  56. ^ Martin, Douglas. Yahweh ben Yahweh, Leader of Separatist Sect, Dies at 71. The New York Times. 9 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  57. ^ Mark Burns
  58. ^ Wells, Julia. Mystery Writer Philip R. Craig Penned Popular Fiction Series. Vineyard Gazette. 10 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  59. ^ Noland, Claire. Velma Dunn Ploessel, 88; Olympic diving medalist, PE instructor. Los Angeles Times. 18 May 2007 [12 August 2018] –透過South Gate High School Alumni 1931-1981. 
  60. ^ Mahmoud, Ahmad. Abdullah Al-Faisal Passes Away. Arab News. 9 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  61. ^ Professor David Farquhar: St Peter's Old Boy - Distinguished Composer. St Peters Alumni.org.nz. 17 January 2009 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於24 July 2011). 
  62. ^ Professor John Henry. The Daily Telegraph. 12 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  63. ^ Amiens. René Lamps
  64. ^ JN Sapru, an officer and a gentleman. The Telegraph. 10 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於May 27, 2007). 
  65. ^ Malaco Music Mourns Loss Of Gifted Artist, Carson Whitsett. GospelEngine.com. [17 May 2007]. (原始內容存檔於27 September 2007). 
  66. ^ Connel, John. Donald Alexander (1928-2007). European Thyroid Association. [12 August 2018]. 
  67. ^ Ane won Rose Bowl, two NFL championships. ESPN. 11 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  68. ^ Martin, Douglas. Alfred D. Chandler Jr., a Business Historian, Dies at 88. The New York Times. 12 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  69. ^ Gino Pariani, Soccer Player Who Helped U.S. Upset England, Is Dead at 79. The New York Times. 11 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  70. ^ Hogan, Trevor. Academic couldn't be fenced in. The Sydney Morning Herald. 25 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  71. ^ Dwight Wilson, First World War Veteran Dies At Age 106. Sunnybrook, California. 9 May 2007. 
  72. ^ Fantz, Ashley. Executed man's last request honored – pizza for homeless. CNN. 10 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  73. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. John K. Lattimer, Urologist of Varied Expertise, Dies at 92. The New York Times. 13 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  74. ^ Sir Oliver Millar. The Daily Telegraph. 14 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  75. ^ Freudenheim, Milt. Robert S. Oelman, 97, Chief Who Led NCR to Automation, Dies. The New York Times. 16 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  76. ^ Obituary: Chuck Riley. Los Angeles Times. 20 May 2007 [12 August 2018] –透過Legacy.com. 
  77. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Norman Frank, 82, Public Relations Adviser, Dies. The New York Times. 17 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  78. ^ Nelson, Valerie J. Bernard Gordon, 88; blacklisted screenwriter led '99 Kazan protest. Los Angeles Times. 12 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  79. ^ Ballet great Stanley Holden dies at age 79. San Francisco Chronicle. 13 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於November 24, 2007). 
  80. ^ Stanley Holden: Royal Ballet dancer and teacher. The Times. 19 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於23 May 2011). 
  81. ^ Stewart, Jocelyn Y. Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe, 71, titan of highlife music. The Boston Globe. 20 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  82. ^ Jackson, Cherelle. Samoa's Head of State Malietoa dies aged 95. The New Zealand Herald. 13 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  83. ^ Taliban mastermind killed in Afghanistan. CNN. 13 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於14 May 2007). 
  84. ^ Teddy Infuhr (1936–2007)
  85. ^ Rangers pay tribute to Johansen. BBC News. 13 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  86. ^ Henri Klein. Sports Reference. [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於17 April 2020). 
  87. ^ Que Dios te cuide Edy. La Prensa. 15 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於May 15, 2007) (西班牙語). 
  88. ^ Alexander Buchanan Campbell. Dictionary of Scottish Architects. [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於October 19, 2012). 
  89. ^ Guan Xiaomeng. Lin Daiyu actress dies at 42. China Daily. 17 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  90. ^ Mendel Davis; S.C. Democrat In Congress. The Washington Post. 15 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  91. ^ Manoloff, Dennis. Former Indian Harold 'Gomer' Hodge dies. The Plain Dealer. 14 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  92. ^ Davison, Phil. Luis Maria Mendia: Mastermind of 'death flights'. The Independent. 10 July 2007 [10 July 2007]. (原始內容存檔於1 October 2007). 
  93. ^ Sullivan, Rohan. Famed Vietnam War Scribe Kate Webb Dies. The Washington Post. 14 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  94. ^ Orlando Bobo passes away. The Globe and Mail. 18 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  95. ^ Suri Erna salga liige Ülo Jõgi. Postimees. 15 May 2007 [14 December 2009]. (原始內容存檔於5 November 2008) (愛沙尼亞語). 
  96. ^ General Sir Edward Jones. The Daily Telegraph. 18 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  97. ^ Nancy McDonald. Austin American-Statesman. 15 May 2007 [12 August 2018] –透過Legacy.com. 
  98. ^ Pianist dies after cancer fight. ABC News. 14 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於15 May 2007). 
  99. ^ Jean Saubert, 65, Skier, Is Dead. The New York Times. 17 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  100. ^ Sir Colin St John Wilson. The Daily Telegraph. 16 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  101. ^ Martin, Douglas. Giorgio Cavaglieri, Urban Preservationist, Dies at 95. The New York Times. 18 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  102. ^ Applebome, Peter. Jerry Falwell, Leading Religious Conservative, Dies. The New York Times. 15 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  103. ^ Asimov, Eric. Karen Hess, 88, Dies; Culinary Historian Who Challenged Standards. The New York Times. 19 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  104. ^ Yolanda King, daughter of MLK, dies at 51. CNN. 17 May 2007 [23 May 2007]. (原始內容存檔於23 May 2007). 
  105. ^ Duncan Macrae: Scotland rugby international. The Scotsman. 19 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於5 June 2011). 
  106. ^ Holland, Steve. Angus McBride. The Guardian. 25 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  107. ^ Lauren Terrazzano: Life, With Cancer. Newsday. 4 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於4 June 2007). 
  108. ^ Eltman, Frank. Newsday Columnist Dies of Cancer at 39. Fox News. 16 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於19 May 2007). 
  109. ^ Pareles, Jon. Bois Sec Ardoin, Musician and Nurturer of Creole Tradition, Dies at 91. The New York Times. 20 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  110. ^ Professor Dame Mary Douglas. The Times. 18 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於24 July 2008). 
  111. ^ World famous 83-year-old opera singer Gohar Gasparyan died in Yerevan. PanArmenian.net. 17 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  112. ^ Hird's grandfather dies. The Age. 16 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  113. ^ Allrounder Peter Marner dies. ESPN. 16 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  114. ^ C. Timothy O'Meara Obituary (1943-2007)
  115. ^ Benson, Heidi. Author Terry Ryan, 60, dies in S.F. home. San Francisco Chronicle. 17 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  116. ^ Bernstein, Adam. Lloyd Alexander; Fantasy and Adventure Writer. The Washington Post. 18 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  117. ^ 2007: The Year In Review: Our community mourns their passing (PDF). The Ukrainian Weekly (2). 13 January 2008: 34 [12 August 2018]. 
  118. ^ Mr Donald Ross Burton (1920–2007)
  119. ^ Justizministerin Berger zum Tod von Egmont Foregger. Austria Press Agency. 18 May 2007 [12 August 2018] (德語). 
  120. ^ Former Bronco John Gonzaga dies. The Denver Post. 21 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  121. ^ Martin, Douglas. Kawika Kapahulehua Dies; Hawaiian Seafarer Was 76. The New York Times. 27 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  122. ^ Air Marshal Sir John Nicholls. The Daily Telegraph. 21 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  123. ^ Yarrow, Andrew L. Eugen Weber, Authority on Modern France, Dies at 82. The New York Times. 22 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  124. ^ William "Bill" Wight. San Francisco Chronicle. 24 May 2007 [12 August 2018] –透過Legacy.com. 
  125. ^ Zmarł profesor Wiktor Zin. Gazeta Wyborcza. 17 May 2007 [12 August 2018] (波蘭語). 
  126. ^ Baker, Kenneth. Roy De Forest – Bay Area painter well-known nationally. San Francisco Chronicle. 23 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  127. ^ French Nobel Prize-winner Pierre-Gilles de Gennes dies at 74. Earth Times.org. 22 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於27 September 2007). 
  128. ^ Obituary: Dr. Cornelius R. Hager. Hager and Cundiff Funeral Home. [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於April 13, 2017). 
  129. ^ 'Daniel Pearl detainee' is dead. BBC News. 18 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  130. ^ Jennings, Angel. Les Schwab, Who Turned a Rundown Shop Into a Tire Chain, Dies at 89. The New York Times. 10 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  131. ^ Umro Mika Špiljak. B92.net. 21 May 2007 [12 August 2018] (克羅地亞語). 
  132. ^ Umro bivši hrvatski i jugoslavenski čelnik Mika Špiljak. index.hr. [12 August 2018] (克羅地亞語). 
  133. ^ Dacanay, Barbara Mae. Comedian and singer Villame dies. Gulf News. 19 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於21 May 2007). 
  134. ^ Brown, Derek. Major Derek Cooper. The Guardian. 18 July 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  135. ^ Bosnian Serb war criminal dies in Sweden. Herald Sun. 20 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於27 November 2007). 
  136. ^ Willie Ferguson
  137. ^ Jack Findlay. The Daily Telegraph. 4 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  138. ^ Frank Guida. The Times. 30 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於23 May 2011). 
  139. ^ Former Bucs TE Ron Hall Dies. bucpower.com. 24 May 2007 [1 June 2007]. (原始內容存檔於28 September 2007). 
  140. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Marian Radke-Yarrow, Child Psychology Researcher, Dies at 89. The New York Times. 23 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  141. ^ Obituary: Scott Thorkelson, 49. The Globe and Mail. 21 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  142. ^ Garae, Len. Vanuatu mourns the death of Bishop Michel Visi. RNZ International. 22 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  143. ^ Ingendaay, Paul. Zum Tode Hans Wollschlägers: Der größte aller Diener. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. 20 May 2007 [12 August 2018] (德語). 
  144. ^ Barbershop actor Carl Wright dies. BBC News. 21 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  145. ^ Children's entertainer 'Uncle Bobby' dies at 82. CTV News. 23 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  146. ^ Obituary: Dame Jean Herbison. The New Zealand Herald. 25 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  147. ^ Sociologist Baruch Kimmerling, 'New Historian,' Dies at Age 67. Haaretz. 22 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  148. ^ Penley, W. H. Sir George Macfarlane. The Guardian. 30 July 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  149. ^ Fox, Margalit. Tod H. Mikuriya, 73, Dies; Backed Medical Marijuana. The New York Times. 29 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  150. ^ Wade, Nicholas. Stanley Miller, Who Examined Origins of Life, Dies at 77. The New York Times. 23 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  151. ^ Fox, Margalit. William Peters, 85, Journalist Who Examined Race in U.S., Dies. The New York Times. 24 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  152. ^ Georgian former MP, Prof. Guram Sharadze murdered. Imedi News. 20 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於30 September 2007). 
  153. ^ Golf icon Norman Von Nida dies aged 93. The Sydney Morning Herald. 21 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  154. ^ Ben Weisman, 85, Composer for Presley, Dies. The New York Times. 23 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  155. ^ Clark Adams: 1969-2007. American Humanist Association. 24 May 2007 [20 August 2008]. (原始內容存檔於27 September 2008). 
  156. ^ Frank William Gay, 86; target of claim on Howard Hughes' fortune. Los Angeles Times. 25 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  157. ^ Schliebs, Mark. Prominent barrister Hayes loses fight for life. News.com.au. 22 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於29 May 2007). 
  158. ^ Sepultaron los restos de Hortensia Herrera de Lacalle. Espectador.com. 23 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於26 September 2007) (西班牙語). 
  159. ^ Director Bruno Mattei Dies. Contactmusic.com. 23 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  160. ^ Creswell, Julie. Kenneth Sokoloff, 54, Economist, Is Dead. The New York Times. 24 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  161. ^ Phattaranawik, Phattarawadee; Wattanasukchai, Sirinya. Legendary Thai puppet master passes away. The Nation. 22 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  162. ^ Martin, Douglas. Fannie Lee Chaney, 84, Mother of Slain Civil Rights Worker, Is Dead. The New York Times. 24 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  163. ^ Local Middle East Expert Dies. ABC 10 News. 26 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  164. ^ Décès de Joseph Planckaert. RTBF. 22 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於25 May 2007) (法語). 
  165. ^ Jef Planckaert n'est plus. 7SUR7.be. 22 May 2007 [1 June 2007]. (原始內容存檔於24 November 2007) (法語). 
  166. ^ Famous female Nepal climber dead. BBC News. 23 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  167. ^ Art Stevens, animator, 92. Variety. 28 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  168. ^ Noland, Claire. Clyde R. Bulla, 93; wrote more than 60 children's books. Los Angeles Times. 27 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  169. ^ Dick Humbert Stats - Pro-Football-Reference.com. pro-football-reference.com. [2 April 2024]. 
  170. ^ Kei Kumai, 76, Japanese Director Who Specialized in True Stories, Dies. The New York Times. 25 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  171. ^ Ryall, Julian. Japan's Kei Kumai dies at 76. The Hollywood Reporter. 24 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於1 October 2007). 
  172. ^ Tron Øgrim er død. Dagbladet. 24 May 2007 [12 August 2018] (挪威語). 
  173. ^ Åke Sundborg. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [2 April 2024] (法語). 
  174. ^ Voce, Steve. Buddy Childers: Lead trumpeter with Stan Kenton. The Independent. 29 May 2007 [1 June 2007]. (原始內容存檔於4 June 2007). 
  175. ^ Les Harmer. ESPN Cricinfo. [12 August 2018]. 
  176. ^ Frith, David. Bill Johnston. The Guardian. 28 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  177. ^ Former Ambassador Kaiser Dies at 93. Fox News Channel. 24 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  178. ^ Longtime prosecutor Norm Maleng dies. The Seattle Times. 25 May 2007 [10 November 2010]. (原始內容存檔於24 May 2011). 
  179. ^ Ohio Executes Grossly Overweight Man Who Killed Cellmate Over Chess Games. Fox News Channel. 24 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  180. ^ 芥川賞作家の大庭みな子さん死去. Kobe Shimbun. 24 May 2007 [26 May 2007]. (原始內容存檔於26 May 2007) (日語). 
  181. ^ UK's Went on the harry potter series dies and 17 years old.. BBC News. 24 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  182. ^ Hussain, Omar. Laurie Bartram passes. JoBlo.com. 27 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  183. ^ Victor Firea. Sports Reference. [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於17 April 2020). 
  184. ^ McGeehan, Patrick. Charles Nelson Reilly, Tony-Winning Comic Actor, Dies at 76. The New York Times. 28 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  185. ^ Kaspar Schiesser. Sports Reference. [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 April 2020). 
  186. ^ Nationalist general Sun Yuan-liang dies at 103. Taipei Times. 12 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  187. ^ Former Solomons PM Ulufa'alu dies. RNZ International. 25 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  188. ^ Lieutenant General Sir James Parlane Baird FRCP (Edin.). Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. September 11, 2013 [12 August 2018]. 
  189. ^ Whittingham, Selby. Professor James Beck. The Independent. 8 June 2007 [2 August 2007]. (原始內容存檔於30 September 2007). 
  190. ^ Gibson, former Red Raiders coach and player, dies. ESPN. 31 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  191. ^ Slovenský fotbalista Krejčí havaroval a zemřel. iSport. 26 May 2007 [12 August 2018] (捷克語). 
  192. ^ Amis, John. Phyllis Sellick. The Guardian. 30 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  193. ^ Leapman, Michael. Aubrey Singer: Energetic BBC television producer. The Independent. 28 May 2007 [4 June 2007]. (原始內容存檔於4 June 2007). 
  194. ^ Leading Muslim calligrapher shot. BBC News. 27 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  195. ^ Ron Archer dies at 73. ESPN Cricinfo. 28 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  196. ^ Randal, Jonathan. Edward Behr. The Guardian. 6 August 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  197. ^ Sullivan, Patricia. Watergate GOP Counsel, Gay Activist Sam Garrison. The Washington Post. 31 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  198. ^ Body of ex-LSU star found in Lake Pontchartrain. WWL-TV. 28 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於18 February 2008). 
  199. ^ Former cricketer Jack Kerr dies aged 96. NZ City. 29 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於December 22, 2007). 
  200. ^ Ebaugh, Alicia. Former congressman Mayne dies at 90. Sioux City Journal. 29 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  201. ^ Ex-Villanova star Porter dies from attack injuries. ESPN. 28 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  202. ^ Pop star Zard dies after fall. Asahi Shimbun. 29 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2 June 2007). 
  203. ^ ICC president Percy Sonn dies aged 57. The Times. 27 May 2007 [13 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於23 May 2011). 
  204. ^ Gretchen Wyler, 75, actress. Variety. Associated Press. 28 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  205. ^ Hevesi, Dennis. Ed Yost, 87, Father of Modern Hot-Air Ballooning, Dies. The New York Times. 4 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  206. ^ Media heiress Barbara Cox Anthony dies. The Honolulu Advertiser. 28 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  207. ^ Schevitz, Tanya. Harold C. Helgeson – UC geology professor had fresh approach. San Francisco Chronicle. 14 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  208. ^ German Expressionist Artist Jörg Immendorff Dies. Deutsche Welle. 28 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  209. ^ Koehn, Phyllis. Chicago Tribune. 2007-06-03 [2019-05-30]. 
  210. ^ Flynn, Kevin. White supremacist, talk show host killer dies in prison. Rocky Mountain News. 29 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於3 July 2007). 
  211. ^ The Reverend Professor John Macquarrie. The Daily Telegraph. 30 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  212. ^ Japanese minister kills himself. BBC News. 28 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  213. ^ Martin, Douglas. Parren Mitchell, 85, Congressman and Rights Leader, Dies. The New York Times. 30 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  214. ^ Malawi in mourning after first lady's death. Independent Online. 30 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  215. ^ Dave Balon, 68, Rangers Wing, Is Dead. The New York Times. 31 May 2007 [13 August 2018]. 
  216. ^ First Magpie host Bastable dies. BBC News. 31 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  217. ^ Dame Lois Browne-Evans. The Times. 31 May 2007 [13 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於23 May 2011). 
  218. ^ Heithaus, Harriet Howard. Internationally known conductor Johanos dies in Naples. Naples Daily News. 2 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於28 September 2007). 
  219. ^ Hawker, Philippa. 'Modest, quietly intense' actor dies. The Age. 31 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  220. ^ Suspected 'Cincinnati Strangler' Serial Killer Dies of Natural Causes in Jail. Fox News. 12 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  221. ^ Noted Journalist of Pakistan Tahir Mirza Dies. Pakistan Times. 30 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於30 September 2007). 
  222. ^ Mercury and family disagree over power cut death. The New Zealand Herald. 31 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  223. ^ Professor Michael Seaton. The Times. 7 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於23 May 2011). 
  224. ^ Kennedy, Randy. Wallace Seawell, 90, a Master at Shooting Stars, Is Dead. The New York Times. 2 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  225. ^ Stanning
  226. ^ Weiner, Tim. Jean-Claude Brialy, 74, Actor, Dies. The New York Times. June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  227. ^ Former Tipp hurler Carey passes away
  228. ^ Litsky, Frank. Mark Harris, Author of 'Bang the Drum Slowly,' Is Dead at 84. The New York Times. 2 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  229. ^ Preston Martin, 83, Economist and Former Fed Vice Chairman, Is Dead. The New York Times. 3 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  230. ^ Fox, Margalit. William Meredith, 88, Poet Who Wed Depth to Form, Dies. The New York Times. 1 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  231. ^ Chidlovski, Arthur R. Team CCCP Players Info: Yevgeny MISHAKOV (Евгений МИШАКОВ). Hockey CCCP International. [12 August 2018]. 
  232. ^ George Bragg 1926–2007. Fort Worth Star-Telegram. 2 June 2007 [12 August 2018] –透過Legacy.com. 
  233. ^ Hendel, Sascha. Norman Collings Fletcher, architect (*1917 †2007). ArchINFORM. [12 August 2018]. 
  234. ^ Shiffman, John. Pioneering jurist Clifford Scott Green dies. The Philadelphia Inquirer. 1 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於29 September 2007). 
  235. ^ Retired Methodist Bishop David Lawson dies at 77. St. Paul Pioneer Press. 1 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  236. ^ Fathia Nkrumah is dead. GhanaWeb.com. 31 May 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  237. ^ Yoon, Carol Kaesuk. Charles Lee Remington, Butterfly Expert, Dies at 85. The New York Times. 17 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  238. ^ Alexandr Naumovich Tubelsky (1940-2007). Libertarian Education. 1 September 2007 [12 August 2018]. 
  239. ^ Benton, Jim. Williams, CSU pioneer, dies at 92. Rocky Mountain News. 1 June 2007 [12 August 2018]. (原始內容存檔於27 September 2007).