
Der Kinderreigen



Dancing in a juke joint outside Clarksdale, Mississippi; November 1939.
The Lindy Hop is an African American dance, based on the popular Charleston and named for Charles Lindbergh's Atlantic crossing in 1927. It evolved in New York City in the 1920s and '30s and originally evolved with the jazz music of that time. Lindy was a fusion of many dances that preceded it or were popular during its development but is mainly based on jazz, tap, breakaway and Charleston. It is frequently described as a jazz dance and is a member of the swing dance family.

Lindy Hop entered mainstream American culture in the 1930s, gaining popularity through multiple sources. Dance troupes, including the Whitey's Lindy Hoppers (also known as the Harlem Congaroos), Hot Chocolates and Big Apple Dancers exhibited the Lindy Hop. Hollywood films, such as Hellzapoppin' and A Day at the Races began featuring the Lindy Hop in dance sequences. Dance studios such as those of Arthur Murray and Irene and Vernon Castle began teaching Lindy Hop.

Social lindy hop dancing (social meaning unchoreographed) varies in each city and country, with each local scene having its own unique dance etiquette and social conventions. Generally, lindy hop is danced by a lead and follow partnership, with the lead most frequently being a man, and the follow being a woman. Social lindy hop not only involves partners dancing unchoreographed dances, but also a range of other traditions and activities. Jam circles, are a tradition dating back to the 1930s and earlier in African American vernacular dance culture, and have much in common with musical cutting contests in jazz. Malcolm X describes 'jam circles' in his autobiography as a loose circle forming around a couple or individual whose dancing was so impressive it captured the attention of dancers around them, who would stop and watch, cheering and clapping. This tradition continues in most lindy hop communities today, with other couples interrupting, joining, or replacing the original couple in the cleared 'circle'. Dancers usually leave or enter at the end of a musical phrase. Lindy Hop today is danced as a social dance, as a competitive dance, as a performance dance, and in classes, workshops, and camps.


Tutu by Edgar Degas
Tutu by Edgar Degas
提供者:Tutu by Edgar Degas

A ballet tutu is a skirt worn as a costume in a ballet performance, often with attached bodice. It might be single layer, hanging down, or multiple layers starched and strutting out. Tutus were often cherished as costumes, for the tanning makeup people used to wear was forbidden to touch the costumes. Ballet Ports de Bras arm movements were modified to not touch the elegant costumes.


Christopher "Lil' C" Toler (born January 19, 1983) is an African American dancer and choreographer best known for co-inventing the hip-hop dance style krumping. He has danced for several musical artists including Missy Elliott, Fall Out Boy, and Madonna, and was cast as a featured dancer in the 2007 art exhibit Slow Dancing. He has also choreographed for television programs and movies including Be Cool, Fox's Bones, the 2007 Teen Choice Awards, and the 2007 NAACP Image Awards.

Lil' C was featured in the 2005 documentary Rize, a film that documents the history of the krumping and clowning dance styles from Los Angeles. Along with Ceasare "Tight Eyez" Willis he is credited with developing krumping. He has been a judge and choreographer on the Fox television show So You Think You Can Dance since season two.








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中华民国(广域:台湾 福建;县市:台北 基隆 桃园 新竹 苗栗 台中 彰化 南投 云林 台南 高雄 澎湖 宜兰
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  • 大洋洲
埃及 安哥拉 南非