


--台中许米男留言2019年7月30日 (二) 03:05 (UTC) <垄断性竞争>的网页中有一句话 “但是在此之前,独占性竞争的公司通常保留部分产能”

为什么? 是要保留产能持续研发来维持差异化吗?


看英文版会比较清楚吧。 “独占性竞争的公司通常保留部分产能。”一句就是“Unlike perfect competition, the firm maintains spare capacity.”的翻译。

至于出现excess capacity的原因,英文版也有解释。 “The second source of inefficiency is the fact that MC firms operate with excess capacity. That is, the MC firm's profit maximizing output is less than the output associated with minimum average cost. Both a PC and MC firm will operate at a point where demand or price equals average cost. For a PC firm this equilibrium condition occurs where the perfectly elastic demand curve equals minimum average cost. A MC firm’s demand curve is not flat but is downward sloping. Thus in the long run the demand curve will be tangential to the long run average cost curve at a point to the left of its minimum. The result is excess capacity.”--英秀一心留言2019年7月30日 (二) 07:44 (UTC)
