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教会身份 编辑



一旦领洗、加入天主教,他就永远是天主教教友(semel catholicus semper catholicus)。当中改信其他宗教的,即使成为无神论者不可知论者,甚至被逐出教会,仍被视为天主教徒。[5]

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参考文献 编辑

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 《天主教英汉袖珍辞典》页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),主徒会恒毅月刊社,“(L)apsed Catholic:失落的教友 - (1) 丧失信仰或不守教规之教友。 (2) 背教者;叛教者。”
  2. ^ Kinkel, R.J. (2008), Cinderella Church: the Story of Early Christianity, introduction: "In the old days (1950s) these people would be called backsliders, apostates, lapsed Christians, and now this label has emerged: FARC, ie fallen away Roman Catholic."
  3. ^ Barbernitz, P. (1993), Parish Ministry for Returning Catholics, p3, "'I'm Catholic' is also the statement frequently used by some other people — those whom others might have named 'inactive' Catholics, 'fallen-away' or 'lapsed' Catholics. For many of them, the statement remains, 'I'm Catholic.'"
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 《天主教教理》第1272条:“受过洗的人,因圣洗而与基督结成一体,肖似基督。圣洗为基督徒盖上不可磨灭的灵性印记(神印),表示他隶属于基督。虽然罪恶能阻碍圣洗结出救恩的果实,但任何罪恶都不能拭去这印记。”
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Beal, J.P., New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, "Once a Catholic by baptism or reception, one always remains a Catholic (semel catholicus semper catholicus). Even those who have joined another religion, have become atheists or agnostics, or have been excommunicated remain Catholics. Excommunicates lose rights, such as the right to the sacraments, but they are still bound to the obligations of the law; their rights are restored when they are reconciled through the remission of the penalty."
  6. ^ 天主教香港教区教区会议文件,教友培育与职务页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆),1.1.2C项
  7. ^ Reese, Thomas (2011), The hidden exodus: Catholics becoming Protestants页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), National Catholic Reporter, "The number of people who have left the Catholic church is huge...One of three people who were raised Catholic no longer identifies as Catholic...Almost half of those leaving the church become unaffiliated and almost half become Protestant."

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