中国名人录》(英语:Who's Who in China),是《密勒氏评论报》(Millard's Review)与更名后的《中国每周评论》(The China Weekly Review)于1918-1950年间出版的名人录系列作,九度更新紧贴时局,图文并茂介绍中华民国政商人士及专业精英,系研究民国史的外文参考书。系列作并非旨在囊括一切名人,而是尽可能令世界认识中国人[1]



1917年6月9日,美国记者汤姆斯·密勒T. F. Millard)在上海创刊《密勒氏评论报》,读者主要是在华外侨、中国政界和知识分子,海外读者亦多,在美国、欧洲和中国有一定的影响力[2]。1919年,《密勒氏评论报》由约翰·比尔·鲍威尔(John Bill Powell)接管,英文名改为《中国每周评论》,其子约翰·威廉·鲍威尔John W. Powell)随后继任主编。[3]









译名 中文名
An Ti-sheng 安迪生 厚斋  
Ch'a Liang-chao 查良钊 勉仲  
Chai Chao-lin 翟兆麟 瑞符  
Chang Ch'a 张詧 退庵  
Chang Chi-ying (Chang Nieh-yun) 张骥英 𥬞云  
Chang Chia-ao (Chang Kia-ngau) 张嘉璈 公权  
Chang Chia-shen (Carson Chang) 张嘉森 君励  
Chang Chien 张謇 季直  
Chang Chien-wen (Tsang Chan-vung) 张鉴文 达卿  
Chang Ch'ih-t'an (Chang Chih-tan) 张志潭 远伯  
Chang Ching-fen (Chang King-fan) 张景芬 仁农  
Chang Ching-hui 张景惠 叙五  
Chang Ching-yao 张敬尧 勋臣  
Chang Chung-chang 张宗昌  
Chang Fu-lai 张福来 子恒  
Chang Fu-yun 张福运 景文  
Chang Hsi-yuan 张锡元 嘏民  
Chang Hsiang-lin (Ziang-ling Chang) 张祥麟 祥麟  
Chang Hsiang-wen 张相文 蔚西  
Chang Hsiao-je (Chang Chien-Jr.) 张孝若 诒祖  
Chang Hsueh-Iiang 张学良 汉卿  
Chang Hu 张弧 岱杉  
Chang Huai-chih 张怀芝 子志  
Chang Hung-lieh (H. L. Chang) 张洪烈 幼山  
Chang I-lin 张一麐 仲仁  
Chang Kuang-chien 张广建 勋伯  


译名 中文名
Chang Kuo-kan 张国淦 干若  
Chang Li-ao (L. N. Chang) 张履鳌 履鳌  
Chang Lu-ch'uan 张鲁泉 鲁泉  
Chang Pai-ling (Chang Po-ling) 张伯苓 伯苓  
Chang Shao-tseng 张绍曾 敬舆  
Chang Shih-chao (S. C. Chang) 章士钊  
Chang Shou-ling 张寿龄 筱松  
Chang Tsai-yang 张载扬 暄初  
Chang Tso-hsiang 张作相 辅臣  
Chang Tso-lin 张作霖 雨亭  
Chang Tsung-hsiang 章宗祥 仲和  
Chang Tsung-yuan 章宗元 伯初  
Chang Yao-hsiang (Chang Yao-chiang) 张耀翔 耀翔  
Chang Ying-fang 张膺方 亚馨  
Chang Ying-hua 张英华 月笙  
Chang Yu-ch'uan (Y. C. Chang) 张煜全 昶云  
Chang Yuan-shan (Y. S. Djang) 章元善 彦驯  
Chao Ch'ing-hua 赵庆华 燧山  
Chao Erh-sun 赵尔巽 次珊  
Chao Heng-t'i 赵恒惕 炎午  
Chao Hsi-en (S. U. Zau) 赵锡恩 晋卿  
Chao Kuo-t'sai (G. T. Chao) 赵国材 月潭  
Chao Te-san (H. T. Chao) 赵德三 宣堂  
Chao Yu-k'e 赵玉珂 子声  




  • Who's Who in China, 1st ed. Shanghai: The China Weekly Review. 1918.
  • Who's Who in China, 2nd ed. Shanghai: The China Weekly Review. 1920.
  • Who's Who in China, 3rd ed. Shanghai: The China Weekly Review. 1925.
  • Who's Who in China, Suppl. to 3rd ed. Shanghai: The China Weekly Review. 1928.
  • Who's Who in China, 4th ed. Shanghai: The China Weekly Review. 1931.
  • Who's Who in China, Suppl. to 4th ed. Shanghai: The China Weekly Review. 1933.
  • Who's Who in China, 5th ed. Shanghai: The China Weekly Review. 1936.
  • Who's Who in China, Suppl. to 5th ed. Shanghai: The China Weekly Review. 1940.
  • Who's Who in China, 6th ed. Shanghai: The China Weekly Review. 1950.




  1. ^ 王世澂误


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Who's Who in China, 3rd ed. Shanghai: The China Weekly Review. 1925. pp.5 "The civil war of September, 1924, forced the revision of many of the biographies and delayed for several months the publication of this volume."
  2. ^ 朱少伟. 《密勒氏评论报》见证现代风云. 新民晚报. 2009-07-19 [2014-01-13]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-13). 
  3. ^ 沈荟、程礼红. “中国人民忙于重建自己的国家,他们没有时间放松和娱乐” 《密勒氏评论报》报道成立伊始的新中国. 《新闻记者》. 2009-09-29 [2014-01-13]. ISSN 1006-3277. CNKI XWJZ200910006 . (原始内容存档于2016-03-04) –通过人民网. 
  4. ^ Who's Who in China, 3rd ed. Shanghai: The China Weekly Review. 1925. pp.5 "Then about a year ago, owing to the attention which has been devoted to the Returned Students and their place in modern Chinese Society, it was suggested that we include the names and biographies of the alumni of Tsing Hua College of Pe- king, otherwise the names and information regarding the Chinese men and women who have studied in the United States through the school in Peking which was established as a result of the lirst remission of the American share of the China Boxer In- demnity. This list was compiled by Mr. C. T. Tsai, Alumni Secretary through the courtesy of Dr. Y. S. Tsao, President of the institution."
  5. ^ Who's Who in China, 4th ed. Shanghai: The China Weekly Review. 1931. "the contents of the bock may be briefly described under the following group- ings; (1) Revisions of biographies of the leading officials of the National Government, military and civil; (li) The military and political leaders who participated in the :ance against the Japanese invasion of the Three Eastern Provinces, Shanghai, Jehol and North China proper during the period of 1931-33; (3) Provincial Governors and regional military leaders in the various provinces ranging from Sinkiang to Canton; (4) Educational workers and men of profession; (5) Leaders of business and industry banghai and elsewhere in China; (6) Christian and Welfare workers. As a special feature, the book contains the first Chinese Buddhist menk and one Thibetan religious leader from Hsikang in Inner Thibet."