
  • Fallout Online
The logo for Fallout Online. It features a drawing of a man smiling, winking, and giving a thumbs up with his right hand. The text FALLOUT ONLINE is displayed to the right of the drawing.
类型Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
平台Microsoft Windows
Masthead Studios英语Masthead Studios
发行商Interplay Entertainment
总监Jason D. Anderson英语Jason D. Anderson

Fallout Online was a canceled 大型多人在线角色扮演游戏 developed by Interplay娱乐 and Masthead Studios英语Masthead Studios. It was intended to be the first online game in the 異塵餘生系列 series before its cancellation in 2012. Little information exists about what gameplay or plot would have entailed. According to dialogue writer Mark O'Green, Fallout Online would have been set along the 美國西岸, in parts of 亞利桑那州, 加利福尼亚州, 内华达州, 俄勒冈州, and 犹他州. The story would have revolved around a long series of disasters, and one storyline would have involved the player going back in time to experience moments from previous Fallout games.

The idea for an online Fallout game was envisioned by Interplay founder Brian Fargo英语Brian Fargo in the late 1990s, although development would not begin for several years. 贝塞斯达软件 purchased the Fallout 知识产权 in 2007, and allowed Interplay to work on Fallout Online with the stipulations that they needed to secure $30 million in financing, begin development by April 2009, and release the game within four years of commencement. This contract led to a lengthy legal battle between the two companies. Bethesda sued Interplay for trademark infringement英语trademark infringement, multiple counts of 違約, and 反竞争行为. Interplay was $2.54 million in debt, and little work had been made on the game, even after they entered a partnership with Masthead. The two companies reached an out of court settlement in 2012, which resulted in the cancellation of Fallout Online. Bethesda released their own online Fallout game, 辐射76, in 2018.


A screenshot from the game Fallout Online. In the center of the image is a man standing with his back to the camera. He is standing next to a destroyed road. Toppled telephone poles and a broken billboard are in the background.
One of the few known screenshots of Fallout Online, which was leaked during the 2011 trial between Bethesda and Interplay[1]

《異塵餘生Online》在遊戲玩法和劇情方面的資訊非常少[2]。據對白編劇Mark O'Green的說法,該遊戲將設定在美國西岸,場景涵蓋亞利桑那州加利福尼亚州内华达州俄勒冈州犹他州[3]。遊戲的開頭會發生一起事件並引發一連串災難,例如火山爆發、海嘯和一種致命病毒「Forced Evolutionary Virus」[3]。O'Green表示,安排這些災難的目的是創造新的故事線以及點出遊戲裡的世界經歷核戰後又過了數個世紀依然混亂不堪[3]。其中一條故事線圍繞著内华达州的核子測試場,一部分內容是玩家回到過去並經歷前幾代《異塵餘生》遊戲的事件[3]。有舊角色在該作中回歸,例如《辐射》的Master,但O'Green忘記會如何呈現[3]

Little information exists about what the gameplay or plot of Fallout Online would have entailed.[2] According to dialogue writer Mark O'Green, Fallout Online would have been set along the 美國西岸, in parts of 亞利桑那州, 加利福尼亚州, 内华达州, 俄勒冈州, and 犹他州.[3] At the beginning of the game, an event would occur that would initiate a long series of disasters, such as volcanos, tsunamis, and a deadly virus called the Forced Evolutionary Virus.[3] O'Green said the disasters were intended to provide new storylines, and showcase that the world was still chaotic centuries after the series' inciting nuclear war.[3] One of the planned storylines centered around nuclear test sites in Nevada, and would have involved the player going back in time to experience moments from previous Fallout games.[3] One character that would have returned was the Master from the original 辐射 (游戏), although O'Green does not remember how it would have happened.[3]

該作的玩法包含大型多人在线角色扮演游戏第三人称射击游戏的要素[2]。玩家可以選擇不同的角色職業,例如人類、屍鬼英语ghoul (Fallout)或超級變種人[3][4]。據官方發布的一則消息,屍鬼擁有工程和貿易的專長[4]。玩家們可以組成公會,且遊戲裡有著商店,販賣品項包含手槍「9mm Burreyetta Model 86d」,以及補藥「Chemblaster 3000 CDS」[4][5]。《異塵餘生Online》包含給公會執行的大型任务,第一個完成的公會可以瓜分獎勵[3]。O'Green透露該作的部分敵人是變種浣熊和有通靈能力的孩童[3]。該作的地圖面積推估為65,500平方英尺(6,100平方米)[3]

The gameplay would have likely included elements from 大型多人在线角色扮演游戏s and 第三人称射击游戏 games.[2] Players could choose different 角色職業es, such as human, ghoul英语ghoul (Fallout), or super mutant.[3][4] According to a Fallout Online newsletter, the ghoul class would have specialized in engineering and trade.[4] Players could form 電玩遊戲戰隊, and there were in-game stores that sold items like a handgun called the 9mm Burreyetta Model 86d or a healing item called the Chemblaster 3000 CDS.[4][6] Fallout Online would have featured large 任务 (电子游戏) that guilds could complete, and the first guild to complete the quest would split a reward pool.[3] O'Green revealed that some of the enemies would have been mutant racoons and psychic children.[3] The game's map was supposedly 65,500 square miles.[3]



Early years

Interplay founder Brian Fargo proposed the idea of a Fallout MMO in the late 1990s.

1990年代末,Interplay娱乐創辦人Brian Fargo英语Brian Fargo讀到雜誌《GameSpot》的一項調查,調查顯示玩家們想要一款《異塵餘生》的大型多人線上遊戲(MMO)[1]。MMO在當時逐漸流行,《无尽的任务》與《网络创世纪》的成功便是例子[1]。Fargo將《異塵餘生》MMO的點子介紹給黑島工作室創辦人費格斯·厄克特,不過厄克特婉拒,厄克特認為這個計畫的風格與黑島工作室製作的遊戲不符,而且Interplay缺乏資源來支撐這項大型計畫[1]。Interplay那時陷入財務困境,並將持續好幾個年頭[7]。新聞記者Kat Bailey將之歸咎於遊戲開發成本提升,以及遊戲產業在1990年代末將重心轉往游戏机游戏[7]。對於為何在公司財務吃緊時提出MMO企劃,Fargo在訪談中表示:「製作MMO在1990年代末不至於耗資1億美金,但終究我們的財務也沒有充裕到可以藉機出手,所以那無庸置疑是個糟糕的時間點。」[1]

In the late 1990s, Interplay娱乐 founder Brian Fargo英语Brian Fargo saw a GameSpot poll that indicated players would like to see a Fallout 大型多人線上遊戲 (MMO).[1] At the time, MMOs were becoming popular, as evidenced by the success of 无尽的任务 and 网络创世纪.[1] Fargo proposed the idea of a Fallout MMO to 費格斯·厄克特 of 黑島工作室, but Urquhart rejected the proposal as he felt it did not match the style of games Black Isle made, and that Interplay lacked the resources to finance such a large project.[1] At the time, Interplay was undergoing a period of financial hardship, an issue that would persist for several years.[7] Journalist Kat Bailey credits their struggles to the increased cost for game development, and the industry shift toward 游戏机游戏 in the late 1990s.[7] When asked about the decision to suggest an MMO amidst the company's financial struggles, Fargo said, "MMOs did not cost 100 million dollars in the late Nineties, but regardless we were not in a good financial position to take advantage, so no doubt the timing was bad."[1]

被厄克特拒絕後,Fargo將MMO企劃推介給Engage。Engage是Interplay於1996年成立的分部,專司線上遊戲的開發。[1]外界對這段時期所知不多,不過開發者蒂姆·凱恩記得自己曾告誡Engage成員,《異塵餘生》是一支由單人遊戲所定義的系列,製作一款多人遊戲可能不是好主意[1]。凱恩也指出,《異塵餘生Online》有個會觸霉頭的縮寫:「F.O.O.L.」[1]。由於財務每況愈下,Interplay最終在1999年被Titus Interactive英语Titus Interactive收購[1]。Fargo在翌年離職,原因是與新老闆Hervé Caen與Eric Caen意見不合[1][a]。2004年6月,Interplay的財務狀況掉到谷底,加州勞資關係部英语California Department of Industrial Relations以公司缺乏勞工保險且拖欠工資為由,勒令Interplay暫停運營[3][8]。雖然如此, Hervé Caen仍聲稱公司有意開發MMO,《異塵餘生》MMO便是計畫之一[9]

After Urquhart's rejection, Fargo proposed the idea to Engage, an Interplay division founded in 1996 to develop online games.[1] Little is known about this period in Fallout Online's history, although developer 蒂姆·凱恩 (遊戲開發者) remembers warning members of Engage that it might not be a good idea to make a multiplayer game in a series defined by its single-player games.[1] He also noted that Fallout Online would have the unfortunate acronym of F.O.O.L.[1] As Interplay's financial struggles worsened, the company was acquired by Titus Interactive英语Titus Interactive in 1999.[1] Fargo left the following year, due to disagreements with new owners Hervé and Eric Caen.[1][b] Interplay's finances became so dire, that in June 2004 operations were suspended by the California Department of Industrial Relations英语California Department of Industrial Relations due to a lack of workers' compensation英语workers' compensation and unpaid wages.[3][10] Despite these issues, Hervé Caen announced Interplay's intentions of developing MMOs, among them a Fallout MMO.[11]

Deals with Bethesda


2004年10月,Interplay授權贝塞斯达软件開發《辐射3》和兩款可能的續作,後者支付了117.5萬美元的advance against royalties英语advance against royalties[12]。Interplay依然保留製作《異塵餘生》MMO的權利[12]。交易過後有很長一段時間沒有MMO的消息,直到2006年12月,Interplay有意在泛歐交易所出售股票,並為此向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交申報文件。[13]這些文件披露了MMO的製作資訊,例如製作預算為7500萬美元、預計上市日期是2010年7月[13]。Interplay預估首發那年將有100萬名用戶,從第二年開始每年可賺1.6億美元[13]。截至此時,Interplay已經整整兩年沒有推出遊戲[13]

In October 2004, Interplay sold 贝塞斯达软件 the rights to develop 辐射3 and two potential sequels, for $1,175,000 minimum guaranteed advance against royalties英语advance against royalties.[12] Interplay retained the rights to develop a Fallout MMO.[12] After Bethesda's acquisition, there were no updates on the game until December 2006, when Interplay submitted an filing英语SEC filing to the 美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) about the proposed sale of the company's stock on 泛歐交易所 exchanges.[13] The filing shed light on the game's development, such as an estimated budget of $75 million, and an expected release date in July 2010.[13] Interplay projected one million subscribers with its first year of release, and $160 million in revenue per year starting in its second year.[13] By this point, Interplay had not released a game in two years.[13]

贝塞斯达在2007年4月買下了《異塵餘生》的整個知识产权(IP),價碼是575萬美元[14]。在這筆交易當中,Interplay透過契約保留了《異塵餘生》MMO的版權[3]。根據契約內容,Interplay必須籌措3000萬美元的資金、在2009年4月前投入遊戲開發,然後在從此刻算起的四年內推出遊戲[1][3]。Interplay原本打算將MMO連同IP賣給贝塞斯达,開價5000萬美元,不過贝塞斯达選擇只有MMO不收[15]。Eric Caen聲稱,贝塞斯达不認為Interplay有能力履行合約,欲等待Interplay違約英语Default (law)後再取得MMO版權[15]。贝塞斯达的母公司ZeniMax Online Studios英语ZeniMax Online Studios在同年成立以開發MMO為主的ZeniMax Online Studios英语ZeniMax Online Studios,加強了Eric Caen說法的可信度[1]

Bethesda purchased the Fallout 知识产权 (IP) outright in April 2007 for $5,750,000.[14] As part of the deal, Interplay would keep the rights to the Fallout MMO, with stipulations.[3] According to the contract, Interplay would need to secure $30 million in financing, begin development by April 2009, and release the game within four years of commencement.[1][3] Interplay originally attempted to sell the IP for $50 million with the inclusion of the MMO, although Bethesda opted to purchase everything other than the MMO.[15] Eric Caen claimed that Bethesda had little confidence in Interplay's ability to uphold their contractual obligations, and were waiting for the rights to the MMO to default英语Default (law).[15] This claim was strengthened when Bethesda holding company ZeniMax Media founded ZeniMax Online Studios英语ZeniMax Online Studios, a studio dedicated to the development of MMOs, the same year.[1]

Initial development

Jason D. Anderson served as the game's lead director, but left in 2009 due to his frustrations with Bethesda.

2007年11月,Interplay啟動了MMO的前期製作,並聘請Jason D. Anderson英语Jason D. Anderson擔任首席總監[1]。該遊戲在當時以代号「Project V13」稱之,取自原版遊戲中的13號避難所(Vault 13)[3]。Anderson曾參與製作原版遊戲,他希望Project V13能擁有貼近原版遊戲的風格。Anderson也希望讓遊戲圖像英语Video game graphics模仿漫畫的藝術風格(例如《Hard Boiled英语Hard Boiled (comics)》),這種想法在原版遊戲時就有,但由於技術限制而無法實現。[1]藝術家Caleb Cleveland指出,MMO的初期概念藝術圍繞著廣闊的复古未来主义景觀[3]。根據Cleveland的說法:「(安德森)想要為大都市區打造各具特色的天際線,如此一來你穿過隧道後就會心想:『喔,這是核爆後的紐約。』然後遊戲裡會有巨大坑洞,玩家必須橫越過去。无线电城音乐厅將有四分之一英里(400公尺)那麼高,非常巨大……。单轨系统遍布各處,這一切的目的是盡可能讓遊戲看起來有1950年代風格,而且瘋狂。」[3]

Interplay began pre-production in November 2007, and hired Jason D. Anderson英语Jason D. Anderson as lead director.[1] At the time, the game's codename was Project V13, a reference to Vault 13 from the original Fallout.[3] Anderson had worked on the original Fallout, and wanted Project V13 to closely resemble that game's tone. He also wanted the graphics to mimic the art style of comics like Hard Boiled英语Hard Boiled (comics), which was envisioned for the original Fallout but never followed up on due to technical limitations.[1] Artist Caleb Cleveland noted that early concept art revolved around expansive 复古未来主义 environments.[3] According to Cleveland, "[Anderson] wanted to create individual skylines for metropolitan areas so you would emerge from a tunnel, and you would go, 'Oh, this is nuked New York,' and there would be this giant crater you’d have to navigate. 无线电城音乐厅 would be a quarter mile high — it would be gigantic ... There would be 单轨系统 tubes everywhere, just to make it look as '50s and crazy as possible."[3]

Anderson聲稱,Project V13的開發受到阻礙,因為贝塞斯达拒絕依照合約進行設計文檔的認可[1]。根據Anderson的說法:「贝塞斯达無視我們的請求且完全不答覆。我感覺到他們根本不打算讓這款遊戲往前推進。」[1]整個企畫滯礙不前令Anderson感到灰心,他於2009年3月轉職到InXile娛樂[3]。同年4月3日,離合約中開始全面開發遊戲的最後期限僅剩下兩天,Interplay宣布與保加利亞的Masthead Studios英语Masthead Studios合作[1][16]。在該合作關係之下,兩家公司將合力開發「Project V13」,且Interplay可以使用Masthead的游戏引擎,Masthead當時正在開發的《Earthrise英语Earthrise (video game)》即是使用該引擎[1][16]

Anderson stated that Project V13's development was hampered by Bethesda's refusal to approve any design documents, which was a contract stipulation.[1] According to Anderson, "They would ignore our requests and not respond at all. It felt to me that they had no intention of allowing the game to go forward."[1] Frustrated by the lack of work being made on the project, Anderson left for a job with InXile娛樂 in March 2009.[3] On April 3, just two days before their contractual deadline to begin full-scale development, Interplay announced a partnership with the Bulgarian company Masthead Studios英语Masthead Studios.[1][16] As per their partnership, the two studios would work together to develop Project V13, and Interplay would be given access to the 游戏引擎 Masthead was using for their upcoming game Earthrise英语Earthrise (video game).[1][16]


贝塞斯达不認為Interplay有在截止日期前開始開發以及籌措必要資金,因而發出一紙通告,表明要取回該企劃版權的意圖[1][17]。2009年9月,贝塞斯达針對Interplay向美国马里兰联邦地区法院提起訴訟[18]。贝塞斯达控告Interplay的內容包含侵犯商標權英语trademark infringement、多起違約,以及反竞争行为,贝塞斯达的初步訴求是爭取永久禁制令,阻止Interplay發行《異塵餘生》最早的三部作品以及製作Project V13[18]。在訴訟中,贝塞斯达拿出同年6月30日的一份SEC文件,內容顯示Interplay欠債254萬美元,且現金資產只剩1萬6千美元[19]。Interplay反訴贝塞斯达,並聲稱贝塞斯达違反2007年合約中的商標授權協議以及資產購買協議英语asset purchase agreement之條款,以及惡意對待商業夥伴[20]。Interplay希望的法院宣告英语Declaration (law)是讓他們保留「Project V13」的版權,或者讓贝塞斯达交還整個系列的版權[20]。地区法院否決贝塞斯达要的禁制令,於是Interplay得以繼續工作[21]

Bethesda did not believe Interplay had begun full scale development before the deadline or secured the necessary funding, and submitted a notice of their intent to reclaim the rights to the project.[1][22] In September 2009, Bethesda filed a lawsuit against Interplay in the 美国马里兰联邦地区法院.[18] They accused Interplay of trademark infringement英语trademark infringement, multiple counts of 違約, and 反竞争行为, and sought a preliminary and permanent 禁制令 against Interplay's distribution of the first three Fallout games as well as production on Project V13.[18] As part of their suit, Bethesda used an SEC filing from June 30 that showed that Interplay was $2.54 million in debt with only $16,000 in cash assets.[23] Interplay countersued, and claimed Bethesda had violated the terms of the trademark licensing agreement and asset purchase agreement英语asset purchase agreement stated in the 2007 contract, and had acted in bad faith in its dealings with business partners.[20] Interplay sought a declaration英语Declaration (law) to retain the rights to Project V13 or return the rights to the entire series.[20] The District Court judge denied Bethesda's preliminary injunction, and Interplay was allowed to continue work.[24]

2010年6月,Interplay宣布Project V13正式定名為《異塵餘生Online》(Fallout Online),並釋出該遊戲的網站[25]。該網站包含一支簡短的前導預告片,以及參加Beta test的報名表[3]。對於此消息,《The Escapist》的Andy Chalk開玩笑稱:「《異塵餘生Online》肯定會成為史上最棒的MMOG,甚至遠超《魔兽世界》。這話怎說?因為這款遊戲之所以還在,只有上天保佑才說得通。」[25]

In June 2010, Interplay announced that Project V13 would be officially named Fallout Online, and published a website about the game.[25] The website included a brief teaser trailer, and a sign-up page for a 軟件版本週期.[3] In response to the news, Andy Chalk of The Escapist jokingly said, "Fallout Online is clearly going to be the best MMOG ever, towering over even 魔兽世界. How do I know this? Because the only way the game could even exist at this point is through some pretty determined divine intervention."[25]

《異塵餘生Online》的遊戲網站發布之後,贝塞斯达修改了對Interplay的訴訟,聲稱Interplay只有權使用「異塵餘生」這一名稱,但無權使用任何與該系列相關的素材[26]。Interplay稱這起訴訟「荒謬」,並也修改了對贝塞斯达的反訴,聲稱贝塞斯达企圖抹煞2007年的合約[26][27]。贝塞斯达的新訴訟和針對Masthead的暫時禁制令被美国加利福尼亚中区联邦地区法院駁回,法院稱:「事實上,(贝塞斯达)早在2011年2月就察覺Masthead可能侵犯版權,(……)但原告隔了7個月才申請單方面(ex parte英语ex parte)的司法救濟。」[27]上訴也被駁回[28]

After the website was published, Bethesda amended their lawsuit against Interplay, claiming the company was only given the rights to use the name Fallout, but not any material associated with the Fallout series.[26] Interplay described the lawsuit as "absurd", and amended their countersuit by claiming Bethesda had attempted to cancel the 2007 contract.[26][27] Bethesda's amended lawsuit and temporary restraining order against Masthead were denied by a judge in the 美国加利福尼亚中区联邦地区法院, who stated, "Indeed, [Bethesda] was aware as early as February 2011 that Masthead was potentially infringing its copyrights ... Yet, Plaintiff waited seven months to apply for ex parte英语ex parte relief."[27] An appeal of the ruling was also denied.[29]


The lengthy legal battle ended in January 2012, when the two companies reached an out of court settlement.[30] As per the settlement, Fallout Online was canceled, and the rights to develop a Fallout MMO would revert to Bethesda.[30] Each company would pay their litigation costs, and Bethesda would pay Interplay $2 million.[30] Interplay would be allowed to sell copies of Fallout, 辐射2, and 辐射战略版:钢铁兄弟会 until December 31, 2013.[32] Interplay briefly attempted to repurpose the Fallout Online assets into a single-player game, but a 群眾募資 effort only raised a few thousand dollars, and the new game was also canceled.[3] Bethesda released their own online Fallout game, 辐射76, in 2018.[3]

  1. ^ 根據《GamesTM》報導,在Fargo離職後的某個時間點,澳洲工作室Micro Forté英语Micro Forté獲邀開發一款《異塵餘生》的MMO,但該企劃石沉大海[1]
  2. ^ According to GamesTM, the Australian studio Micro Forté英语Micro Forté was contracted to develop a Fallout MMO sometime after Fargo's departure, although the project went nowhere.[1]


  1. ^ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 Anon. Apocalypse When?. GamesTM. No. 124. 2012: 76–81. ISSN 1478-5889. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Miszczyk, Maciej. Fallout Online. Hardcore Gaming 101英语Hardcore Gaming 101. 2016-11-06 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-06). 
  3. ^ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 Robertson, Adi. The rise and fall of Project V13, the online Fallout game that never was. The Verge. 2018-08-09 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-01). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Bradford, Matt. Fallout Online's first playable race revealed via 'Pip-Pad'. GamesRadar+. 2010-11-22 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-20). 
  5. ^ Voecks, Krystalle. Fallout Online newsletter tells stories and shows off new weapons. Engadget. 2011-02-28 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-09). 
  6. ^ Voecks, Krystalle. Fallout Online newsletter tells stories and shows off new weapons. Engadget. 2011-02-28 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-09). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Bailey, Kat. The Last Days of Black Isle Studios. VG247. 2017-11-24 [2024-04-25]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-21). 
  8. ^ Thorsen, Tor. Interplay offices closed by state officials. GameSpot. 2004-06-07 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-11). 
  9. ^ Adams, David. Interplay Making Fallout MMO Title?. IGN. 2004-06-25 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-08). 
  10. ^ Thorsen, Tor. Interplay offices closed by state officials. GameSpot. 2004-06-07 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-11). 
  11. ^ Adams, David. Interplay Making Fallout MMO Title?. IGN. 2004-06-25 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-08). 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Burnes, Andrew. Interplay In Trouble; Assets Sold & Optioned. IGN. 2004-10-14 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-13). 
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 Andrich, Shawn. Interplay Grasps At Fallout MMORPG. The Escapist. 2006-12-12 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-08). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 McLaughlin, Rus; Kaiser, Rowan. IGN Presents the History of Fallout. IGN. 2010-07-21 [2024-04-26]. (原始内容存档于2019-07-19). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Pearson, Dan. Interplay: Bethesda wouldn't pay $50m for full Fallout rights. GamesIndustry.biz英语 2010-10-22 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-09). 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Thorsen, Tor. Earthrise studio arming Fallout MMORPG. GameSpot. 2009-04-06 [2024-05-08]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-08). 
  17. ^ Plunkett, Luke. Bethesda To Take Action Against Interplay Over Fallout MMO?. Kotaku. 2009-04-15 [2024-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-18). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Graft, Kris. Bethesda Sues Interplay Over Use Of Fallout License. Game Developer (网站). 2009-09-10 [2024-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-09). 
  19. ^ Thorsen, Tor. Bethesda sues Interplay over Fallout. GameSpot. 2009-10-21 [2024-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-10). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Anon. Interplay countersues Bethesda over Fallout. GameSpot. 2009-10-22 [2024-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-09). 
  21. ^ Haynes, Jeff. Bethesda Loses First Round of Fallout Court Battle. IGN. 2009-12-15 [2024-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-08). 
  22. ^ Plunkett, Luke. Bethesda To Take Action Against Interplay Over Fallout MMO?. Kotaku. 2009-04-15 [2024-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-18). 
  23. ^ Thorsen, Tor. Bethesda sues Interplay over Fallout. GameSpot. 2009-10-21 [2024-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-10). 
  24. ^ Haynes, Jeff. Bethesda Loses First Round of Fallout Court Battle. IGN. 2009-12-15 [2024-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-08). 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Chalk, Andy. Interplay Launches Fallout Online Teaser Site. The Escapist. 2010-06-16 [2024-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-09). 
  26. ^ 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 Graft, Kris. Bethesda Amends Interplay Suit, Attempts To Restrict Use Of Fallout IP. Game Developer (网站). 2010-12-23 [2024-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2011-09-28). 
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Rose, Mike. Bethesda Denied Restraining Order Against Fallout MMO Co-Developer Masthead. Game Developer (网站). 2011-09-23 [2024-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2011-09-25). 
  28. ^ Handrahan, Matthew. Bethesda's Fallout MMO appeal denied. GamesIndustry.biz英语 2011-10-27 [2024-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-14). 
  29. ^ Handrahan, Matthew. Bethesda's Fallout MMO appeal denied. GamesIndustry.biz英语 2011-10-27 [2024-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-14). 
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 Gallegos, Anthony. Bethesda, Interplay Reach Fallout Settlement. IGN. 2012-01-09 [2024-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-28). 
  31. ^ Fahey, Mike. The Great Fallout Legal Battle Ends Without a Fallout MMO. Kotaku. 2012-01-09 [2012-01-10]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-11). 
  32. ^ Fahey, Mike. The Great Fallout Legal Battle Ends Without a Fallout MMO. Kotaku. 2012-01-09 [2012-01-10]. (原始内容存档于2012-01-11). 

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