

2015年莫桑比克啤酒中毒事件,是指在莫桑比克当地时间1月10日发生的集体中毒案,事发地点位于该国太特省(Tete Province)卡布拉•巴萨区英语Cahora-Bassa District(Cahora-Bassa District)的齐迪马(Chitima)。根据报导,已确认有69人死亡,但人数可能还要再往上攀升。当地官员说,所有中毒的人都喝了一种叫做Pombe的私酿啤酒;也有报导称,当日的啤酒中加入了鳄鱼的胆汁,但《福布斯》杂志的文章否定了这种假设,认为有毒的植物才是中毒的来源[1]。当地卫生官员说,所有中毒者都出现了肌肉酸痛与腹泻的症状。啤酒与血液的样本已经送到首都马普托的实验室化验,以厘清中毒原因。[2][3][4]


  1. ^ Kroll, David. Did Crocodile Bile In Beer Really Kill 69 People In Mozambique?. Forbes. 12 January 2015 [13 January 2015]. 
  2. ^ 'Crocodile poison' beer kills nearly 70 at funeral in Mozambique. rt.com. Reuters. 12 January 2015 [12 January 2015]. 
  3. ^ At least 69 die after drinking contaminated beer at Mozambique funeral. The Guardian. Associated Press. 12 January 2015 [12 January 2015]. 
  4. ^ Camillo, Emmanuel. At Least 52 Dead After Drinking Poisoned Beer In Mozambique. The Huffington Post. Associated Press. 12 January 2015 [12 January 2015].